Manhattanite Hue

Manhattanite Hue

A Story by Abishai100

A tale of New York life (Manhattan) drawing a 'cool' image of unexpected love/hyphens.

A simple but nice New York life tale inspired (loosely) by Serendipity (John Cusack). 

Amlan liked living in Manhattan, where he espoused his favorite book on cyber-forums of bookshop fans, especially the Irish one on the corner of 5th and Lexington, and the book he cast as his pastime was Fathers and Sons (Turgenev), perhaps because he was transcending the trauma of his Algerian father in Algiers before moving to the United States to seek an Ivy League degree/education in cognitive-science(s).

He frequented the seafood restaurant in Manhattan where he'd enjoy the special red-clam chowder every Sunday brunch, hoping a beautiful woman would walk in someday to change his life (somehow) and perhaps augment his social-media and cyber-work with literature re-presentations. Who'd be this special lady for his Manhattan clam-chowder experience on any given Sunday (hmm)?

AMLAN: I don't know who this woman will be who'll change my life, help me forget (incompletely) that trauma of my estranged father from Algiers (Emit) and perhaps/hopefully find that special newfound life where art will intersect (nicely) with social-media networking (without the memory-complication of hell!).

Well, perhaps it was a special comics-doodle he posted on social-media on one particular Sunday featuring a colorful stick-figure vigilante-duo that would draw in a special 'daydream' of meeting that special lady during that Manhattanite clam-chowder Sunday brunch exercise who'd shared his 'fantasy' of constructed social life morality storytelling or 'creative' consciousness (ha).

AMLAN: Well, I think I'll share stories of chess-stalemate oriented politics-IQ and stories of the Cold-War with my new fancy alien-invader sci-fi media-themed chess-set to see if I can create a Manhattanite 'powder' for excellence in New Yorker hospitality (wow).

Then, the miracle came. A beautiful woman walked into the seafood restaurant during his Sunday chowder brunch exercise on an autumn weekend, an Algerian! Her name was Ezzy and she claimed to be a big fan of Turgenev and chess and New York life and was a Stanford-grad (the "West-Coast Ivy'). He was now hopelessly/officially in love, and he told her that they'd generate stories about immigration (together) on social-media and draw interest from readers/surfers drawn by the new millennium Homeland 'superstition' of traffic-linked photography.

EZZY: I like being your transcendence-angel, Amlan.
AMLAN: I feel like an immigrant-prince (now).
EZZY: That's why I'm here (you know) inject some superstition.
AMLAN: I'm wondering what changed me more...Turgenev or you!
EZZY: Hopefully Turgenev.

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 15, 2023
Last Updated on April 15, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
