Writing American Aid

Writing American Aid

A Story by Abishai100

Can sports-writing invoke a special 'superstition' concerning Homeland hyperbole (for culture)?

A consumerism 'superstition' fable inspired (loosely) by Field of Dreams (Kevin Costner). 

Amlan was working in Haddonfield and visited the sports card-castle shop on the main-street every Friday morning for his review of the newest treasures/collections ordered by the owner/merchant, perhaps to procure a special examination of the value-traffic of sports-valuables coming into the Eastern coast of the American Homeland and perhaps deriving inspiration for a 'cool' sports-superstition themed great American novel about the 'magic' of sports-collectibles, specifically trade-cars (football/baseball/cheerleaders/McDonald's, etc.).

AMLAN: This Homeland's face for market-chess and image of the muscular 'angles' of turning beauty into capitalism, and that's how the 'fitness' holograms of sports-cards/athletics-media reflect a Western-American 'pseudo-spiritual' knowledge of the street-IQ of consumerism-happiness.

Amlan, an Ivy-grad of the United States, liked using capitalism-treasures and special sports-market trophies to cast himself as an American superstition-writer/imagineer of the contours of competition-imagination and why sports drew social-media fans to think 'seriously' about competitive hospitality.

Well, one day at the card-castle shop (Haddonfield), Amlan saw a shelved kids' board-game box version of the Occult-activity of Ouija, a home-game offering representing the 'taboo' superstition of invoking afterlife spirits/ghosts for contact/friendship/intrigue with a game-like fantasy setting and asked the owner/merchant why the sports-store would carry such an item of consumerism strangeness in New Jersey!

MERCHANT: Well, I wanted to 'feather' my sports-cards with a Ouija-game for consumer-market frills-lyrics for Xmas-shopping season.
AMLAN: Alright; I'd like to buy one box (thanx).

Does the modern Homeland require a 'fresh' sense of commerce-life superstition/magic storyboards and imagery for art/religion; and if so is Amlan going to use his Ouija (Haddonfield) trophy for home mysticism experiments in Civil-War ghost-invocations to complement his American sports-card(s) superstition 'inspired' novel about antiterrorism oriented capitalism-race history? What do you think?

WIFE: Our daughters think your sports-cards are worth billions, darling.
AMLAN: Well, their your daughters!
WIFE: Hey, I'm happy with my divorce and my remarriage (with you!).
AMLAN: I know, I know, but I don't want 'our' daughters to be sports-obsessed.
WIFE: Well, your cards are really beautiful, darling.
AMLAN: Why'd you adopt teenage girls (and not infants)?
WIFE: I wanted my 'American' life to reflect instant duty and not indulgence.
AMLAN: I married a philosopher.
WIFE: Hey, I love capitalism as much as you.
AMLAN: Alright!

The prize in Amlan's collection ironically was not one of his more valuable cards such as the Ken Griffey, Bo Jackson, or Barry Bonds rookie-cards but his 'cool' (and much less valued!) Ryne Sandberg (Cubs-Topps) 2nd-year 'gem' (which he felt re-presented a 'field-superstition' about the human magic of hyperbole (hmm).

AMLAN: "With the Ouija-game with my daughters, I'll find the right Civil-War 'ghost' inspiration for making the Sandberg-Topps gem the 'subject' of my novel about sportsmanship/competition hubris."

WIFE: I got you this saree-store (Edison) mannequin 'magic' figurine photo-image (inspiration) to enhance your Ouija-sports novel-concept for superstition(s)-headiness.
AMLAN: I've become a 'collector' of soul, darling...a 'true' writer.
WIFE: Maybe.

One night, when Amlan and his wife were enjoying the Netflix-film Exorcist II: The Heretic (Linda Blair), Amlan commented, "Aha, this is the deeper note for my sports-cards/treasures and spirits/ghosts superstition-concept American novel (American Aids), some reference of the 'darkness' of wrought Homeland hysteria (for the Ego)." His wife replied, "Maybe coffee-culture is a sport rather than an art, darling."

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 15, 2023
Last Updated on April 15, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
