Manifest Destiny (song-poem)

Manifest Destiny (song-poem)

A Poem by Aethereal

How our policy of Manifest Destiny set an example for the rest of our civilized world to follow.


Manifest Destiny (song-poem) 



Locomotives chugging West

from the rising Sun

take us further on our quest.

We won't be outdone.


We have leaders who have stressed

in ways all-or-none

that our fate is manifest,

something we can't shun.


We'll find where the eagles nest.

We’ll kill game for fun.

We'll take all the land that's best

from each Native son.


Native tribes are sure to test

lies that we have spun.

They'll not give us any rest

‘till the West is won.


If it’s in our self-interest,

we shall kill and stun

civilizing the oppressed

with a Gatling gun.


We invaders are the best;

we are next to none.

Our example shall infest

nations one-by-one.


Global wars shall soon attest

how well we have done,

how much might-makes-right is blessed

by the megaton.


Servile minions won’t protest;

they can’t hide or run.

Death shall be our honored guest

once war has begun.

© 2014 Aethereal

My Review

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This takes aback at a time in history...yet...
the meaning in all intent and purpose ---
I see the issue you're conveying can be brought forward and copied by others to do the same...
yet this is missing the part where we give them blankets laced in smallpox and tell them they are tributes for them to have and cherish...
not...and kill them one by one...since they do not have the knowledge of the vaccine to cure for your rhyme and meter...seems you took an extra step --- to add depth and a story in the work...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your detailed review, Glen! The blankets laced with smallpox were used during the French .. read more


Hey, just saw your profile stat change and felt I needed to check up on you. :)
This seemed appropriate.
A thoroughly captivating write.
Admittedly I'm not up on my American History but regardless the message comes across.
Good write. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review, Ance! Unfortunately pandemonic Manifest Destiny is still alive and well at t.. read more
Matching Socks

10 Years Ago

Yes, our tools, weapons and means have become much more sophisticated.
And our tempers hotte.. read more
the most odious doctrine to which our forbears ever subscribed, and unbelievably, it survives and cruelly corrupts even in this present day!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review, Dean! The reason why I write poems such as this is to help people learn abou.. read more
" We invaders are the best;
we are next to none.
Our example shall infest
nations one-by-one."
Wow. Your word usage is impeccable. I love the concept of this poem. You can feel the depth of this worldly truth. Amazing piece!

Posted 10 Years Ago

A wonderfully written poem about the human tendency towards war.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review, Stephanie! It takes more courage, and intelligence to wage Peace, than to wa.. read more
I like the meaning! Keep it up!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review, Emily!
Really liked this one.
I do like poems that rhyme.
Don't negotiate, exterminate. Nothing changes.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review! These days we use the term "progress" as a euphemism for the term "extermina.. read more
It is interesting to see the way you separate the leaders from the warriors. The leaders are simply hungry for power, and the notion of 'national pride' charges young, innocent people.

'We'll find where the eagles nest.
We’ll kill game for fun.'

The innocence is well highlighted here. This is very professional writing :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your detailed review, Abizar! The innocent are always on my mind.
Hey Aethereal...
this is a very familiar song in many nations across the globe... while the setting is different, the story isn't... greed and power has given rise to a whole new breed of dominatrix's... technology has broadened the battle grounds and put a very impersonal face to so call war... we fight it everyday... and in every-way... but you my friend have done your magic to identify it... and there my friend lies the true power of our destiny... through transparency... the greater the knowledge of the perpetrator's the less power they wield... no more divide and conquer mentality... if like minded humans band together, there is hope... if not, I fear we are doomed as a civilization... well penned!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review, Jumbo J ! State secrets keep us from having transparency. There are secret w.. read more
"Servile minions won’t protest;
they can’t hide or run.
Death shall be our honored guest
once war has begun."

Your poem reminds me of Chief Seattle's speech as he surrendered to the manifest destiny philosophy.

"Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. Your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White Man whose God walked and talked with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We will see.."

How painful it must be to part from your heritage and the land and people you hold so dear, to satisfy the greed of another who is willing to spill as much blood needed to establish their power...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your detailed review, Tan-90! Ever since 1914, other powers have been plying our old disc.. read more
oh yes those generations had their tests, now the world will test us to see if we can stand all we ingest.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review, lee von cleef! What comes around goes around. Those who change the rules of .. read more

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19 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 16, 2014
Last Updated on May 16, 2014
Tags: Manifest, Destiny, conquest, war, might, right, invasion, subjugation




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