

A Poem by Anexi

Such is my life

How can I explain, how can I foretell
Something you see as boring
Is what makes my life exciting.
It's true I'm not the best,
In fact I pretty much suck,
Even writing this poem,
Is a pain in my neck.

However I love it,
It makes me who I am.
Like dancing almost,
As the pen slides across the page.
My safe guard from the world,
My safeguard from my hell.

If you asked me my passion,
I'd tell you right away.
My love for writing,
Has always been the same.

© 2013 Anexi

Author's Note

Off the top of my head, I like reviews :D

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True feeling about experiencing the stress that comes with writing.
Well done :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Touchable write...!!
I liked your neck pain...lol, when you write on paper...hahah :)
this's a great writin', you know what princess, firstly i loved your wall pic..n secondly i loved this writin;'s piece, here i liked this one much

If you asked me my passion,
I'd tell you right away.
My love for writing,
Has always been the same..........

what a great write, here you've mentioned about your passion towards writin'...this's well captured indeed....lovely write, hope the pain in your neck ain't much bigger than this....lol
by the way, theme to write's nice. you dropped here your inner feelings about writin; how much you do still love to write....

beautiful write,
have this from me 98.9/100 :)
take care.....!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 9, 2013
Last Updated on May 9, 2013



Been a writer for a few years; mostly fan fiction and I just started writing my own stories. I'm a nice person who is still learning how to write. I love video games,reading, and music. I'm sorry if I.. more..


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