Words Unsaid

Words Unsaid

A Poem by Flaming Coal

Angry faces and crossed arms

Should I have spoken more?

I thought my words might bring harm.


I sat in bed at night, eyes wide open, those bitter tears rolled down my cheeks.

It doesn’t feel nice to have a tear roll sideways.

I only just realized you lied.


I thought of witty comebacks,

Secretly wishing that the topic could come up again,

Just so I could say them.


They would have caught you off guard,

You would have been in trouble,

The teacher would have yelled at you!


But, I assume that you are now,

snuggled up in bed,

Blankets wrapped tightly around you,

While I think of all the words that went unsaid.


I really wish they hadn’t.

© 2012 Flaming Coal

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Raw emotions pouring out! I like this line - "It doesn’t feel nice to have a tear roll sideways."
Good writing!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 5, 2012
Last Updated on June 5, 2012
Tags: poem, words, unsaid


Flaming Coal
Flaming Coal

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