I Wanna Take Walks

I Wanna Take Walks

A Poem by AliciaB

I just thought of this. As in, "recently" AND "merely." The product of an interesting mood.


I wanna take walks

At night

In the dark

When there’s no heat and humidity

To make me all sweaty and gross

And also,

No people I have to say “hi” to

And interrupt my thinking.

Plus, maybe there wouldn’t be so many songs

Playing unstoppably in my head

And distracting me;

Maybe without the light

My thoughts wouldn’t get so jangled,

Because music is for seeing,

And darkness is for… breathing.

But maybe I’d get scared


In the dark

With no singing in my head to keep me company,

‘Cause as soon as I thought of something spooky

I wouldn’t be able to forget it,

And my senses would be dialed to “eleven” like Spiderman

So that every rustle and crackle would be amplified

And every shadow would make me flinch and inHALE

And if I actually saw a raccoon or a cat or a ghost,

I’d probably have a figurative heart attack.

But even if I could overcome my over[re]active imagination,

It’d still be stupid to go outside that late,

Even in one of the safest towns in the universe.

You never know what idiots will do.

And my parents would never let me,

Unless maybe I promised to bring my phone,

But that would entirely ruin the point of walk-ing.

And even if I could get out

And I wasn’t phoned

And I wasn’t scared

And I didn’t have music playing in my head

And there weren’t any people to make me feel awkward and attached

And there weren’t any stupid mosquitoes around to ruin freaking everything

And I was quiet and alone and free and free

And free,

What would I think about?

I know.

I would think about God.

And I would think about my story.

And that’s why

I wanna take walks

At night.

© 2016 AliciaB

Author's Note

One of those more capricious pieces, and quite entertaining to write. (Although the frustration is genuine - I really DO want to do this.) Grammar atrocities are mischievously intentional, along with any word plays. Did you catch 'em all? XD I'm not even into Pokémon. And the Spiderman reference is an allusion to Captain America: Civil War. :) The Nerd is strong with this one.

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Featured Review

This is excellent! Very well-written & imaginative. I feel like I've just gone on a journey kinda like the Hobbit, thru all kinds of unexpected stuff, so many tangents, drawn from the simple idea of going for a walk, yet everything is also cohesive, fitting together to make a focused point. Truly amazing & admirable, the way you made this sound like rambling, but it's actually quite well manicured. I would give all my cash (not much!) to have a fraction of your imagination. By the way, I remember living in town where there were tons of gang shootings every week & young people were not in the habit of walking or even going outside to play . . . it's so sad to be scared to go for a walk!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it.


I loved this!! And same, I totally relate! Thank you so much for sharing your works, I always love reading them!!! :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

This is excellent! Very well-written & imaginative. I feel like I've just gone on a journey kinda like the Hobbit, thru all kinds of unexpected stuff, so many tangents, drawn from the simple idea of going for a walk, yet everything is also cohesive, fitting together to make a focused point. Truly amazing & admirable, the way you made this sound like rambling, but it's actually quite well manicured. I would give all my cash (not much!) to have a fraction of your imagination. By the way, I remember living in town where there were tons of gang shootings every week & young people were not in the habit of walking or even going outside to play . . . it's so sad to be scared to go for a walk!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it.
I always wanted to be a nocturnal person. Therez so much more to the night and all creativity comes alive through it. I particularly like when you say-
"And I was quiet and alone and free and free
And free,
What would I think about?
I know.
I would think about God."

The best time to have a conversation with your soul! Thanks for this lovely and unique piece :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

You are most welcome. Thank YOU! :)
I would love to take a walk at night too, but my mind would go crazy. I would always think 'Did you hear that! It must be a murder!'
But anyway, awesome poem!
I loved it!
Keep on writing!!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

You and your morbid imagination. XD Thanks!

7 Years Ago

Yep! That's me!
I love this. So relatable. 2:00 am was made for writers and I always want to go for a walk in the middle of the night to clear my head. But then I overthink even more and talk myself out of it. Such an enjoyable read!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you!
Quite conflicting thoughts. You start off by wanting to walk in the dark {When there’s no heat and humidity

To make me all sweaty and gross}

and then all your fears about what would happen if you walked out at night. { And if I actually saw a raccoon or a cat or a ghost,

I’d probably have a figurative heart attack.}

You then end your poem by wanting to walk as it would bring you closer to God and would help you with your story.
If the last two things happen, your walk would indeed be worthwhile.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you!
I strongly relate to this poem because I have always wanted to walk during the nights, but I am so torn with sleep because I do love sleeping. Sometimes I just wish it would be acceptable to be a nocturnal person, but I gotta get a job and work during the day and school is during the day. :`( Oh well.

Still a great poem, by the way, and I wanted to read something of your writings too as they are always fun to read!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thanks! Very true. I sometimes feel that I'm already half nocturnal - I'm more awake late at night.. read more

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 5, 2016
Last Updated on August 5, 2016



I love running, drawing, reading, and writing (obviously). I am an absolute nerd and a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. I am Roman Catholic, I have three younger sisters, and I am reall.. more..

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