3 poems , I memorized

3 poems , I memorized

A Story by Naomi Montana Walsh

What I learned about poetry from poetry



I think,that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree..


For some reason about a year ago, I took it upon myself to memorize a few poems.

A Light Poem, A nonsense Poem and a Dark Poem

One poem that I hated

One that I did not understand.

And One that I really liked.


The one I hated was

The Lovely Tree Poem

by Joyce Kilmer

[ Because I thought it trite and simple}


The one I did not understand was..

The Jabberwocky

by Lewis Carol


{ Because the words are Jibberish}


And finally the one I have always rather liked.

The Raven

by Edgar Allen Poe.


{ because it is dark and passionate and rhymes and meanders on endlessly}


I do not know why, I chose to memorize any poems at all

but I do know what it taught me.


Be in the moment and notice the simple beauty of a tree..

Be whimsical and wild with words like Jabberwocky.

Be able to walk in the dark and yet see as Edger did.


My poetry has always ..ran the gamut of emotional exibitions .


I now love all three of these poems

because they reminded me ..

To be all three.



© 2009 Naomi Montana Walsh

My Review

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I have heard of the Raven
The other two not familiar with
Then again I loved Poe
Thanks for your opinion on the other two though.
Quite intriquing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 10, 2009


Naomi Montana Walsh
Naomi Montana Walsh

Los Angeles , CA

I am a writer and Artist .. well actually those are the same thing to me..I like to tell stories with art and I like to make pictures with words ..I live a happy life now but have walked through the v.. more..
