Love From The Heart

Love From The Heart

A Story by Amiiee

As the snow falls, the pure white air is painted with black and sorrows, the snow on the ground melts from warm tears, and the sky is grey. As the coffins is being pulled down and buried, no tears comes from her eyes, the only daughter that is left with her older brother. She watches with no emotions, no tears and no feelings, but inside she wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, but she couldnt do it. Her father always beated her for getting picked on at school and fighting back and her mother never helped her, not even once. She hated them and wished they were dead, but today was the day they both left the world.
After the burial her brother brought her to the car and asks her,
"Ariya, are you okay?"
Ariya looks at her brother and nods silently without a word. On the way home she sat silently leaning on the window thinking back before her father started beating her and back when her mother was still her best friend. Her father was always gentle and her mother always protected her, but then one day her brother ran away from home, her father started gambling and drinking, and her mother was always stress then one day they both change. Her father became an alcoholic getting drunk everyday and her mother stopped caring, stopped speaking and just stayed in her room. Ariya was then left alone by  herself everyday taking care of her parents and still trying to go to school to take care of herself. 
One day Ariya was tired of everything and gave up, her father would show up drunk at her school and she was always made fun of by other kids. Other kids picked on Ariya and she fought back defending herself but she always got in trouble and sent home. Being sent home her father would beat her and her mother would just go into her room and lock the doors. Her screams of pain would fill the house and no one would come to help. On the day of parents day at school she came home from school without attending the celebration because she knows they will not attend also. When she came home her house was all messed up, everything was broken and thrown everywhere, then she gets a call from the hospital,
"Is this a family member or relative of a man and woman that got into a car crash and passed away?"
Hearing it, Ariya felt her heart crushed and she drops the phone, her body felt frozen, she stood in one place for a long time. Softly, she mumbles,
"Mom? Dad?"
Then without knowing she walks to the hospital, on the way there the world felt like it was moving in slow motion and time just stopped. Walking across the street and not paying attention, a car was coming fast at her. She still doesn't pay any attention, then suddenly someone grabs her and pushes her away. Rolling away Ariya faints not knowing who pushed her or who saved her. When she woke up, she was already at the hospital. When she walks out she sees her brother talking to the doctor, standing there and staring at her brother he see's her and walks to her,
"Ariya are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"
Nodding her head she slowly says,
"Mom, dad?"
Knowing what she meant, he hugs her and apologize,
"I'm so sorry Ariya. I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry for everything. Everything is my fault."
Slowly she says,
"Oppa where's mom and dad?"
He let's go of her and takes her to their parents dead corpse with blanket covering from head to toe. She walks to them and uncover the blankets from their face and stares at them. Staring at them she starts to talk louder and louder,
"Is this what you guys were doing that's why you guys didnt come to parents day? Why? Why of all things you guys come and lay here when you could've came to my school for parents day?Why?"
Ariya's brother grabs her away takes her out to calm down and tries to talk to her,
"Ariya you know this isn't their fault. They didn't want this to happen either."
Already angry that she is, she looks at her brother and asks,
"Why do you care? You left thats why their like this now. You left and everything bad came to our family. Father became a gambler and alcoholic and Mother just never cared about anyhting anymore. Father always beat me and mother goes to her room and just locks the door. I cried everyday and did you ever come back?"
Her brother tries to hug her but she moves and pushes him away then he replies,
"I'm really sorry Ariya, everything is my fault. I thought if i left."
"We will have a better life?" Ariya continuing his words.
He moves closer to Ariya and says,
"I never meant for this to happen. I'm really sorry Ariya."
Aryia gets up and says,
"Sorry won't make a difference now, mom and dad is dead and you have your family to take care of. So just go back after mom and dads burial."
Getting up he tells Moon,
"What about you? What will happen to you if I go back? Can't you go back with me? There's nothing left for you here."
Nodding her head she says,
"I won't go with you and I won't stay here anymore either. There's nothing for me left in this world but myself."
Grabbing her arms he asks,
"Where will you go? How will you survive? You're only 18."
Pushing her brother away she tells him,
"I can survive on my own and i always have ever since you left home. I took care of myself, fed myself and walk myself everyday to school dealing with kids who always picked on me for being poor, for having a mother and father who never cared about  me and a brother who ran away from home."
After saying that Ariya ran out of the hospital crying, she ran all the way home and packed her clothes. 
Then coming back to reality she got home from her parents burial, she went to her room and wrote her brother a goodbye letter. Later that night when her brother fell asleep she snuck out of the house and took a taxing to the airport. She bought a ticket to Seoul and left and when her brother woke up to go back to where his wife and kids were he looks in Ariya's room and she was gone. He looked everywhere for her and gave up and came back to the house. He saw the letter she wrote and read it,
"Dear Oppa,
I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye to you, but I'm doing this for me. I want to go far away from that place and leave everything behind me and start a new life. There's nothing left there for me and going with you will only make it worst for me. I will be okay on my own and I will keep in contact with you once in awhile. After all your still my big brother and I will always care for you, but for now I need to be on my own. I saved enough money from working part time since you were gone. I have enough to survive on my own until i find another job. Don't worry about me, I will be okay. Goodbye Oppa. Always and forever, Ariya."
