The Independent Soul

The Independent Soul

A Story by Reina Stone

"This is what it's like to be alone" Thoughts that occur when you know you may be too comfortable living without swooning.


The Independent Soul

As the warm summer retreats and the cold begins to come, while eventually everybody of either gender aches to have someone to own, to love, to complete the dual half of them that they cannot mirror on their own, what is there to hope for when you are someone who is entirely balanced, someone who does not need anyone to feel that commonly desired sense of completion? When you are independent without the wish for anyone's company, when instead sticking with you are the haughty patterns of thinking, “I am strong on my own, and better off alone”, you do not pay mind to the long run ahead and you do not consider what it is to fall into the bed of the belonging that is supposedly love. Love can be thought of so cynically, when your soul is unified as an independent. It is difficult to find reasons to bend, grueling to cooperate, and even painful to settle when your inner voice, your soul knows it does not need to, and your conscious tells you that you definitely do not want to. Whether you've been jaded, whether you cannot fit in any relationship because your personality knows that you cannot yet bear it, independence is known to yourself as the trait of the lone wolf that has no pack, no den to return to. It is knowing you can live your life alone beautifully, and knowing that simple fact all too well.

Where is there go to when you are both yin and yang, and there is no need to seek that balancing quality in another person? You find that you are your both your own masculinity and your femininity and it makes you satisfied with being your own love. This makes you solid and not the liquid looking for a glass, this feeling of equal balance within yourself. By now you have convinced yourself that you are the best it is going to get for yourself. You have adopted narcissism, and you have embraced it, nursing it into a full grown part of you. This happened because of the things you have learned. Those horrible things left their scarring burn on you so deep that you've adapted to it and created a shell of skin thick enough to keep you in balance. You are thicker than glass, and you are stiffer than liquid. You are the independent tiger that roams the jungle by yourself as a respected and feared, giant, vicious, being. Your ego has comforted you and so, your emotions have taken refuge while your stripes that you possess has made you. They have made you identifiable by nature. An independent person hides them behind their gaze, but underneath, it is questionable, it is a mystery whether or not that is who they are out there in that jungle. That jungle that is so massive. How is it that a tiger is still an animal without taking the time to reproduce? Even an animal as vicious as a tiger must accept they have to make others of themselves to live long their traits. Yet, at the same time, tigers are more than often seen alone....

How do you give up the freedom you have, when in freedom you are fine? These relationships around you that you have witnessed are so stifled with punctuality and control that there is no spontaneity or trust. You cannot fathom the thought of you " wild, free, lovely you, being stuffed into a confining relationship that says you must survive behind the gates of this certain arena, and you must show appreciation to being a part of territory or else you will indefinitely die alone. You view everyone as a set of handcuffs, and a ball and chain. Everyone is a prison. You think of your future white fenced home as your future captivity. Oh these cynical thoughts, they tell you that you won't be happy caught in the midst of such a predictable thing such as a relationship, and these thoughts have made you resistant to being captured. You have stretched your legs and you are not curling them back up. You will not, not now, and if you already have once before, not ever again. You have been on your own so long as an independent being that you have become numb to the idea of any kind of companionship. You cannot miss what you don't remember, didn't experience. You run free as the wild horse that you are. A gorgeous stallion without a stable, a rare thing for anyone to set eyes on. You buck your legs at gestures, at attempts to stroke your sides. You behave like you could never be happy under any ownership that is co-dependence.

You know in your heart that you will survive, or will you? From place to place you go. You say as you please, do as you want, and you do it curiously. You are unashamed and you are loud, two things, that not everyone appreciates or can handle. Yet, it doesn't matter though what anyone else disapproves of when you are staying true to your nature as an undomesticated ball of bright fired energy. They act like shepherded sheep in human bodies as they censor words, play polite, and act acquiescent in order to hide their insecure truth. Independently you follow your laid path without anyone's neediness for your appropriate behavior changing your direction. The very idea of being controlled under another person's need is amusing to you. In common hindering partnerships, dealing with another you are faced with ultimatums telling you that either you act this way or else you end up alone, while if you are already alone, that threat has no effect on you. You are a survivalist that can't care any less. Let someone selfishly, without regard for who you are, fit themselves into a relationship with your independent soul. Then let their selfishness bite themselves in the a*s when they throw at you a ridiculous ultimatum such as, “Change or Be Left.” You would laugh and walk out of the front door. You will remain obstinate like a bull until you saw red and charged. Until you aimed to hurt.

