

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated account of a New England 'mission' for blood-diamond infiltration and street-cleverness drawing the narrator/'prince' to unanticipated love/hospitality.

A theme-adaptation of the great American film The Town (Ben Affleck), which I hope you like, 
DISCLAIMER: This movie-adaptation (fiction) work set in Boston offers no commercial/legal ties to the US-state of Massachusetts and is therefore cast as purely a 'personal' exercise in social hyperbole/creativity (for 'open' reference). 

I walked into the Boston bank with the blood-diamonds stored in the insured safe-box masked/costumed as a mock-terrorist and wielding street-theater water-guns (secretly filled with hot-acid!) and burned a hole into the box and swapped the conflict-zone gems with glass beads and walked out and left the note, "The (insured) blood-diamond theater for today was a message from the Bostonian who's offering a social-media journal for the exposures in modern insurance-hyperbole." That was a good day.

The key to the heist was giving the teller a photo of her Boston condo and explaining she needed to cooperate with me and explaining to her (quietly!) that this blood-diamond operation of potential Interpol-relation chess-value was of an eco-mining value, as Sierra Leone had become a 'hotbed' of bad Earth-minerals for rogue finances/warlords and therefore had 'crept' into the world of social-media commentary regarding commerce-gem integrity woes in North America (New England). This teller, Ezzy, seemed to be hip/gorgeous and perhaps would share this 'Robin Hood' deed with others (hmm).

My name's Amlan Satan, and I'd consider myself a Bostonian 'prince' of sorts had I not dropped out of MIT to perform this Earth-mineral market/insurance journal exposure for Ezzy's New England Bank of America, and I wondered if I'd be cast as a Robin Hood or Dillinger (in the end!).

EZZY: Wow, you remind me of a performance-artist for Halloweentime.
SATAN: Never undervalue the principia of Bostonian-streets/chess.

BOSTON CYBER-FANZINE: "Was this 'water-gun' acid-performance some diamond-insurance 'claim' for New Englanders seeking a more enhanced social-media commentary for capitalism-race Ego?"

INTERPOL: Blood-diamond corruption today threatens the world-gem exchange and makes 'rogue' terrorism-finances woe(s)!

EZZY: Why'd you bring me to India Quality, Mr. Satan?
AMLAN (Me): Well, I thought your 'harrowing-ordeal' in the bank warranted honor(s).
EZZY: Well, I do 'love' Indian-food.
AMLAN: Who doesn't (my mom's from India)?
EZZY: Alright.

Now, I'm a big fan of Anthony Burgess and Edward Abbey and Howard Zinn and all kinds of North American 'immigrant' folk intrigued by the quality of offbeat inventive politics-progressive ideations in chess-democracy and people's choice life, and perhaps all this 'education' catered to my 'enhanced' interest in the Robin Hood 'world' of blood-diamond darkness/mystery, and perhaps I'd share my Selfie with others as I cast myself as a cool-commentary 'expert' on gem-insurance high-art in New England (perhaps!).

EZZY: This is such good quality Indian cuisine, Mr. Satan.
AMLAN: I love you!
EZZY: So...why'd you live/stay in Boston, prince of Earth?
AMLAN: It's got a great street-chess vibe (you know?).
EZZY: That's tasty!

Ezzy/I opened a cool new account with Bank of America following my Robin Hood deed, and I hoped to someday become a cyber-homeschooling teacher, working with ideas about game-theory models of capitalism-governance and risk decision-making (perhaps!) informing greater/American 'understanding(s)' of finance/fortune insurance hellmouths.

EZZY: You're such my Bostonian prince, Satan.
AMLAN: Thanks, darling Mass-lady of mine.
EZZY: You should write a great American novel...about fortune-hyperbole.
AMLAN: Surely; maybe you'd help me do it; share with others on social-media.
EZZY: Surely!

The point of this unusual/freakish American tale of insurance-integrity Crusades and princely works with fortune/treasure and blood-diamond corruption/fear journals is that my misadventure drew me to the gorgeous teller (Ezzy) who eventually became my wife! That's what's magic about American landscape-chess...the 'superstitions' of wrought everyman hinges (I think).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 14, 2023
Last Updated on April 14, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
