Racquet/Passport: Windows

Racquet/Passport: Windows

A Story by Abishai100

An 'epic' diorama-presentation of an iconic 1988 tennis 'event' for the media-age reflecting a 'cool' window for 'cyber' renovation (for journals).

Although the iconic media-splash late 20th-Century women's tennis 'showcase' of handshakes, the 'fun' Graf-Sabatini rivalry went 'hugely' in the favor(s) of legendary German Steffi Graf, her only "Argentine-rival" (Gabriela Sabatini) managed to wield a very nice 1990 (US-Open final) triumph alongside a 'cool' women's doubles-title pairing with her then-only (really) rival. 
However, despite this 'statistical' diagonal, Sabatini managed to achieve something 'unheard' of in 1988, in the great 1988 US-Open women's final, the first-time ever (then) that the simply dominating Graf seemed 'capable' of actually losing a single-set in a Grand-Slam final. Yes, Graf had become the iron-winner of Grand Slams, and Sabatini's 'cool' 1988 'seizure' of one-set away from the German celeb served as a 'r' premonition for her 1990 (US-Open women's final) triumph (finally!) over the German superstar.

While Graf went on to become more or a 'rival' linguist with her much-more 'celebrated' women's tennis 'ongoing-contest' (statistically more pronounced too!) with Monica Seles, the 1988 US-Open women's final of 'premonition' value (ahead of Sabatini's 1990 triumph over Steffi!) was a modern/media-age 'cupcake' for those 'fascinated' by competition-class storytelling and the symbolism of sportsmanship behind our capitalism/media 'world' culture reflecting the contours/shape of Earth-world handshakes. That's what this 'sports-fanfare' diorama concerns, and I hope you like, 
DISCLAIMER: This work for sports-fanfiction offers no ties to the US-Open championships or to Graf/Sabatini and all images used herein comprise (therefore) a purely 'personal' exercise in social handwriting (for 'open' art-work). 

I began thinking of how the modern/media-age create cool pronunciations of sportsmanship-class symbolism for capitalism-race 'energizers' for Earth-world games-play and storyboards and remembered an iconic 1988 US-Open final (championship) between German power-star (Steffi Graf) and rival-upstart Argentine (Gabriela Sabatini) and was moved to create a special tennis-fanfare diorama of the 'shape' of sports-writing heads.

In fact, friends, I consider this women's tennis media-age 'diamond' a 'thing' of great world-citizenry handshakes for a 'cool' capitalist-activity symbolism-passport for 'readings' traffic and home-work (for all!). In fact, friends, that iconic/fun 1988 Sabatini-Graf US-Open women's final 'showcase' (which was a precursor indeed to Gabriela's 1990 win/revenge in the very-same tourney), suggests to me that sportsmanship-writing and competition-class activity for media-age imagination/intuition just-might create a sort of 'passport' feeling for those invested in the interest/rate of tourism-oriented world-participant handshakes (for the Ego).

Well, for Argentines, it's soccer ('football') that truly 'shines' for the national culture and population, and Argentines play soccer as well as any other country in the world (undoubtedly), having won 3 magnificent World Cup titles (1978, 1986, 2022), but Gabriela Sabatini offered the world-stage and media-age culture of the late 20th-Century a special women-tennis 'yellow-ribbon' of fantasy and fun with that 1988 'premonition' performance serving as 'prelude' to her 1990 'revenge' against the cool-invincible Graf, which had generated much 'color-books' on social media pages/circuits for Gabriela (wow).

In fact, friends, I'd wager many of my 'associates' on modern social-media platforms would (enjoy) re-create/synthesize that 'cool' 1988-premonition US-Open women's final (Graf-Sabatini). Even though Graf won that year, Sabatini would avenge the loss in 1990, but that's not the 'real' cyber-tale (here), for what was actually 'clearly' pronounced was Gabriela's 'cool' one-set 'seizure' over Steffi in that 1988 'event' for media-audiences on a stage (Grand-Slam final) that (seemingly) Graf would simply never forfeit (or tear!). This makes for (agreed) 'chess-excellence' in modern video-game rule and re-creations (for fans/artists!).

