As if.

As if.

A Poem by johnnyqueer

As if the clouds would disperse for light,
I am trapped in this fog again. I am caught
in impossible desire, mock me maliciously.
As if your eyes could remain connected 
to mine, you look away upon embrace. 
So much pain inside, so much shame inside.

As if your lips could be any more inviting,
I lose myself once connected, I smile and
search to find your eyes closed again.
As if time would slow itself and allow me
to enjoy your passion. Our fusion is
beyond scientific, I search your eyes.

As if the embrace could be any greater,
you kiss me and I fall harder. I smile to
find, your eyes opened wide. I close mine.
As if your intentions could be any looser,
I was just another evening to you. I release
and you fade off, with eyes on a new target. 

© 2011 johnnyqueer

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Added on December 22, 2011
Last Updated on December 22, 2011




Hello, I'm Johnny. Writing is a form of alchemy to me. I transform all my feelings into text; Dancing, slithering, and stumbling from white pages. If you like my writing you can find me on Instagr.. more..

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A Poem by johnnyqueer

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A Poem by johnnyqueer