A better communicated approach from this foolish person would be necessary, because if you cared, you might be soothed by affection. Only the sweet illusion of a kind gesture has a chance at softening you about your choices, if you cared. A selfish and manipulative ultimatum that threatens you to be left alone though, is a faulty tactic that has no hold over you when you are independent and strong. You are a feral cat, a stray that survives nimbly and independently without punishment, unabashed. You are an animal that has already been abandoned by one person or another and you cannot be lesser than that.

Don't misunderstand me. It is safe, it is free, and it is comfortable to be independent but it is a selfish lifestyle to swear never to entertain anyone's company. I cringe at the word I've chosen, “Entertain.” Life is not a theater, life isn't a play, or a drama, or a comedy show. One might consider it a story that you have to write for yourself, but it isn't that either. You can't edit away the pain you've escaped, and you can't change your character traits to suit your humanity's inherent needs to be accepted fully by someone. You cannot make yourself forget yourself and you shouldn't have to. Neither should you have to lie to yourself to be of company and entertainment to someone just because society says that if you're alone you are defective. Independence is that self defense mechanism that says you are perfect the way you are. It is what breeds confidence.

Instead of realizing at the end of the night that your independence may fault you in the end of your life, be at peace with the fact that you are an independent soul, a conscious individual, and become aware that you have qualities that may be unromantic but are in high demand. There are those that are fools for love. They are the Romeo and Juliet that die before they can prosper a potentially beautiful and bountiful love. They are drunk with the toxicity of need for each others security. While there are fools in love there are also those who love cautiously, giving love as a gift. They are those who are realists who do not fear the death that is considered winter because they have smartly stocked themselves in preparation heavily with coats and blankets, boots and fire wood. They have understood they need their own intelligence to function. That would be especially with another.

Co-Dependency is everything about self sufficiency. It is impure and toxic if it is made of two that are in dire despair. It is glamourized and over rated to be obsessively vulnerable with another who has qualities that you do not for the simple sake of feeling complete. You handicap yourself if you cannot learn to fend for yourself. Fear not the cold, and instead realize you are an asset. Realize it is not a bad thing to be strong. While you have everything you need to survive, others who are like you will bring their own set of things to survive life right along with you. That is what surviving is about should you give in to coexisting, rather than going it alone. Independence is a self defense mechanism for the human, and does not have to be the only option as long as it is understood that co-dependency is not a need. Co-dependency is the choice. The independent soul knows this, and is patient through the seasons of time as it focuses on the better things in life, without being overly concerned about being a pet to what the majority of the world mistakes for love.

© 2014 Reina Stone

Author's Note

Reina Stone
Even if you did not agree with what I've said here, can you see the view I have through my eyes?

My Review

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I often ponder the subject of my own deep sub-conscious, contemplating the Solipsist-esque notion of external personalities created by myself, yet evolved upon my perception and vastly out of control, however; although the idea has been teased many times on occasion, until now it was purely an abstract concept. Here, reading this, I fear a negation of my own rationality, due course for questioning the possibility that this was written by me, yet outside of my knowledge. Such farce! And I cannot allow myself to believe such an absurd idea, but this is what arose upon reading each linked word, culminating to sentences seemingly comparable to my own. If each sentence could be turned to question the relation shared in regard to myself, the entirety of this work, in absolute, would be resounding yes'. Reminiscent of a "trip" I experienced at one time in my life, reading that was like leaving my body, taking a seat next to myself, and listening to my original self talking to itself - how obstinately peculiar indeed.

Now I have said the latter - of which I needed to, - I shall begin the review of the subject matter; as if written by another human. I too shall review in full form, paragraph review for paragraph given, ending in typical stricture. Oh yes, and as a little challenge for myself, I too shall attempt to review sentence for sentence given - this may result in some very long sentence on my behalf (I also fear the use of horrendous amounts of connectives and semi-colons). Let us begin.


Beautifully sensual, we are nurtured into the piece with the glorious arrival of a dual-metaphorical fall, leading to the comparable nature of the human need for physical warmth in cold weather with the human need for emotional connection in separated plains, yet we too begin to understand the not-so-conceited meaning behind the author's motive; what it means to be an independent being. Gracefully linking proposed statements and considerations with the elegance of a goldfinch in flight, propositions begin to arise, directly targeting the reader, supposing them as THE (no option of italics) individual in question, as opposed to the collective, thus, the reader begins - outside of their control I may add - to relate the subject matter being explicated upon themselves, and the result may I feel, take one of two paths; complete relation between the written message and the self and an internal smile, OR the dismay in the face of information previously buried from fear of despair. A topic then arises which has remained an enigma throughout all humankind's existence, and one that remains as prevalent as a plague of incestuous requirement amongst those who crave its effects, and the topic is this: love; a mystery for those who crave and are under its grasp, and an illness to those who have experienced its true effect. Relating to the self further more, the author begins to detail how the individual is as separate to the abstract concept of this "love" ideal, and how the individual divided from love is able to view all associations with love as ... petty, sinister, or perhaps trivial in regards to one's true ideal. Synonymous similes then play a crucial role for the reader who craves this love idea, the "lone wolf" and its lack of a place to call home; a experience all I feel encounter at some time in one's existence, thus why this is highly appropriate for relation for he who wants love and fails to understand his SELF, however; here again, the individual who corresponds with the author's conceited meaning here, basks in delectation upon establishing a rarefied connection. Ending with a straightforward statement, the first paragraph is both the key to a chest of subjective knowledge and the unlocking of said chest; leaving both types of readers wanting to read on, yet both for their own means.