Now you (maybe) know that Argentines 'boast' a rather rich 'folk' culture/history, filled with population lore and 'color' and dramatics including 19th-Century civil-wars and 20th-Century street-demonstrations for a democratic 'wind' offering a prologue/complement to their athletics/competition for 'media-level' handshakes for an emerging globalism culture, culminating in a 'stunning' 2022 Qatar World Cup soccer title in the post-9/11 era that would remind us why 'superstition' for a culture can cast a 'light' for 'real' heads.

I remember watching that 1988 'event' in Grand-Slam final 'showcase' featuring that 'cool' one-set 'seizure' by Gabriela in a period when Steffi seemed 'unwilling' to relinquish (just-about) anything in a Grand-Slam championship game. This was before the more stats-pronounced Monica Seles era/rivalry for Graf, and Gabriela offered Argentine fans and world-media audiences a special 'magic-act' which elevated women's tennis to the levels of superstition-fun and 'chess-excellence' that would remind us (all) why sportsmanship in the media-age had become a 'real thing' of Real Windows.

While Graf had stamped herself as the 'unofficial Athena' of women's sports conquest (tennis!), Sabatini offered that pre-Seles area of 'stats-heavy' Graf challenge(s), a very 'fun' premonition-image in that 1988 US-Open women's final. Now, this is (perhaps) not that exciting for those not that interested in women's sports (tennis!), but for those of us who are/were in 1988, that one-set 'seizure' by Gabriela in that women's championship (Grand-Slam!) was a signpost for how/why women's competition-activity for media-storywriters created 'real' images of authentic Earth-hyperbole (ha).

So, I decided to get myself a 'fun' tennis-themed chess-set in 'honor' of that 'cool/fun' 1988 US-Open women's final (Sabatini/Graf) that would 'cement' my writer's fascination with what makes competition a reflective social media culture activity of 'real' hospitality (for Earth's special 'lit' windows-of-readings).

Why bother with the Argentine's 'fun' 1988 one-set 'seizure' of the then-seemingly 'invincible' German/Graf? Well, world-tourism for media-age hospitality and handshakes may require us (as inventive Earthlings) to feel more 'involved' or 'creative' about sportsmanship and activity for social media culture/circuits and think (deeply!) about what Gabriela offered to Argentine fans/artists for media-level writing and cheer(s). After all, sports for the media age of Earth-civilization serves as a 'hand-fiction' sign of what'd become an Earthling-form for 'distances' to shared/educational 'superstitions' (for the Ego).

While designing this 'composition' of women's athletics 'chess-excellence' for the media-age (for you!), I thought about that horrifying day of 9/11, when terrorists 'seized' passenger-planes to crash into the global-commerce symbolic/iconic World Trade Center (NYC), and imagined (how) that special superstitions of shared social-media culture activity/education would 'spotlight' a human-race event of shared fun/competitiveness (Graf-Sabatini!). In fact, I imagined/daydreamed that sports/social-media can 'elevate' forms of capitalism to the level of 'purified' Earth-water (for the Ego).

So, that's my 'epic' dioramic presentation of what makes media-age sports-writing a 'real-thing' of cool windows/work for the modern Earth citizen of great participant/creativity handshakes (for the Ego). I consider myself as something of the Prince of Capitalism as I 'cast' this 1988 Sabatini-Graf 'showcase' that featured that storyboard about competition-class 'medicine' and hospitality. In fact, friends, I (maybe) think of myself as a rather 'cool' (black-and-white) world-citizen of Earth's 'natural' forms for unique 'passports' to the tennis-racquet 'wrought' honors superstition (for our Great-Race). Perhaps you'll 'agree' to this 'wind' of sportsmanship 'drawn' TV-ring (ha).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2023 Abishai100

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Added on June 23, 2023
Last Updated on June 23, 2023
Tags: Fable, Modern, Sports-Media




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..

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A Story by Abishai100