After reading the letter, her brother cries in tears, packed up and left back to where his wife and kids.
A couple days later Ariya finally arrives in Seoul, when going out of Seoul Airport someone runs and bumps into her and she falls, but that person catches her and they both fall onto the ground. When she opens her eyes from the scare, she see's that person looking at her. He smiles at her, but stares at her for awhile then helps her up. He looks at her then apologizes,
"I'm sorry are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
Ariya nods and says,
"It's okay, I'm okay. It's my fault."
He apologizes again and replies,
"No it's not your fault, I wasn't careful and ran into you."
Ariya smiles then picks up her stuff that fell. He helps her pick up her stuff then saw something that caught his eyes then he says,
"Thats a dream catcher."
She looks at him then looks at the dream catcher and says,
"Yes it is."
He smiles then said,
"It's pretty."
Ariya laughs then thanks him and gets up to grab her stuff and walks out. She takes a taxi and starts to look for a place to live. Going from places to places everywhere was too full or too expensive. She finally comes across a two small houses that is connected together using the same space and stairs. It was a beautiful place close to the ocean and had a nice ocean view. She sees someone come out of the house and runs up to asks,
"Is this place available? I really need a place to live."
The older woman that came out of the house looks at Ariya and replies,
"This house is available, the two family that lived here just recently moved out and I'm cleaning it up."
Ariya was so happy she asks the older women again,
"Really? How much?"
The older woman smiles and answers,
"Yes, this place has a decent price and affordable. The Landlord is a very nice person, you should get to know him, but the other house on the that side someone already rented it and you are very lucky no one rented this side yet."
Ariya smiles then thanks the older woman, then the older woman gives Ariya the number for the Landlord. Calling the Landlord, he accepted her and she takes the taxi to the Landlord and pays off the house and signs a contract then he gives her the key to the house. When she came back to the house she walks in and inside was also very nice. She goes to the bedroom and opens the door to a small balcony and was amazed by the view. She could see the ocean, the islands and the sun risring and setting. She unpacks then cleans up. 
Meanwhile, the person who was going to live next door arrives outside, Ariya looks out the front window and see's a nice black car with a chauffer standing next to the car. She tries too look at the person who is gona live next door but cant see who it is so she says to herself,
"That person must be rich to have a nice car with a chauffer, but why this kind of place?" 
She didn't care so she goes back to cleaning and unpacking. The person living next door to her was the guy who bumped into her at the airport, but he also don't know who he is living next to.
The next morning as Ariya's alarm rings, she gets up, get ready and walks to the nearest school to register her name. Walking back, she see's a nice white bike and decides to buy it since she don't have a car to get to school. Riding it back, she see the black car she saw yesterday driving out of the yard. She didn't give much thought to it and went inside to lock her bike and goes into the house.
The next day came, Ariya wakes up to her alarm gets up and gets ready for her first day at the new school. She was nervous because it was her first day and she doesn't know anyone. Getting ready she marks off everything in her mind trying not to forget anything. When she was done, she walks out and see's that black car again with the chuaffer standing next to it. She looks at the chauffer, looks back at the neighbors door then walks downstairs, unlocks her bike then rides off. Coming out of the house, the guy next door see's Ariya riding her bike out the gate, but also didn't give much thought and walks into the car. On the way there Ariya was riding and taking her time enjoying the view around her and all the boys and girls walking to school. Then the guy from next door's car gets closer to Ariya. The guy looks up and see's a backapck with a small dream catcher hanging from it. It looked familiar, but he wasn't sure and when they drove pass her he tries too look back to see who it is but someone else rides their bike in front of her. When he got to the school a couple minutes later Ariya gets there, but goes and locks her bike. He then first got to the clasroom, introduced himself then sat down. Knowing that she was going to be late, Ariya runs to the classroom then stops at the door. Taking a deep breath, she walks in and see so many students staring at her. The guy who lives next door looks at her in surprise. Looking around she slowly introduces herself,
"Hello everyone, my name is Ariya and I just transferred here. I'm new and came from a very far place. I'm friendly so get to know me, I won't bite. And I hope we all can get along in the future."
Everyone claps then Ariya walks to an empty seat that is a row next to the guy from next door. He stares at her trying to remember who she was because she looked familiar to him. Then looking at her backpack he see's the dream catcher, the one he saw before. Then realizing that Ariya was the girl he bumped into at the airport, and the same dream catcher, he then looks up back at her in surprise. The teacher gets their attentions and starts the lesson for the day. While the teacher is teaching and Ariya takes notes, he keeps staring at Ariya still surprise that the girl he bumped into at the airport was sitting next to him. After class, he follows her walking behind her being careful not to get caught. Ariya walks into the girls locker room to get change for P.E, then he walks into the boys locker room and quickly changes to get out before she does and waits for her.
