Echelon Hell-Willow

Echelon Hell-Willow

A Story by Abishai100

Portrait of Homeland (suburbia) 'anarchy' drawing a new age civilization 'order' examination for all 'heads' of conservatism.

An eerie Homeland 'suburbia social-media culture 'spook-tale' drawn from various modern media/movies about 'unexpected' residentialism halos. Enjoy, 

Amlan Satan was ready to sit inside his new suburban Homeland-Jersey town-house and begin to write his 'ghost-magic' superstitions-tale about his 'fave' media-age college-athletics school/team of great iconic value, a team whose logos/colors he used as a 'social-media distance writing' fan to adorn his son's bedroom, a 'deed' which he shared on social-media (e.g., Facebook-chess!) as a signpost for what draws in commentary concerning modern capitalism-race handshakes for sportsmanship/fanfare 'citizenry' in America (now).

DAMIAN (Son): Wow my room's all-blue, daddy.
SATAN: Yeah, sonny; these colors for sports/team will accent your education!
DAMIAN: Are you writing that school/team story on the Internet (now)?
SATAN: I'm about to (begin), sonny; your room's inspiration (for me!).
DAMIAN: Cool (windows).

Now, the area that this 'Earth-prince' lived in was an 'iconic' suburbia-area called Echelon which boasted a very nice nearby lake and willow-trees invoking a special storywriter's 'wish' for all that was specially hospitality in the Homeland, and he hoped this sort of 'environment' drawn human activity mysticism would accent his school/team 'superstition-tale' for what makes our fair Blue Planet a 'thing' of extensions-hammocks.

While Satan (Amlan) was working on his special 'cool-team' superstitions tale, of an iconic men's college-athletics (basketball!) program which would endure all forms of highs-lows to become a modern (media-age) 'hallmark' for the spirit of team-zoned 'chess' excellence (and cheer!), and it was a late February Saturday night for this opening-exercise in creative-writing (at Echelon/USA), he got a stranger form of 'stimuli' when he heard a very eerie time-spaced long-drawn series of door-knocks, compelling him to stare-out his windows to get a peek at the character seeking exchange. He got the image of a strange masked 'male-harlequin' figure with a raised 'peace-gesture' hand-sign who performed the gesture when he spotted Amlan looking at him through his living-room window(s).

SATAN: This guy's like a 'freak-show' from Facebook-chess!

STRANGER: I got this funny-feeling you're some kind of writer, friend!
SATAN: How'd you 'wager' such a hypothesis, stranger-man?
STRANGER: I saw your social-media (cyber) post about your tale.
SATAN: How'd you 'wager' I lived at this (particular) town-house?
STRANGER: Well, you posted a photo of your Echelon/Voorhees home.
SATAN: Hmm...well, yeah, I'm writing a school/team superstition-story.
STRANGER: You must be some kind of Homeland sports-writer (of tales!).
SATAN: Perhaps...but what's your message here; and why the mask?
STRANGER: It's Valentine's season in Echelon, Mr. Writer; I'm curious!
SATAN: About what, may I ask (before I offer you entry/coffee)?
STRANGER: I wonder if you, Mr. Writer, are a sports-treasure collector.
SATAN: Why, yes; I have some 'dandy' team-cards for my writing (indeed).
STRANGER: I (now) require one of these 'card' treasures (now).
SATAN: What/why?
STRANGER: If you offer me this 'tithe' here, I'll 'pardon' your home.
SATAN: Pardon?

Well, our protagonist-hero 'Earth-prince' in this residentialism Homeland 'superstition' tale of unusual proportion/surprise, Amlan Satan, consented to the masked stranger's strange door-knock requisition that late-Saturday's Eve while he'd been opening-up his school/team mystical tale of Homeland hospitality/magic, and he procured an 'iconic' school/team treasure-item in his 'pocket' of life (at Echelon!), a star-guard image-ticket treasure-piece which 'persuaded' the door-knocking masked 'boogeyman' to 'pardon' his home from what he declared (eventually!) would be a local-area (Voorhees) 'fright-show involving the shock administered to wayward social-media bloggers wasting space on social-media, a sort of 'ritualized message-rich purge' of citizenry-masked anti-vigilantism community enforcement, which scared the living-hell out of our Earth-prince/writer (Amlan Satan).

SATAN: "That was, needless to say, eerie; but I'll accent my school/team superstition tale for the Homeland (at Echelon!) with a comics-doodle for youngsters re-presenting vigilantism storyboard 'fantasy' for Americans, to offset this 'freak-show' Orwellian or dystopian 'social-media vigilante anti-Crusade' to crack-down on 'so-called wasteful' cyber-commentators of sports-media/commentary; perhaps my more 'colored' comics presentation accents will 'shoo-away' these 'boogeymen' of Echelon's readership (now)."

Well, the bright-side of this 'weird' Echelon (Voorhees) residentialism fright-tale of social-media culture shock turned out for the best for Prince Amlan Satan, whose superstitions-sports tale earned him the Pulitzer (Echelon Willow-Guard), and (however), he'd remember that 'ghostly' encounter that Saturday's Eve (Homeland/Jersey) as an omen of what makes modern social network 'buzz' an albeit 'thing' of complicated life-handhelds (for all?).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on June 10, 2023
Last Updated on June 10, 2023
Tags: Modern, Fable




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
