The balance of taking a bit of it and I

The balance of taking a bit of it and I

A Story by AdrianaEckhart20

Like I said someone said before, “A pictures worth a thousand words.”


The Balance of Taking A Bit of It and I

An instance of delight feels my empty space, and I feel the warmth of her fingers.  Her smile so big, yet I feel  like I'm being choked.  I’m labeled a birthday present, and yet I feel I know I’ll be apart of history.It all begins with a certain urge, a feeling, a connection. The question of, “Why is it so beautiful?” I'm the one that portrays that feeling.

A single press of my shutter release, the picture must be pixeled in our state of emotion. One single push, sends sparks bursting from her finger-tips into my film, scanning  the image. The landscape deepens into a mystery, one that lies deep inside my puppet master. Her calm fingers grasping my side while acceptance, happiness, and deep thought pound from her veins into my sides. I notice everytime my eyelids close for that split second, and my review button is pushed, that in every photographer you must first have that emotion glowing outside your heart. Every picture is connected to your thought, and feelings so you must first connect with a sight rather than just decide to waste a film.  She whispers, “ This is perfect. I feel there is so much more to this picture, than what meets the eyes. It leads me to adventure, something I’m willing to take a walk upon.” Inside a photo, you must not only have the trees, but the feeling inside you. If you’re feeling mysterious, maybe you capture the trees all together with the sun glowing beyond it shadows. Therefore, showing that the light is blinding the eye so it can’t see beyond the masked forest. Loved, and full of life with the sunset setting on the water of a lake or beach. Any way to portray your feelings, is the first footstep you must step off. Emotion can knot itself up and you may become confused, so you may want to be careful. A good picture comes with a flow of an emotion in the calm veins.

Another step forward she takes, and I'm tightly grasped inside her fingers. Light is blinding my eye, and no lens covers my blind spot. Radiant light peeks through the trees slightly blinding me in its way. The trees are our bulls-eye, and is surrounded by time. The sky is coloring itself blue behind us, and the sun is glowing in the swirl of the clouds. It’s perfect, and almost time to slip away in a dream. “Snap, Snap,” I go as she clicks away. “It’s important to have the perfect timing. It’s all about me having the exact picture I want.” I stare blindly, focusing to the picture to understand what she meant. I think to myself, “for the trees that shadow in front of the sun, it outlines the beauty of what is normally seen in every landscape picture. The picture of the afternoon, shines off differently than the one we took now. A different time, gives the image a different meaning. Timing is key to unlocking a newer style. Timing again gives off a good vibe to showing emotion. Together emotion and timing fit perfectly like a puzzle piece. Any photographer should know, that timing of the season, day, hour, and split second means more than anything because that one second you lost one amazing picture could have been captured. That one second lost, you lost a photo with a different meaning to your feelings misting in heart.

I snap a photo of landscapes, trees, lakes, rocks, sand, and yet a small grit of dirt. It all comes down to connection between the inner depth of the mystery that lies below my lens.The alluring sight connects my lens, the feelings in her fingers, and beauty that suffocates her eyes as they gaze upon mountains of life. In every snap shot, she captures a simple subject like, “ the railroad ran into the distance.” A metaphor that simply shows a railroad going on forever is what the picture portrays. Do I capture the lifeless leave drowning in the pond? Or flash a picture of footprints engraved in the mud? She kneels down and presses my button. I shiver with a glance of a tiny fire ant climbing the bark of an enormous tree. “ A picture is worth a thousand words,” someone once said. Can you ask yourself why the ants climbing this tree? Why this tree? Then you're almost there to becoming a professional photographer. The ant is my subject, and the picture is a question forming with a thousand words.

I’m set below, as grass brushes my sides vertically capturing the highest peak, and the top of the tallest tree. I gaze horizontally floating above the lake, as leaves converse the view of how they should be floating in the still water. A pebble stares me blankly in the face, as we both lie upon the sandy shore. Behind it, the water blurs as I focus inward to formally connect with the leadership to be above all those pebbles who swarm together in cold mud. Angles are the finish touch to taking that picture. I’ve been set upon dirt, grass, trees, leaves, and believe it or not floating above a blooming flower with a striped monster sucking nectar from his straw. You must always have those different angles of every subject because it gives your image a different definition. The blank pebble, yes I stared it in the face and noticed the individuality it had as it stood out other than the rest. Rather to angle face-to-face shows a different meaning than if I were to take a picture of the whole sand, and rocks leading into the water of lake. In that meaning of the path that leads to deep dark secret.

She’s up, and yet I swing below her neck. A simple grab and play button are punctured inside me. Many pictures are engraved to my film and I turn to stare at her with a blissful spirit. I carry many photos that tickle me with a new feeling, different lighting, different subjects, and angles. Like I said someone said before, “A pictures worth a thousand words.”

© 2015 AdrianaEckhart20

Author's Note

Progression of writing. This was writing about 3 years ago.

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Added on April 19, 2015
Last Updated on April 19, 2015
Tags: #Photography, #Camera, #ProcessEssay



La Junta, CO

I'm 20 years old. I was a college student wanting to adventure into writing with a further education but, why go to what i can do on my own. Coffee lover. Future traveler. Lyrics flow through my .. more..
