Cali's SkyWorld

Cali's SkyWorld

A Story by Abishai100

A football-card collector's mired in debt and must use a Western 'image' to derive a head-treasure.

A patriot-fable involving capitalism/sports and (loosely) inspired by the excellent Americana-culture/sportsmanship movie Heaven Can Wait (Warren Beatty). 

Amlan Satan had been a man of pro-football spirits card-collection quality of 'fine' stature when he realized he was a California citizen mired in debt and needed some way to 'reconnect' with his world of social-media sports-fanfare activity and link with his old pals from Dartmouth/UCLA and elsewhere!

AMLAN SATAN: "I've this amazing McDonald's-Browns (Kosar-QB) consumerism token-prize card/item of great American Homeland consumerism-traffic value/sentimentalism which I (now) need to 'move' me towards some great 'plan' to escape my current state of doom (wow)."

A plan is what Amlan Satan, an Earth-prince of pro-football spirits collections/fanfare storytelling/presentations in the American social-media/cyber culture, precisely discovered. Using a special government social-media 'project-grant' for under-financed individuals of struggling financial condition(s), Amlan Satan became one of the national 'mid-class' social-media 'PR-angels' of a Ford Motor Company campaign to link with other motor companies (Wall Street) to talk about post-9/11 era Homeland commerce/fortune securities campaigning/marketing for street-dialogue and social activity/journals. The government had afforded Amlan a special 'stipend' for this amazing patriot-initiative to 'resurrect' the American capitalism-race landscape in the post-9/11 era with 'cool' cyber-media/social-chess (wow).

AMLAN SATAN: With this newfound 'micro-fortune' linked to work and labor-duties of the American ethos, I may find some great 'satisfaction' in the West with some chess-excellence in marketing/media for 'upstart' new-gen pro-football marshals/QBs with an eye/heart for a Homeland energizer-IQ for field-and-culture hyperbole (and eagles!).

Is this the sort of modern American Homeland rhetoric and social 'buzz' required for this post-9/11 era jolt of energy and commerce-life Ego and fortune-IQ ideology reflective of sports-culture/media/markets? This is precisely the inquiry for which the Earth-prince (Satan) discovered an affirmative response! In fact, perhaps all this sports-related and American capitalism-race 'hyperbole' and high-art would/could fuel a future-gen ideation of the 'quality' or choreographed expressions of the 'real' American brain (perhaps).

WIFE: We flew out of the Hellmouth of American ruins with your special 'brainiac' notion of auto-media, no?
SATAN: Excellence; this new Cali-mansion (funded with my Ford fortune!) is our shared vision of humility.
WIFE: Who said Wall-St. couldn't be a 'thing' of Homeland heaven?
SATAN: Nobody's perfect...but we're all American, darling!
WIFE: You should write a book about 'discovery' of capitalism's head-treasure.
SATAN: That's a 'high' plan.

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on April 26, 2023
Last Updated on April 26, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
