Dreams of hope and despair

Dreams of hope and despair

A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

I’ve been having dreams.

Not those bizarre ones which

Strike false. One of those where

A girl, her eyes like the stars,

Glares deep into my soul,

Finding my teeth and fist


My allegiance to you it seems

Has never withered.

A while since I’ve had

One of those nightmares,

Those where my stomach

Finds a knife in it, dripping

Crimson. The power these ugly

Nightmares fill me with

Disturbs me. I self isolate, hoping

Against hope that I won’t spread

Like the disease I am.

I’m doing this for us.

You can never trust me,

I’m foreign to you, unable

To resonate within even


I don’t know if I can stand

Losing you, even though you

Disapparated away from me

Nearly a half year ago.

You’ve stayed who you are

In my eyes after they close, reborn

When I open my eyes again, 

though I continue

To decay, before my own very soul,

Manifesting outwards into

Self deprecating insecurity.

© 2024 iTryToWriteAllTheTime

Author's Note

Does the title work? Does this work come across in some way to you?

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The title works and the poem has many relatable parts. The insecurity is felt by the reader.
And the fear of losing someone is palpable. I love the line about "allegiance to you". It expresses love and loyalty but the speaker beats themselves up over their seemingly toxic red flag faults.
Anyway, just my thoughts. ⭐

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


this poem touches my emotion great work
i must commend

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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It seems some real anguish and love are speaking here.
The lines
'You’ve stayed who you are/ My allegiance to you it seems
Has never withered '
'I’m foreign to you, unable
To resonate within even
- only some real days can speak like these. Beautiful and poignant write!
- mou

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The title works and the poem has many relatable parts. The insecurity is felt by the reader.
And the fear of losing someone is palpable. I love the line about "allegiance to you". It expresses love and loyalty but the speaker beats themselves up over their seemingly toxic red flag faults.
Anyway, just my thoughts. ⭐

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on May 11, 2024
Last Updated on May 11, 2024
Tags: hope, despair, dreams



Davenport, IA

I write poetry, trying to work my way into bigger things, but started with poetry. I've got a big catalogue I think of poetry I'd like to share. more..