Beginning with a question I feel would interest both readers, we enter the realm of quizzical relation; the nature of relating to one's self with the intention of finding answers - and answers we gain. We are told that upon encountering the apparent un-necessity of love we find a greater approval and understanding of our selves; of two halves that had broken upon the earliest notion of the love ideal, which originally existed as one whole, but had been broken in two by the individual for the sake of giving half to another - a seemingly ridiculous act, highly absurd in nature. We gain a delightful relation between the previous usage of Yin and Yang when the author dictates how one may find a "feeling of equal balance within yourself" when concerning oneself with only one's own being, and it's here I believe the individual who seeks severance from love's effects begins to see a path just up ahead, a little brighter than the route they're on. Upon reaching the split in the path, the reader immediately comes to a halt, but why? purely because there seems a message to heed; once adopting one's self, is that all there is? The questioning behind the latter question too becomes answered, as if the author knows precisely what the reader is thinking. But wait, we halted of our own free will, and the author reveals that to us; we paused because of the damage we understand love has done to us, yet again, what's this? why have I all of a sudden become balanced? why does the author dictate I am balanced? oh... yes, because I'm an individual, learning what it means to be individual. The tiger metaphor here plays a huge role for the individual who poses the latter questions, and I would do well to state my appreciation and respect for boosting the morale of those who perhaps fear they had been blinded by love, for to be comparable to a tiger at this stage of their journey is nothing less than astonishing. Such beautiful imagery, and here, personally, I cannot help being in awe of your ability to relate the actual matter with the subject matter; word for meaning - awesome (the correct sense of the word of course, not the neologistic fallible usage) writing here. I too here - the line being "hides them behind their gaze" - relate how I wish I could look people in the eyes! how much subjective knowledge to I evade by not understanding when I encounter an individual upon such a path like my own. Continuing with the extended metaphor (a respected technique of mine) we begin to fear for the vastness of the journey we are to undertake, for he who begins his journey now sees how long this path ahead truly is, how strewn with thorn and bramble it is, and how condensed and fortified the forest either side seems to be - truly a frightening environment for the individual who still is under the illusion of needing the comfort and security of others. 'How just how am I going to get through this alone!' pleads the wanting individual - 'relate to the tiger you are' expresses the author; a perfect ending to the second paragraph Remy.

As a note: I'm not entirely certain what you intend to mean with this question, and I believe it may be due to its structure, so please, if you will, can you tell me what you mean. However, back to the work, addressing the reader directly once more, the author details what the individual already acknowledges a lacking of in a relationship, that being trust. Portraying one world as opposed to another - the "arena" of a relationship and the apparently vague nature of independence - the author then expresses the nature of the need to feel secure (also, as a side note, I can tell this was pasted in from microsoft word, because somehow, all " - "'s or dashes turn into speech marks, so just thought I should let you know). Comparable to how slaves were used as disposable "meat" in ancient Roman gladiatorial events, the reader is then set to explore their own feelings and connections to what they sense while in these constricting relationships. "Everyone is a prison", simply delightful - somewhat obtusely I know, and this possibly only said from one who agrees - and true. Ah! on to questioning the prospect of one's advanced ideal! Glorious! Now existing back and forth between safety and the frontline of relationships, the author seems to be swinging a pendulum of persuasion; left, revealing the infallible security within independence, right, the exhort against the fallacy of interconnectedness. 'Don't test the depth of a body of water with both feet' right? Great knowledge begins to emanate from the author, and the reader really begins to hear, as if without the need for ears, with with intuition, and trust. The pendulum swings left again, "become numb to the idea of any kind of companionship", but I'd believe the individual still persuaded by love my see this as a dreadful thing - not all of us however. Pendulum right, you're safe here, were things that affect you negatively are a vast distance away; unable to be hurt by things in different form. 'See the freedom you will hold if independent' proclaims the author metaphorically. 'Be one, unique, and beautiful in your own nature'. 'Fight all attempts against those who try to corrode you individuality'. 'Be this way, and other's will soon begin to see'.

