Finding Truth

Finding Truth

A Poem by Ali

Poem about love, god, and finding truth.

So find me a place to belong
Cause everything seems wrong
I wish i could get things right
Im tired of this everlasting fight
Is there any meaning in this life
or should i continue with this knife

So what more of love is there than a feeling
Is it just a man infront of a woman kneeling
Devoting his entirety to love her forever
then going back on his word to say never
Never will he love her the same
as he leaves her in shame

So theres just one thing i must know
is there a being that watches below
Or is he a pigment of our imagination
which fools every nation
I wish the truth was easier to find
So i wouldnt have to destroy my mind

© 2010 Ali

Author's Note

I may have misspelled things or done bad grammar. But, what do you think?

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Nicely done! Reads well. I do not claim to know how you feel but you do a good job of making it relateable.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I like that you brought three topics and brought them together and you formed such a beautiful piece. Nicely written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 17, 2010
Last Updated on January 17, 2010
Tags: love, truth, real, god, dark, emo, true.



Boston, MA

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