The Aftermath

The Aftermath

A Poem by Adrian X Fuentess

Broken Up

Don't tell me you love me because you think I need to hear it,
I don't.
I don't need anything from anyone.
I can deal just fine on my own.
Why would i search for pain and disappointment
when I can do that to myself?
Why would I want you around if your mind is somewhere else?
I don't need you to pick me up,
I actually enjoy my time on the ground;
let me lick my wounds,
let me cry my eyes out,
let me scream and shout if I may,
let me be and do as I please.
You've done enough,
you know your way around,
show yourself to the door, 
and peace out.

© 2013 Adrian X Fuentess

My Review

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Aftermath of a argument leave us needing separation and time to think. I like the directness in the poem. Sometime kind words don't help. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 12, 2013
Last Updated on August 12, 2013
Tags: love, gay love, same love, equality, same pain, break up, relationships


Adrian X Fuentess
Adrian X Fuentess

Omaha, NE

English is my second language, so i do appreciate some pointers in my grammar. Thanks for stopping by, and please feel free to leave me some feedback and coming back. i will return the favor. more..