Moving to the technique of directly questioning the reader, he becomes wary; on guard against possible attacks upon his innocence. Stepping cautiously now, he slightly fears for the safety of his own well-being, perhaps craving the distant memory of the warmth he gained from needing others. Almost directing the reader's precise movements now, the author seemingly begins to present their knowledge of the subject, as if accompanying the wary individual along the path, yet in the form of the individual's own shadow. 'Is this who I TRULY am?' questions the wary reader upon being talked to by their shadow, and although on guard, the shadow's voice seemingly begins to take effect. The light on the path roars momentarily as the sun overhead ignites the atmosphere high above; as the author begins to reveal the beneficial nature of being one; an individual, independently functioning and autonomous, opposed and fortified against the onslaught of collective tyranny. 'Look at who you were back there' states the author metaphorically, 'see their weaknesses and foibles, the fallible belief in a concept that detracts from one's ability to exist and to exist fully'. 'Understand why you are now walking this path, and understand it was you - with your own free-will - whom decided to tread this soft soil beneath you'; the shadow of the author - completely free from applying any physical force against the wary individual's decision - begins delving into the mind of the individual, showing them the nature of their quest. 'See how funny it is how many people walk that path behind you? see how none of them smile' the shadow makes the individual look behind them. The author details the problems of connectivity and the relational issues associated between two (naturally) independent beings, this, now, is almost self-revealing for the individual who has now walked quite some way down the path. Again detailing how the nature of the individual is set by ... nature, the reader connects this new sentiment back with how they felt about the same at the beginning of the journey. Then the author begins to relate the individual with the people he used to be. 'See how they destroy the YOU in you, and change you for their benefit' the shadow says; it's here the incestuous aspect emerges of the blight of "love", because love becomes clear to the reader, completely unashamed and blatant in being - love: the act of turning another into yourself in order to replicate and adore one's pseudo-own being. It is here, at the end of paragraph four, the reader sees "love" as differentiated from word, sensation and concept, and sees its true nature; oh how trivial love seems now when all it attempts to do is relate one's true nature - to be independent - with the corrosive effect of eroding another and changing them in order to love a self of their own subsumed in ulterior form. 'See the futility of it?' asks the shadow metaphorically. Ending with two sentences that oppose the description of the true nature of the "love" ideal, the reader no longer feels wary, but prepared for what's next.

And what is next - a means by which one can fasten one's pace along the path, and a means to shield themselves from any packs of wolves that may attack out of the surrounding forest. The reader - due to the author's candour - begins to understand a certain task required of them if they truly are to become independent, and the task is to eliminate, no, sever all possible trade-routes between his ability to care, and his NEED to care. The author's honesty seems to boost the reliability when stating the highest threat to one's independence, which comes in the form of a plea; the showing - or even acknowledging the existence of - of solicitude for any other human being. A animalistic metaphor once more leads one to understand the author's message greater. Oooo, interesting finalé at this paragraph, and I think I understand why it was chosen, but allow me to query: was it an attempt at igniting within the reader a feeling comparable to that when they were "abandoned", thus creating a higher level of comparability? Interesting choice indeed, but I'd like to have you own take on why it was chosen indeed.

Now the author pleads to the reader. 'Trust in me, but you MUST take into account the honest truth of adopting the independent existence,' says the author, 'take into account the "sacrifices" you must make in order to be happy in yourself'. Correcting him/herself in wording seems to relieve some of the pressure created during the course of the work, and seems to create a human feel for ... the author. 'This is reality' state the author, and the reader here, I feel, can go two ways if they haven't already: they can either remain seeing this as some form of semi-fictional opinionated release, or they can admire the knowledge involved from the author, and apply it to their own life. Indeed, the author does well to state how the concept at hand is a complex one. Delving into the reality further, with an brief accompaniment of human nature; the inherent need to be accepted by one's peers. Indeed, the author displays his/her rationality with the following statement, that being "You cannot make yourself forget yourself and you shouldn't have to", which enchants the reader towards ... his/her pendulum once more, and the reason he/she is swinging it. The following sentence is highly rational also (not that the whole piece isn't I thought I may add), and brings about the feel the first acceptance of individuality for those who chose the second option I listed previously. Ending with two sentences that stab definitions into the reader, they now almost feel ready to accept their new path.

