Etched Upon That Slab of Quartz Stone

Etched Upon That Slab of Quartz Stone

A Poem by Mike Aka Professor M

A tale in poetic style with a hint of mystery, history, science fact and fiction! Something to think about, wonder what if and ponder the poems purpose and conviction!


Etched Upon That Slab of Quartz Stone:

By Aka Professor M


Read on, my friends, all, this piece, if you dare,

Learn if the message etched deciphered, will be,

For those who do, be advised now, some it'll scare,

Because what's contained, remains yet for all to see!

Their Archaeological department all a buzz was, about this find,

It had come straight from a dig, at that new site they discovered,

Their initial field tests had determined, it as the oldest of its kind,

A slab of smooth quartz rock, chiseled precisely, they'd uncovered.

These oddly shaped markings on it were never found anywhere,

Shapes, neither carved or stamped were there smoothly undefined,

Unlike those found in Mesopotamian cuneiform, so extremely rare,

A pictographic cryptography new, as yet its deciphering declined.

Not even intricate cuneiform tablets revealed its secrets, slowly,

Although time had nearly all, in those mysteries had concealed

Still something strange was in those marks, stared back coldly,

As though a message set in stone, now needs must be revealed.

Intensely over those markings, that tired crew peered, seeking,

That message no doubt, which its author had wished to share,

What forces employed by its creators, inscribed this writing,

Deliberately, its history revealing to any, who at it, did stare.

Carefully that slab was lifted out of those ruins where it lay,

Unseen by this world which didn't know that it had existed,

Let alone the message inscribed upon its surface in that way,

Too smooth, defined and precise those shapes on it, twisted.

Ancient, yes it was, by measures, such as radiocarbon dating,

X-rays, computer imaging and magnetic resonances did tell,

Determined their obelisk still older than all human reckoning,

Which made these seekers about its origin as curious as hell.

Each item was noted, determined as to scale, weight and size,

Seen from every side, consistent down to its very composition,

Trying, retrying, that inscription's message, failed to recognize,

Every test so devised, used concluded all as still a no decision.

He, staring through bleary eyes at this enigma, upon that slab,

Turning away, he just couldn't help but about feel a bit uneasy,

Intuitively he felt that message was still there for him to grab,

An outside the box thought had him try a reflection to it see.

There reflecting on the surface of the mirror this is what he saw,

In it, this holographic image appeared in raised lettering detected,

Only in that reflected, subdued image, a focused beam did draw,

“To any creature who this sees, Know this planet was selected!”

Shaken, inside his head, the next few lines, were felt and heard,

“Before the humanoid race, upon this world had finally appeared,”

“We, its primary intelligent species, the Saurians, from Earth, fled!”

“Through the bones of our ancestors, you have, about us, learned!”

“We developed in those ways that were so far beyond all others!”

“Being the first race, we found these changes here, too inhospitable!”

“This planet changed so drastically, becoming alien to my brothers,”

“Leaving it we did, for those tropical settings was more favourable.”

Could it all be true or just the results of his searching, playing tricks,

Still more lines appeared as the beam passed over the quartz surface,

“Soon the beings who created your ancestors and taught them tricks,”

“Will return, to see how well you humans fared as its master race!”

“Since finally, our message was deciphered, observe this as I reveal,”

“Upon its uncovering, a homing beacon, sends out Greetings, seeker,”

“Here to us, that action, means that your intelligence level is real,”

“It means, we'll be returning, to reclaim our home world, creature!”

“Witness our features, those which makes us suited to you, rule,”

“We've evolved beyond any, what you beings have achieved so far”

“Note this our strong appearance, behold our noble features, fool,”

Then that large reptilian shape appeared, posing like a movie star!

“Observe our sheer awesomeness,” came the voice of the reptilian,”

“This shows you just how great we, the Saurians, your masters, are!”

Echoed off those walls emanating from the translucent creature alien,

“So much faster, stronger and more intelligent a race are we, by far!”

In the holographic centre, appeared the fearsome life sized images,

He saw those scales, big eyes, large jaws and that tongues flicking,

Ancient though, this projection was, an evil permeated the visages,

“We are ready now, so we, having been discovered, are returning!”

Within that stone capsule, using it's advanced reptilian technology,

So deciphering it, emitted that beacon, revealing us to a foe to fear,

That signal had skyward flown, soon reached light speed velocity,

That transmission would, their system reach, bringing them here.

With this, that phenomenal holographic projection, suddenly ceased,

Try as hard he might, he could not get that mirror to it again replay,

Was there anything that he could do have that transmission reprized,

Had he imagined it, in his exhausted state, that he just couldn't say!

There it sat, just as lifeless as before, the mirror he used, to trigger it,

Fell from his trembling fingers, shattering to pieces there on the floor,

So exhausted from this ordeal, passing out he did, as the floor, he hit,

That is where they found him, there as they entered by the lab door!

In the health facility, he revived, smarting from his head injury,

As an archeologist, real scientific proof, to prove it, it him pains,

Only he'd seen that holographic projection, if that's what he'd see,

Recovered, knowing must, the truth is on its grooves, it remains!.

Replicate, those same conditions, had their message finally shown,

Remembering precisely their sequence, their settings and its case,

He didn't how quickly their invasion of these Saurians, be known,

But known, that proof, of an evil reptilian force, exists on its face.

Meanwhile evolutionary change itself, resulted in unexpected sight,

After so many epochs, space, time and the life forms transformed,

These periods measured in years travelled by the photons flight,

Little did that scientist realize the Saurian race itself had reformed

It had achieved its ascension beyond this reality's true dimensionality,

That threatening species, had left this, their message dire, was gone,

Still that original threat was before such a presentation of complexity,

Would they then soon invade our planet or allow us to continue on?

Time exists only to those lifeforms governed by all such restrictions,

Space is limited only by the laws and rules determined by its Creator,

Reality is the attempt of sentient life forms to understand perceptions,

The only Truth is what we envision, believe and imagine is greater.

Copyright June 15th 2013


© 2013 Mike Aka Professor M

Author's Note

Mike Aka Professor M
Be advised that this is written in British English, not American! Aside from the spelling used which is explained above, I am open to all critiquing which those my peers may feel are justified! I await all comments with equal measure in my replies! Thank You All!
Regards Aka Professor M!

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Featured Review


A splendid read and write...Thank you for penning and sharing...:)............

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

So true...Welcome any time...:)................
Mike Aka Professor M

10 Years Ago

You can expect a perusual of your works shortly, my friend! Thanks again for the visits! ;)
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

You are welcome...:).............

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3 Reviews
Added on July 30, 2013
Last Updated on July 30, 2013
Tags: Science Fiction, Mystery, Horror, History