Bones/Gate: American Head-Line

Bones/Gate: American Head-Line

A Story by Abishai100

A portrait of social-house academic culture (America) reflecting a 'modern' honor.

An homage to campus feathers, inspired by Animal House (John Landis).
DISCLAIMER: This work of campus-life fiction offers no explicit ties/references to any particular "Greek organization" (fraternity/sorority/etc.) in the United States and all images used herein comprise a purely 'personal' examination for social expressions (for 'open' referencing). 

A special Ivy social-house in North America called Bones/Gate was the site of some pretty nifty social-media/Selfie culture 'chess' ideations of Homeland confidence in the post-9/11 era, not necessarily tied to any one particular belief-system or economic endeavor. Follow along in this tale of Western insight.

The house used to be part of a national chapter of the grand American college "Greek-system" of fraternities/sororities/co-eds, clubs with housing and historic buildings devoted to extra-curricular activity with self-organized rituals/events for campus exercises like Homecoming weekend (autumn, usually). The house, Bones/Gate split from the national chapter of its bannerhead (DTD) when it opted to admit more ethnic members, deviating from any 'formal' agenda of the nation-wide banner. Since its split/independence, the house (Bones/Gate) endorsed forms of social-activity driven confidence and choreographed campus activity designed to promote more social-media 'friendly' forms of academic-environment entertainment or camp-like democracy (usually!).

The house boasted rather 'regular' examinations of the assessment or evaluations of group membership/recruitment as every season of freshmen-class students wondered if they'd fit into this "Greek-system" of campus student life, and the Rush-Chair this year, Amlan Satan, an alumnus living inside the house while working on his great American novel, Capitalist Rules, confirmed ideas that Bones/Gate was a 'real' outlet for antisocialism fears (hmm).

AMLAN SATAN (Rush-Chair): We're the actual inspiration for the American student-life film (John Landis), and if you're new to social-media/Selfie culture, we'll train you to embrace the 'religious face' of Western-civilization network-oriented fitness or humor (for Homeland Ego).

While working on his novel about capitalism chess and post Cold-War Homeland choreography in the emerging media culture, Mr. Satan toasted to his new recruits (Bones/Gate) a 'fantastic' Peanuts-media themed chess-set/toy to remind the 'younglings' how America encouraged inventive forms of ambition-minded humor (ha).

AMLAN SATAN: I used to date a college professor while I was an undergrad (sophomore) at this great American college, and I assure you 'younglings' that learning about the personality of Homeland confidence requires a special or even mystical focus on the colors/shapes of society's special 'highness' face (I promise you that!).

RECRUIT (Sophomore): Mr. Satan's use of comics-oriented tales/energy/doodles for our house activities/events for Homecoming encourage the new members to think creatively about the 'superstitions' behind modern American ambitious life (yeah).

AMLAN SATAN: We're requiring the new members to train with a nuclear-revision version (homemade) of city-politics simulation games featuring urban controls/management of world-war governance scenarios, to aid them in becoming more adept with Earth's capitalism heat (wow).

Is choreographed student/social life in the post-9/11 era Homeland (United States) 'fertile' for superstitions-hospitality in this time of great commerce/traffic and social-media/Selfie 'culture' intrigue? That's the belief of Amlan Satan (Bones/Gate) who hoped to coordinate house culture activity with those of the other 'neighbor' houses for a cool image of democratic heat (hmm).

AMLAN SATAN: If we Earthlings were invaded by Martians who ended up 'fascinated' by our cyber/social-media/Selfie culture in the Homeland, we just might cite our 'Animal-House' examination as reflective of all that's simply psychiatric on this Blue Planet (science-fiction).

SATAN'S WIFE: Your Animal-House view of capitalism/social-media caters to faerie-tales of antiterrorism.
AMLAN: Excellence, darling; it's a Homeland of 'cool' high-art.

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 25, 2023
Last Updated on April 25, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