Adopting a level of sympathy for the individual who is so new, so innocent, the author begins the penultimate paragraph with a great deal of, not caution, but ease. Again connecting with the negative side of the love ideal, the next three sentences express and develop within the mind of the innocent reader, leading them to - by their own means - see how becoming independent is truly beneficial. Leading to a sentence that - I personally find to be the greatest sentence of the whole piece, perfect in nature, logic, sentiment, concept, and knowledge - expresses the individual who is perfectly at one with himself, the author gently caresses the reader into understanding that once independent, everything one can give is profoundly greater in value. In understanding oneself in absolute, what one can offer - reflecting the core of the independent being in question - holds supreme value, and superlative in nature. Exist as one, but understand two one's can meet and share without detracting from the value of each, and if each individual is truly ONE entire being, the affect is only additional. (Bloody glorious I might say; lovely work here)

Beginning the final paragraph with describing the exact nature of existing for others, or "Co-Dependency" in short, the author does well indeed; reading both the first and second paragraphs for the reader is like studying GCSE level science to a Quantum Physicist. Indeed, in relation to the modern day, if there were three things I notice and hear in all (most) people I encounter, the three things - in descending order of importance - are as follows: Love (everyone is searching for that special someone), wonga (the brilliance of paper and metal), and recognition (to be seen in any one light by others'). In all of these people I see subconscious confusion, depression, and anger towards those who are seemingly searching for anything other, and you seem to understand this too; relating it perfectly to Co-Dependence. I love the connection with fearing the cold, and the next sentence's blatant attempt at tempting the instincts of the reader. For this next sentence, I think I understand about how "others who are like you will bring their own set of things to survive life right along with you", but just to be clear, is this in regards to other independent beings? Oh wait, I see, sorry about that; indeed you intended to suggest "like you" as in "humans", yes, I'd agree - Co-Dependent beings will see the power of autonomous individuals, thus in order to be benefit themselves, will attract towards those who seemingly provide most security. Again, I love the relation to free-will, where are this stage of the piece, the reader still has the option of turning back if they are too fearful of leaving others. The final sentence, could not, in any way, be put any greater; it sums up the lone individual concisely, and is transcribable only from one whom is such an individual.


Overall, I'm still in awe, and as you ask in the Author's note "can you see the view I have through my eyes?", my answer would have to be, I think I'm wearing your eyes... For now, I'm done, five cigarettes down the line and two pots of tea drained, I'm somewhat mentally done for a transient time. I thought this review might make up for any rudeness that may or may not have been mistaken on my behalf, also, your words, your thoughts, your knowledge; ... all profound and inspirational. Please, send me more work to review, 'twould be an honour Remy.

Top-f'in-notch indeed.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Umm... I apologise for the length of this ... I only just realised - upon entering the trance I ente.. read more
Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Hello Theo! I want to start by saying, I very much enjoyed your beautiful review. It brought joy to .. read more


Wow... I love this story. This spoke to me, for I am like this, I like been independent, strong on my own. I truly hate when somebody tries to help me especially man. I'm not trying to be mean, that is just how I am. Yet I do care a lot about other people. And I help them whenever I see that they need a hand. I live this way, "I love you, I can love you. But please, don't love me"

I have made reckless/selfish mistakes that have hurt those that love me. And that is why I tell people not to love me for they don’t truly know me.

Thank you for sharing

I really enjoy reading this story


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Hey there Suk,

I understand exactly where you're coming from. I am difficult in that wa.. read more
The Black Warrior

9 Years Ago

You are very welcome Remy...sorry that it took so long for me to write back LOL

I print.. read more
Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Lol it's completely fine. I also am busy through out the day. Lots of people in my life that need ta.. read more
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I often ponder the subject of my own deep sub-conscious, contemplating the Solipsist-esque notion of external personalities created by myself, yet evolved upon my perception and vastly out of control, however; although the idea has been teased many times on occasion, until now it was purely an abstract concept. Here, reading this, I fear a negation of my own rationality, due course for questioning the possibility that this was written by me, yet outside of my knowledge. Such farce! And I cannot allow myself to believe such an absurd idea, but this is what arose upon reading each linked word, culminating to sentences seemingly comparable to my own. If each sentence could be turned to question the relation shared in regard to myself, the entirety of this work, in absolute, would be resounding yes'. Reminiscent of a "trip" I experienced at one time in my life, reading that was like leaving my body, taking a seat next to myself, and listening to my original self talking to itself - how obstinately peculiar indeed.

Now I have said the latter - of which I needed to, - I shall begin the review of the subject matter; as if written by another human. I too shall review in full form, paragraph review for paragraph given, ending in typical stricture. Oh yes, and as a little challenge for myself, I too shall attempt to review sentence for sentence given - this may result in some very long sentence on my behalf (I also fear the use of horrendous amounts of connectives and semi-colons). Let us begin.


