British Columbia: Storm-Shadow's History

British Columbia: Storm-Shadow's History

A Story by Abishai100

What can diamonds do for Vancouver's face, romantics, dark-men, and journals?

A world-adventure fable drawing on the 'magic' from The Saint (Val Kilmer). 
DISCLAIMER: This work of fiction offers no ties to Vancouver (BC) and all images used herein comprise a purely personal exercise in social hyperbole/dramatics (for 'open' use). 

Amlan Satan had become the covert underground blood-diamond operative with Interpol-relation called 'Storm-Shadow' and had prepared for a special bank-swap mission in Vancouver (British Columbia) in the autumn of 2023, hoping to offer some social-media 'chess' commentary regarding post-9/11 era gem-market insurance reliability (for many!).

His only weakness --- the amazingly gorgeous Canadian Shelbye --- had become a sort of 'fling' for this North American 'GI-Joe' of blood-diamond chess. In fact, it was this Shelbye-lady that had cast this amazing infiltrator into a world of darkness, since her employer was tied to the ruthless baron Goldfinger. Would he fly her away from Goldfinger, or would he find some sort of spiritual 'compensation' for having to keep 'safe-distance' from her by, perhaps, seeking 'image-consolation' on social-media (e.g., Facebook-chess)?

LADY SHELBYE: You're going to rob the Royal to swap Goldfinger-gems with glass?
STORM-SHADOW (Amlan Satan): This is a time of market-insurance hell, darling.
LADY SHELBYE: I fear my employer will have already 'marked' your territory.
STORM-SHADOW: I know that, darling; but I'm using an inside-man (prepaid).
LADY SHELBYE: Will Goldfinger decode this insurance-theater, Satan?
STORM-SHADOW (Amlan Satan): No; in fact, my inside-man knows him (well).

A bit of value-history concerning this valiant Western-society heroist named Amlan Satan is worth the telling. An immigrant from Algiers who grew up in Boston (New England) and studied at the Ivy-League, Mr. Satan became a capitalism-chess aficionado and fell in hypnosis with the capitalism-treatise opus of Adam Smith (The Wealth of Nations), which fueled his future examination-investments in blood-diamond media/deeds.

AMLAN SATAN (The Dartmouth): The time of social-media draws a 'personality' out of the layers of Earth-havens.

"I'll rent a VW-car in Vancouver and costume myself as a 'theater-man' sent by Goldfinger's rival to the Royal (bank) for a media-stunt photo of his 'famous' insured gem-box and use my art-prop toy water-gun (filled with hot-acid in the bathroom!) to burn a hole into the box and swap the gems with glass and leave the car as a 'gift' for his own social-media 'commentary' regarding British-Columbia hatred" (Storm-Shadow).

LADY-SHELBYE: Your 'Crusade' was a rousing success, eh?
AMLAN SATAN: Did you doubt my valor, darling?
LADY-SHELBYE: At this ice-hockey game, the only thing I 'doubt' is eternity!
AMLAN SATAN: Take comforts; I may just take you away from British Columbia.

BANK MANAGER: All we know is 'Goldfinger's social-media chess-Icarus' (bloody insurance) is Vancouver's Helltalk.

How'd this 'pioneer' of bank-insurance corruption 'artistry' (Storm-Shadow) outmatch the nefarious Baron (Goldfinger) in his own British Columbia yard and manage (arguably equally) to 'draw' beauty-magic (Lady-Shelbye) from a social-media capitalism-race commentary 'cauldron' of post-9/11 era hubris? Perhaps it was simply...magic (ha).

INTERPOL: Blood-diamond corruption today threatens the world-gem exchange and makes 'rogue' terrorism-finance woe!

SHELBYE: This is a 'fine' retreat, Satan.
STORM-SHADOW (Amlan Satan): The only thing not to recount is Goldfinger.
SHELBYE: You've fallen for British Columbia, Amlan.
AMLAN: I've fallen for you (heavens).

Amlan/Shelbye got married and when their son (Damian) was 10, his dad gifted him with a 'cool' Xmas action-figure, a 'GI-Joe' (comics) extracted ninja-infiltration 'mastery-character' that Damian would consider a 'figurine' of all that Amlan Satan had achieved while working as a 'night-husband' of diamond proportion (ha).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 25, 2023
Last Updated on April 25, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
