Amlan Satan: Mall-Hyperion

Amlan Satan: Mall-Hyperion

A Story by Abishai100

What would a shopping-complex (commerce-hub) spotlight for a capitalism-artist with a 'Philadelphia-angel' message concerning 'American' highness?

A mall-performance vignette inspired by Scenes from a Mall (Woody Allen). 
DISCLAIMER: This work of culture-dramatization offers no commercial/legal ties to Franklin Mills (or Philadelphia Mills) and all images used herein comprise a purely 'personal' exercise in social hyperbole (for 'open' use). 

A special Earth-prince named Amlan Satan moved from Algiers to Philadelphia and would costume-up as a mock-terrorist from the Middle-East for a shopping-mall (Franklin-Mills) floor-performance about the quality of theater/art/comedy regarding Western-world paranoia regarding post-9/11 era Homeland fears of complete destabilization in commerce-life/traffic. This was a real eccentric and shared his Selfie with others on social-media for a magical storyboard concerning the flowery/color of inventive antiterrorism hospitality (hmm).

He called himself the Mall-Hyperion, a dimension-traveling hopper who'd create special social-media presentations of the quality of 'personality' in the Homeland concerning conversations/stories for antiterrorism politics and commerce-life safety for mall-visitors (Franklin-Mills), hoping to draw interest from social-media users/hosts who'd cheer his sense of capitalism-race Ego.

MALL-HYPERION: I saw this mannequin inside Franklin-Mills and began to think about the nature of commerce-life traffic and movements and wondered if one of them 'came-to-life' and then (suddenly) moved in front of me, daring me (in my 'terrorist-comedy-theater costume') to somehow ID her as a dimension-crossing 'spirit' of consumerism metaphysics/superstitions, so I took her snapshot and am using it (now) for this mall (Franklin-Mills) in-house showcase for Homeland heat.

SPECTATOR: This guy's a real freak, of the old vaudeville variety, a circus-artist of showroom/mall-house flair for antiterrorism storytelling/performance, and we're quite fortunate to see what he had to say on a special Black Friday about this 'mystery-mannequin' come-to-life for a seriously wonders-rich stage-message about the 'fear' of modern-Earth capitalism hyperbole.

Was Mall-Hyperion right? Was he 'accurate' about this Homeland-paranoia (Franklin-Mills) regarding consumerism-life 'destabilization' in the post-9/11 era and why regular shoppers/capitalists on a 'special/magical' Black Friday would think more 'deeply' (or darkly!) about antiterrorism rhetoric/value for the 'art' of Western/American Ego?

MALL-HYPERION (Amlan Satan): It's a Homeland of great traffic-chess and intrigue, and perhaps the real nature of commerce-consciousness for securities/art can reveal a special 'heroism' for the everyman invested in the 'American' senses of health.

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 13, 2023
Last Updated on April 13, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..

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A Story by Abishai100