Chicago's Humming

Chicago's Humming

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated 'claim' of a doctor-turned-cop in Chicago who believes life's securities may reflect a special Homeland housing.

An opus on policework/consciousness, inspired (loosely) by the tight American street-justice 'meditation' film Training Day (Denzel Washington), which I hope you like, 

I worked as a psychiatrist for 2 years in Boston after graduating (with-honors!) from Dartmouth and started unraveling in my inability to cope with the natural angst of my multiple patients claiming they'd no outlet for expressions of natural yearnings to exorcise their criminal-insanity urges with anarchy/violence in a modern Homeland/world creating much traffic-claustrophobia 'feelings' and street-sentiments of capitalism-race over-stimulation in modern social-media indulgences. I thought about (at first) my chess-excellence in training with Freudian theory/literature to at least embrace this sincere interest to reach-out to my patient-claims, but I honestly snapped and (simply/honestly) lost interest in this 'strained' profession.

I decided to become a policeman. I moved to the Windy-City of Bulls-Bears markets and social-media 'flowery' and confetti in sports-media culture and fanfare/capitalism and trained to become a law-officer, a street-cop, and used social-media to create 'fantastic' youth-presentation of urban vigilance in 'troubled' Chicago, to offer a hands-on optimism for those 'wrestling' with the street-sentiment oriented 'angst' of the adult-world around them.

While in college, I negotiated various careers including business and law before settling on psychiatry-medicine and then later left psychiatry/psychology as a life-practice or 'lifestyle' and then began reading business-books again to relocate from New England (Boston) before I'd decided to become a Windy-City policeman and sharing life-decision ideations of 'wrought-sanity' with other adult-minded Americans of the social-media landscape (ha).

Now, there's a 'certain' cinematic glory to the life of a policeman in the modern American Homeland, and the challenged Windy-City's seen much/such life-ornamentation 'intrigue' and chess imprinted onto media/movies, and I found much inspiration in an 'iconic' Chicago-film/story about history's policeman offering street-sentimentality a special 'wrought' color (for history).

So here I am now, working in the 'troubled' Windy-City armed with my silver-ornamental handgun and roaming the city-streets challenged by a new 'tide' or wave of blood-diamond smuggling linked crime-hellmouths. I became a reputed effective lawman of the post-9/11 era Homeland, and I (hopefully) created a long-lasting street-sentiment 'impression' of the quality of wrought urban vigilance through focused anti-crime chess/meditations, and I wondered how many (other) cops of the Homeland (seriously/honestly) thought about social sanity as a 'paint' for 'American' highness (ha).

Well, friends, I'd have to go undercover for one blood-diamond operation involving a 'costume' party at a warehouse hosted by a ruthless underworld 'character' requiring me to appear 'masked' as the prophetic Scarecrow 'cop-man' of great harvest-treasure insurance symbolism, while I'd infiltrate his diamond-showcase lair in-time to swap his treasures with replicas for a social media exposure of the nature of treasure-hoarding impact on Chicago's ornamental 'face' of securities-conversation theater (or high-art!).

BARON GOLDFINGER: You're a 'micro-celebrity' or Chicago's highness!
ME: Sure, baron; but gem-motions for 'darkness' ain't 'American' chess.
ME: Would you believe I was (once!) a brain-doctor, baron?
BARON GOLDFINGER: I don't 'doubt' anything about you, musketeer.
ME: Ha (thanks I think).

Life as a Chicago/Homeland policeman is a thing of magic for me now. I don't miss my life as a 'brain-doctor' and consider this cathartic transformation of career/life an extension of my (earnest/sincere) will to do something more 'active' about the modern 'American' dilemma of criminal-insanity oriented (total) sully of capitalism-race infrastructure. In fact, I consider my 'fair' Chicago-station (of cops) a 'palace' or 'diner' of modern Western-culture hospitality (sure).

FRIEND (Social-Media): Do you find 'sanity-maintenance' working as a darkness-lawman?
ME: Sure; in times of great brain-humming.
FRIEND: Let me take you to a very high-end dance-club with cop-uniformed ladies-of-democracy, friend.
ME: Alright, but is this 'kosher' for cop-exorcism, buddy (hmm)?
FRIEND: I guarantee, you'll find the 'human' face of sanity-humility tonight.
ME: Perhaps cops have to ingest a certain humble-medicine for their negotiation with ugliness.
FRIEND: Trust in me, bud; you'll learn about the 'contour' of the mind's highness.
ME: I think I'll write a novel (someday) about Chicago's horn, titled Becoming Justice.
FRIEND: Excellence; this will be Chicago's heaven.

Would you believe I negotiated my own spiritual faith/religion during this life-transformation and 'spiritual Crusade' to find my calling in America? I considered the beauty/ornamentation of the majestic Catholic faith and the 'offbeat' transcendental judgmental 'exoticness' of Shaivism/Hinduism, espousing a 'colored' form of wrought justice-enchantment. Maybe what I really need in this time of 'intrigue'/chess is a simple art-image of negotiated hospitality (for hell-fighters!).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on May 7, 2023
Last Updated on May 7, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