Beautifully sensual, we are nurtured into the piece with the glorious arrival of a dual-metaphorical fall, leading to the comparable nature of the human need for physical warmth in cold weather with the human need for emotional connection in separated plains, yet we too begin to understand the not-so-conceited meaning behind the author's motive; what it means to be an independent being. Gracefully linking proposed statements and considerations with the elegance of a goldfinch in flight, propositions begin to arise, directly targeting the reader, supposing them as THE (no option of italics) individual in question, as opposed to the collective, thus, the reader begins - outside of their control I may add - to relate the subject matter being explicated upon themselves, and the result may I feel, take one of two paths; complete relation between the written message and the self and an internal smile, OR the dismay in the face of information previously buried from fear of despair. A topic then arises which has remained an enigma throughout all humankind's existence, and one that remains as prevalent as a plague of incestuous requirement amongst those who crave its effects, and the topic is this: love; a mystery for those who crave and are under its grasp, and an illness to those who have experienced its true effect. Relating to the self further more, the author begins to detail how the individual is as separate to the abstract concept of this "love" ideal, and how the individual divided from love is able to view all associations with love as ... petty, sinister, or perhaps trivial in regards to one's true ideal. Synonymous similes then play a crucial role for the reader who craves this love idea, the "lone wolf" and its lack of a place to call home; a experience all I feel encounter at some time in one's existence, thus why this is highly appropriate for relation for he who wants love and fails to understand his SELF, however; here again, the individual who corresponds with the author's conceited meaning here, basks in delectation upon establishing a rarefied connection. Ending with a straightforward statement, the first paragraph is both the key to a chest of subjective knowledge and the unlocking of said chest; leaving both types of readers wanting to read on, yet both for their own means.

Beginning with a question I feel would interest both readers, we enter the realm of quizzical relation; the nature of relating to one's self with the intention of finding answers - and answers we gain. We are told that upon encountering the apparent un-necessity of love we find a greater approval and understanding of our selves; of two halves that had broken upon the earliest notion of the love ideal, which originally existed as one whole, but had been broken in two by the individual for the sake of giving half to another - a seemingly ridiculous act, highly absurd in nature. We gain a delightful relation between the previous usage of Yin and Yang when the author dictates how one may find a "feeling of equal balance within yourself" when concerning oneself with only one's own being, and it's here I believe the individual who seeks severance from love's effects begins to see a path just up ahead, a little brighter than the route they're on. Upon reaching the split in the path, the reader immediately comes to a halt, but why? purely because there seems a message to heed; once adopting one's self, is that all there is? The questioning behind the latter question too becomes answered, as if the author knows precisely what the reader is thinking. But wait, we halted of our own free will, and the author reveals that to us; we paused because of the damage we understand love has done to us, yet again, what's this? why have I all of a sudden become balanced? why does the author dictate I am balanced? oh... yes, because I'm an individual, learning what it means to be individual. The tiger metaphor here plays a huge role for the individual who poses the latter questions, and I would do well to state my appreciation and respect for boosting the morale of those who perhaps fear they had been blinded by love, for to be comparable to a tiger at this stage of their journey is nothing less than astonishing. Such beautiful imagery, and here, personally, I cannot help being in awe of your ability to relate the actual matter with the subject matter; word for meaning - awesome (the correct sense of the word of course, not the neologistic fallible usage) writing here. I too here - the line being "hides them behind their gaze" - relate how I wish I could look people in the eyes! how much subjective knowledge to I evade by not understanding when I encounter an individual upon such a path like my own. Continuing with the extended metaphor (a respected technique of mine) we begin to fear for the vastness of the journey we are to undertake, for he who begins his journey now sees how long this path ahead truly is, how strewn with thorn and bramble it is, and how condensed and fortified the forest either side seems to be - truly a frightening environment for the individual who still is under the illusion of needing the comfort and security of others. 'How just how am I going to get through this alone!' pleads the wanting individual - 'relate to the tiger you are' expresses the author; a perfect ending to the second paragraph Remy.

