You Are All Incredible

You Are All Incredible

A Poem by AliciaB

To everyone.


Sure, there are liars.


People whose only goal

Is to stir up pain.

Better watch your step, little girl.

You’re young, you’re naïve;

You’ve no idea what you could be getting yourself into.

Hide your face, hide your name.

Shroud yourself so they can’t find you.

Okay, then.

I’m ready.

I step down into the pool of darkness;

The water closes over my head,

And I open my eyes.

And all I see are lights.

Glowing, swirling,


I reach out to touch one

And it touches me;

It’s a story,

A story that grips my heart

And enthralls my mind

And opens wide my eyes

Until I have to close them,

Have to cover my face,

Because I can’t withstand the pain.

So much agony all around me -

How can you all have suffered in this way?











So many trials;

So many stories.

But the pain isn’t the part that hurts the most.

It’s the brightness of the people that belong to them,

The souls who have endured such agony

And are yet so strong,

So happy,

So grateful,

So compassionate,

So honest,

So beautiful.


How can you do this?

Having come through so much darkness,

You shine all the brighter - 

And then there’s me;

Privileged, blessed,

Surrounded by wonderful gifts.

I have a family that loves me,

Parents who support me,

Plenty of food, plenty of money,

Shelter, safety, a great education;

I have a marvelous life,

But there’s still bitterness inside of me.

But this is not about me;

It’s about you.

Sure, I’ve known pain

But it was trifling compared to what you’ve seen;

Sure, I’m young

But you were younger;

Sure, maybe I was strong

But you are the ones who have moved mountains.



You are so incredible,

The love and strength that you have grown through these trials

The burdens that you have borne -

It’s unimaginable.

Here you are,

Baring your souls and your stories with astonishing courage;

You shine with the light of grace,

A beacon of hope for a world that is drowning in darkness.

I do not deserve to be among you,

Filled with ingratitude and apathy and doubt

Despite the uncountable blessings I have received

And the pain that I have never undergone.

You possess a beauty I could never imagine.

Please don’t say I’m beautiful;

Please don’t say I’m strong.

Don’t feed the selfish monster;

Just know that I admire you

In a way beyond whatever I could say with words.

I offer you, in all sincerity,

My prayers

And the pieces of a heart

That was broken by your stories.

Because you are all incredible.


© 2016 AliciaB

Author's Note

This is dedicated to everyone, on WritersCafe and off of it, who has ever had the courage to share their genuine, amazing stories of overcoming shocking adversity. As I tried to convey in the poem, this is not about me throwing a pity party for myself because I don't have that kind of strength, or being ungrateful for the uncountable blessings I've received. I'm not looking for comments about me. This is about YOU, and your stories, and how enormous an impact they have on others. I hope that this somehow makes sense.

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It very much makes sense and it is very well written. What a wonderful tribute to those who have influenced you. You see the strength in others and their struggles that helped them become that way. I have been through a lot in my life and I write about it to help others who may be going through the same or similar things. It is my belief when we suffer, it gives us credibility to minister to and help others. There are some beautiful, tear-jerking stories out there, and we can all learn from them, and gain strength from them, which you bring out so eloquently in your poem. Brilliant write, darlin'.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you!
SJ Mullins

8 Years Ago

You are most welcome. :)


It very much makes sense and it is very well written. What a wonderful tribute to those who have influenced you. You see the strength in others and their struggles that helped them become that way. I have been through a lot in my life and I write about it to help others who may be going through the same or similar things. It is my belief when we suffer, it gives us credibility to minister to and help others. There are some beautiful, tear-jerking stories out there, and we can all learn from them, and gain strength from them, which you bring out so eloquently in your poem. Brilliant write, darlin'.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you!
SJ Mullins

8 Years Ago

You are most welcome. :)
It's written so beautifully. A genuine tribute to strong souls. I wish everyone to have that strength. But many times our misfortunes are our own doing. And we do not fight, we only repent our misdeeds. I wish for the kind of light you described in your poem. It needs courage to tell these stories of sufferings. It needs more courage to own up to your mistakes. And truthfully saying, your poem inspires me to be strong like the ones you wrote this for. Thank you

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

You are so welcome! Thank YOU! :)
This is gorgeous! Relatable too, to get in that slump. Then you look around you, and you see real champions... and it makes you stop and think. Again, we don't live for ourselves, and everything we are and could be, we owe to God. Then why in the world are we complaining? Move on, and share your story. Learn from others...and let them learn from you.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you!
I love this poem! This is so sincere and has a wonderful message that I can take with me in heart and spirit. The world is so harsh and we have to be so strong. It's sad how people try to be their best while the world hurdles insults and brings up their past mistakes that it is like throwing boulders at the rock climbers on Mt. Everest. Thank you for your fantastic poem!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you very much!
This is absolutely amazing! I love the underlying positive meaning that this piece has, and it is wonderful that you let the readers know that it is about them. I honestly needed to read something like this because I personally know that it is easy to pity yourself, but it takes a lot of strength to stand up and help yourself. Great job!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you very much!
Hi Lovely Beautiful Alicia LOL sorry I but it takes a beautiful soul to see all that. Okay that over and done with..... :) Personally I enjoyed this dedication tremendously. The journeys of so many souls captured in this like one big family. Truly a very inspiring piece and I believe that you have done an amazing thing and that is to remind anyone that has suffered that they are strong.



Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you very much. You broke the rules... but I appreciate it. :)

8 Years Ago

It's the naughty rebel in me :)

8 Years Ago

Haha - it's ok. We've all got one. :)
May be God wants those people to come near you so that you get to understand how compassionate you are, how kind you are... May be you have a better life than those who daily suffer but we all have pain inside us along with happiness... We are all uniquely designed, all made for a unique purpose and let me tell you your kindness and care saved those hearts who suffer... Imagine if people like you were not there for them in such difficulties what would have happened to them, how could they have realized that they have someone who trusts in them, who plays for them... You just as precious as we all are Alicia... Without your support those people may have lost their ways...

I'm telling you I admire you from the bottom of my heart... God bless you...


Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you so much - this truly means a lot. I can't tell you how happy it has made me. One of my b.. read more
As we stumble through life we learn that everyone has a story to tell. We just have to take the time to listen.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Indeed. Thank you!
I'll feed the monster. Because that monster earned it.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Oh goodness... thank you.

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9 Reviews
Added on July 5, 2016
Last Updated on July 5, 2016



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