Social-Engineer {American Hours}

Social-Engineer {American Hours}

A Story by Abishai100

Will a capitalism writer's random foray into the media-laurels of one 'special' college-sports program yield a Pulitzer...and a ghost?

A 'magic-tale' featuring a 'cool' American media-fanfare and citizenry 'superstition' reference to the amazing multi-title/honors earning Duke basketball program, and (very loosely!) inspired by Blue Chips (Nick Nolte). 

I worked as a capitalism superstitions storywriter in New England and New Jersey and fashioned myself to have become quite an American Homeland cyber-fan/artist of the landscape for media-broadcast sports, particularly college-athletics, focusing on how social media 'access' to student-competition 'culture' facilitated all forms of citizenry-commentary/interest regarding 'academic' examinations of media-culture in the West (wow).

I created a special 'comics-cartoon' rendition of the Duke University Blue Devils college-basketball logo for a cyber-tale concerning how fanfare for the legendary 'Cameron Crazies' of American-TV had fueled a special American interest/rate for sportsmanship fantasy. Duke had won 5 national titles and countless ACC (conference) titles and earned numerous/consecutive season #1-rankings, making them the cyber-age inheritor of the UCLA Bruins (Wooden-era) mantle (wow). This 'comics-cartoon' logo of Duke (which I used for a superstitious-story about a Cameron-Crazies fellow named Amlan Satan who hallucinates a 'ghost-cheerleader' following him around on campus) is the subject of this story (really). Follow along, in this tale of media age magic/wonder.

AMLAN SATAN: "I'd been playing with my toy water-Uzi on the campus field with my friends and one of our linguistics teachers (Dr. Hardy) when I noticed the 'ghostly-apparition' of a basketball cheerleader (Tandy) leaping/dancing somewhere in the distance, and only I noticed her, and I had to wonder if she was enthralled by this summer-term field-energy concerning the 'academic patriotism' of American hubris."

My story about Amlan Satan won the Pulitzer, and I went on to become an even more 'avid-fan' of Duke basketball, despite the fact that I was (in fact!) an Ivy-grad (Dartmouth College) and (honestly) donned the modern cyber-storywriting 'Duke-mantle' as a faraway-TV fan of all this media-era college-sports broadcast marketing/magic in New England and New Jersey. I even began collecting various Duke-sports mementos/treasures, including a 'fantastic' Redick game-ticket prize-card/gem which I hailed as a modern 'trophy' for anyone invested in the interest/rate of sports/competition class history (or dramatics!).

This story I'm relaying to you now, I'm keeping in a special/private 'time-capsule' which I'm burying in my backyard (Echelon, New Jersey!). You see, after writing this Pulitzer-winning sports-superstition 'tale' of Amlan Satan, I started 'seeing' that very-same 'cheerleader-ghost' that I'd fantasized about in my 'telling' of the Duke-fieldplay magic hour in America. I now wonder if this 'specter' of American-beauty was somehow some kind of 'shadow' or 'light-field' regarding the re-presentations of competition hubris or superstition or some kind of 'academic patriotism' oriented mental daydream. Who was this apparition of a fine lovely lady of Duke-color? Was she some kind of 'magic' culmination of all the stories I'd written about capitalism superstitions/madness? I'll never know (now).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 20, 2023
Last Updated on April 20, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..

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A Story by Abishai100

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