As a note: I'm not entirely certain what you intend to mean with this question, and I believe it may be due to its structure, so please, if you will, can you tell me what you mean. However, back to the work, addressing the reader directly once more, the author details what the individual already acknowledges a lacking of in a relationship, that being trust. Portraying one world as opposed to another - the "arena" of a relationship and the apparently vague nature of independence - the author then expresses the nature of the need to feel secure (also, as a side note, I can tell this was pasted in from microsoft word, because somehow, all " - "'s or dashes turn into speech marks, so just thought I should let you know). Comparable to how slaves were used as disposable "meat" in ancient Roman gladiatorial events, the reader is then set to explore their own feelings and connections to what they sense while in these constricting relationships. "Everyone is a prison", simply delightful - somewhat obtusely I know, and this possibly only said from one who agrees - and true. Ah! on to questioning the prospect of one's advanced ideal! Glorious! Now existing back and forth between safety and the frontline of relationships, the author seems to be swinging a pendulum of persuasion; left, revealing the infallible security within independence, right, the exhort against the fallacy of interconnectedness. 'Don't test the depth of a body of water with both feet' right? Great knowledge begins to emanate from the author, and the reader really begins to hear, as if without the need for ears, with with intuition, and trust. The pendulum swings left again, "become numb to the idea of any kind of companionship", but I'd believe the individual still persuaded by love my see this as a dreadful thing - not all of us however. Pendulum right, you're safe here, were things that affect you negatively are a vast distance away; unable to be hurt by things in different form. 'See the freedom you will hold if independent' proclaims the author metaphorically. 'Be one, unique, and beautiful in your own nature'. 'Fight all attempts against those who try to corrode you individuality'. 'Be this way, and other's will soon begin to see'.

Moving to the technique of directly questioning the reader, he becomes wary; on guard against possible attacks upon his innocence. Stepping cautiously now, he slightly fears for the safety of his own well-being, perhaps craving the distant memory of the warmth he gained from needing others. Almost directing the reader's precise movements now, the author seemingly begins to present their knowledge of the subject, as if accompanying the wary individual along the path, yet in the form of the individual's own shadow. 'Is this who I TRULY am?' questions the wary reader upon being talked to by their shadow, and although on guard, the shadow's voice seemingly begins to take effect. The light on the path roars momentarily as the sun overhead ignites the atmosphere high above; as the author begins to reveal the beneficial nature of being one; an individual, independently functioning and autonomous, opposed and fortified against the onslaught of collective tyranny. 'Look at who you were back there' states the author metaphorically, 'see their weaknesses and foibles, the fallible belief in a concept that detracts from one's ability to exist and to exist fully'. 'Understand why you are now walking this path, and understand it was you - with your own free-will - whom decided to tread this soft soil beneath you'; the shadow of the author - completely free from applying any physical force against the wary individual's decision - begins delving into the mind of the individual, showing them the nature of their quest. 'See how funny it is how many people walk that path behind you? see how none of them smile' the shadow makes the individual look behind them. The author details the problems of connectivity and the relational issues associated between two (naturally) independent beings, this, now, is almost self-revealing for the individual who has now walked quite some way down the path. Again detailing how the nature of the individual is set by ... nature, the reader connects this new sentiment back with how they felt about the same at the beginning of the journey. Then the author begins to relate the individual with the people he used to be. 'See how they destroy the YOU in you, and change you for their benefit' the shadow says; it's here the incestuous aspect emerges of the blight of "love", because love becomes clear to the reader, completely unashamed and blatant in being - love: the act of turning another into yourself in order to replicate and adore one's pseudo-own being. It is here, at the end of paragraph four, the reader sees "love" as differentiated from word, sensation and concept, and sees its true nature; oh how trivial love seems now when all it attempts to do is relate one's true nature - to be independent - with the corrosive effect of eroding another and changing them in order to love a self of their own subsumed in ulterior form. 'See the futility of it?' asks the shadow metaphorically. Ending with two sentences that oppose the description of the true nature of the "love" ideal, the reader no longer feels wary, but prepared for what's next.

And what is next - a means by which one can fasten one's pace along the path, and a means to shield themselves from any packs of wolves that may attack out of the surrounding forest. The reader - due to the author's candour - begins to understand a certain task required of them if they truly are to become independent, and the task is to eliminate, no, sever all possible trade-routes between his ability to care, and his NEED to care. The author's honesty seems to boost the reliability when stating the highest threat to one's independence, which comes in the form of a plea; the showing - or even acknowledging the existence of - of solicitude for any other human being. A animalistic metaphor once more leads one to understand the author's message greater. Oooo, interesting finalé at this paragraph, and I think I understand why it was chosen, but allow me to query: was it an attempt at igniting within the reader a feeling comparable to that when they were "abandoned", thus creating a higher level of comparability? Interesting choice indeed, but I'd like to have you own take on why it was chosen indeed.

