Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Confessions of a broken soul...

Confessions of a broken soul...

A Poem by Arielle Ann

She is standing by the coast,

Waiting, as she always does,

Tonight there’s a tempest,

The gale bellows ruthless,

Brutal waves lash at her feet,

While scared crabs rush in a fleet.

But, tonight she stands strange,

Undeterred as if is in a trance,

She has stripped herself bare!

Weary of holding that mask of dare.

As shreds of linen shimmer and fall,

Glistening skin - a slow expose.

 Tonight she stands unclothed,

Her mask removed and discarded.

Her camouflage of expediency,

At last drained of its potency!

Tonight the tears gush like blood,

Pouring with the waves to further the flood,

Glistening skin so fair yet cold,

She shivers and shudders-yet none to hold!


Since ages and days, she had stood and stared,

Departed each day, with hopes still spared,

That he would return,

Over that upturn,

For her to hold

To herself she told!

But, tonight she has lost,

Given up those hopes foremost.


Tonight she is bare,

Tempting all to dare.

Tonight she kneels,

And tonight she weeps,

Tonight she is in fear,

While they greedily jeer.


And - tonight she breaks,

While, they rush at her wrecks!




© 2011 Arielle Ann

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Well I changed the fonts...hope its more legible now :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Tonight she stands unclothed
Her mask removed and discarded
Her camouflage of expediency
At last drained of its potency

I agree nice lines above and thoughtfully put,
keep up the writes

Posted 12 Years Ago

A powerful and emotional journey in this poem. I like the repetition of emotion. Made the poem stronger.
"Tonight she stands unclothed,
Her mask removed and discarded.
Her camouflage of expediency,
At last drained of its potency!"
A strong ending to a outstanding poem. You are a writer.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I esp like the coincidence of tears, blood and the flood of the sea, which seems to capture the essentials of life. We came from the sea, water is in us. Blood and tears are liquid. Ocean/emotion/motion all feel linked. Yet we men seem to remove ourselves from it all in the coceit of our minds. We seek to tame everything with our intellects. Maybe the breakage here is more an escape from the rule of man's mind. Maybe the soul has broken away rather than broken. Maybe the shedding of clothes takes the being back to the age before thought. And if you think about it we all came from that age and it is an age which is far bigger than the little age in which man has been thinking. Of course I may be thinking far tooooo much about your lines! Whatever, I definitely enjoyed them, more because I feel that the woman is in touch with atavistic forces then because you made me think, though you did that too!

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very great craft..

Posted 12 Years Ago

A real agony displayed through words ,great job done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Excellent flowing words adds beauty to a poem! Pain is bound to be felt! We must be ready for everything every moment! She broke as she was not ready, it was an surprise for her and later flowed away with the giant waves of sorrowness!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I hear the sorrow in this and can relate.
Very nice flow and well written.
Great job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This poem has a really spectacular flow in every line...Though I had a hard time reading it because of the font, it was worth it...A really nice piece of writing...Well done! Keep up the GREAT work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

but the font was so hard to read ...

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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22 Reviews
Added on December 23, 2011
Last Updated on December 26, 2011


Arielle Ann
Arielle Ann

Bangalore, India

I thought I saw the rainbow, I believed I viewed the sunshine, I conceived the breeze with promises anew, With a faith that was firm and prayers divine. But; Why the clouds obscure so lovely th.. more..


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