Now the author pleads to the reader. 'Trust in me, but you MUST take into account the honest truth of adopting the independent existence,' says the author, 'take into account the "sacrifices" you must make in order to be happy in yourself'. Correcting him/herself in wording seems to relieve some of the pressure created during the course of the work, and seems to create a human feel for ... the author. 'This is reality' state the author, and the reader here, I feel, can go two ways if they haven't already: they can either remain seeing this as some form of semi-fictional opinionated release, or they can admire the knowledge involved from the author, and apply it to their own life. Indeed, the author does well to state how the concept at hand is a complex one. Delving into the reality further, with an brief accompaniment of human nature; the inherent need to be accepted by one's peers. Indeed, the author displays his/her rationality with the following statement, that being "You cannot make yourself forget yourself and you shouldn't have to", which enchants the reader towards ... his/her pendulum once more, and the reason he/she is swinging it. The following sentence is highly rational also (not that the whole piece isn't I thought I may add), and brings about the feel the first acceptance of individuality for those who chose the second option I listed previously. Ending with two sentences that stab definitions into the reader, they now almost feel ready to accept their new path.

Adopting a level of sympathy for the individual who is so new, so innocent, the author begins the penultimate paragraph with a great deal of, not caution, but ease. Again connecting with the negative side of the love ideal, the next three sentences express and develop within the mind of the innocent reader, leading them to - by their own means - see how becoming independent is truly beneficial. Leading to a sentence that - I personally find to be the greatest sentence of the whole piece, perfect in nature, logic, sentiment, concept, and knowledge - expresses the individual who is perfectly at one with himself, the author gently caresses the reader into understanding that once independent, everything one can give is profoundly greater in value. In understanding oneself in absolute, what one can offer - reflecting the core of the independent being in question - holds supreme value, and superlative in nature. Exist as one, but understand two one's can meet and share without detracting from the value of each, and if each individual is truly ONE entire being, the affect is only additional. (Bloody glorious I might say; lovely work here)

Beginning the final paragraph with describing the exact nature of existing for others, or "Co-Dependency" in short, the author does well indeed; reading both the first and second paragraphs for the reader is like studying GCSE level science to a Quantum Physicist. Indeed, in relation to the modern day, if there were three things I notice and hear in all (most) people I encounter, the three things - in descending order of importance - are as follows: Love (everyone is searching for that special someone), wonga (the brilliance of paper and metal), and recognition (to be seen in any one light by others'). In all of these people I see subconscious confusion, depression, and anger towards those who are seemingly searching for anything other, and you seem to understand this too; relating it perfectly to Co-Dependence. I love the connection with fearing the cold, and the next sentence's blatant attempt at tempting the instincts of the reader. For this next sentence, I think I understand about how "others who are like you will bring their own set of things to survive life right along with you", but just to be clear, is this in regards to other independent beings? Oh wait, I see, sorry about that; indeed you intended to suggest "like you" as in "humans", yes, I'd agree - Co-Dependent beings will see the power of autonomous individuals, thus in order to be benefit themselves, will attract towards those who seemingly provide most security. Again, I love the relation to free-will, where are this stage of the piece, the reader still has the option of turning back if they are too fearful of leaving others. The final sentence, could not, in any way, be put any greater; it sums up the lone individual concisely, and is transcribable only from one whom is such an individual.


Overall, I'm still in awe, and as you ask in the Author's note "can you see the view I have through my eyes?", my answer would have to be, I think I'm wearing your eyes... For now, I'm done, five cigarettes down the line and two pots of tea drained, I'm somewhat mentally done for a transient time. I thought this review might make up for any rudeness that may or may not have been mistaken on my behalf, also, your words, your thoughts, your knowledge; ... all profound and inspirational. Please, send me more work to review, 'twould be an honour Remy.

Top-f'in-notch indeed.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Umm... I apologise for the length of this ... I only just realised - upon entering the trance I ente.. read more
Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Hello Theo! I want to start by saying, I very much enjoyed your beautiful review. It brought joy to .. read more
Great job you did, i enjoyed it..............

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Cinel!
A amazing combination of thoughts. You open the door to a long conversation. You words were balanced and understood. I believe the each of us need more or less of life contact. Sometime we can find peace in quiet and loneliness. Thank you for sharing the excellent story.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Hey Coyote! Thank you for the review. I am very glad you saw my point of writing. It had occurred to.. read more
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Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are correct and you are welcome.
Just one word: FANTASTIC

Loved this

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed.
Awesome... simply awesome... i love how you portray the pride of the Lone Wolf, a pride that has pushed me through life ever since the beginning of it.

Great job.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reina Stone

9 Years Ago

Thank you for your appreciation. It was the best way that I could describe the loner type of feeling.. read more

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6 Reviews
Added on September 5, 2014
Last Updated on October 26, 2014


Reina Stone
Reina Stone

The Astral Plane, NY

Dear viewers, I try to work at the rate of review per review. Basically, you look at mine and I'll be more than happy to look at yours. In writing there is no rigid rule book. There are no restr.. more..


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