When she comes out and he saw her, he hides until she walks pass then walks behind her. Out in P.E the coach makes them run two laps around the track field and he slowly runs behind Ariya watching her. After Ariya did her two laps she rest and gets a drink then sits down while the other students gets done running. Then he sits behind her but kind of far away so she doesn't notice. After P.E it was lunch and he does the same thing and follows her, then changes quickly and waits for her to come out. At lunch he sits at the next table to her and watches her eat while smiling. Then his friend comes and sits next to him seeing him staring at her. He hit him on the arms and asks,
"Why are you staring at her and smiling? You like her?"
He looks back at his friends and smiles then replies,
"I bumped into her at the airport and i think i fell in love."
His friend laughs then says,
"How can you be in love with someone you bumped into at the airport?"
He nods his head then looks back at her, but she was gone. He quickly gets up and search for her. Searching, he finds her walking out of the cafeteria and runs after her while his friends runs after him. Ariya walks to the library and sits down at a table and reads while he and his friend gets a random book to sit at the table same table but all the way at the end. Covering his face he takes peeks at her while she is reading, then his friends taps him and says,
"Are you going to stalk her everyday like this?"
He looks at his friends then answers,
"Shhhhh....... She might here you."
After awhile Ariya gets done reading then puts her book away and walks out while he and his friend follows her. Following her all the way out the school she walks to her bike and rides off while the guy and his friend can't follow her anymore. While they wait for their ride his friend gets his ride first leaving him behind. His ride finally comes but instead of going straight home they stop to get some gas. On the way home Ariya's bike chain breaks loose and she gets off and tries to fix it, then the guys friend see's Ariya and stops to help her fix it. After he fixed it she thanks him,
"Thank you so much for helping. If you didn't help me I wouldn't know how to fix it."
He smiles then replies,
"No problem. Your Ariya right? The new girl in our class. I'm Leo by the way, welcome to our school, its nice to meet you."
Ariya smiles back and answers,
"It's so nice to meet you too, and it's so nice to know someone with a kind heart like you. Not many have that."
They shake hands then Ariya thanks Leo one more time then rides home. When she gets home she locks up her bike. When the guy gets to the house he see's Ariya, knowing it was her because of her dream catcher keychain. He was so surprise and took a second look to make sure it was her. Hearing a car coming Ariya turns around to look and he looks away so she couldnt tell who it was. She didn't care and walks up stairs to unlock her doors. He quickly get out of the car and runs to look at her, but she walks into the house. He thought to himself,
"Oh my gosh, the girl i like lives next door" I can't believe it, she lives next door to me."
He was so happy then runs into his house and jumps on his bed calling out 
"She lives next door to me, she lives next door to me. Yes!"
After Ariya cooked and had dinner she goes to her room and do her homework. Not knowing she fell asleep, the next morning she wakes up to her alarm and gets ready for school. The guy next door wakes up early and gets ready early to watch Ariya ride her bike to school then follows after her. When he got to school he waits for her to arrive then follows her to class. During class Ariya's pencil broke while taking notes, she gets up and walks to the back of the class to get another pencil while the guy runs to her desk and puts a pencil on her desk with a note. When Ariya got back and sat down, she looks at see a new pencil already on her desk, she grabs it and grabs the note and it says,
"Bring a extra pencil next time so you dont have to miss the notes. ^_^"
She smiles then looks around confused and wondering who it was. After class she changes and forgets to get her water bottle, after running two laps again she was tired and thirsty. She walks to her stuff and didn't see her water bottle so she runs to the faucet to take a drink. The guy see's that she forgot her water bottle so he gives her his and walks off. She comes back and see a bottle water with another note on it and reads it,
"It's very important to have enough water and energy after a run. Don't forget it next time. :P"
Ariya laughs then looks around again but see's no one so she drinks it and walks to the locker room to change. At lunch she sits by herself eating then gets a text from her brother. Looking at her phone while she eats, she starts coughing from choking a little from the food. She gets up to walk to the vending machine to get a some water, but realizes she forgot her wallet. She walks back and see's a juice box next to her food and walks over to read it,
"Are you a dummy? Put away your phone and concentrate on eating and so next time you don't choke again." >:("
Ariya looks around and starts to wonder who is doing all of this and writing the note. After she was done eating, she will go to the library like she always do. Picking out a book and sitting down to do her homwork she forgets another book and goes to look for it. When she comes back and sit down she see another note but this time without anything with it, it says,
"Work hard! ^-^"
She would smile like she always do then finish up her homework and leave. He follows her all the way home making sure she went into the house before he goes into his house. Later that night he lays in bed thinking,
"Should I tell her? Should I let her know? She I just talk to her?" 
So the next morning, while she was getting ready, he waits at the top of the stairs for her. Coming out and locking her door she quickly walks almost bumping into him. She looks at him and quickly recognize him, she walks to him and asks,
"You? I remember you. Aren't you the guy who bumped into me at the airport?"
He smiles then nods his head and says,
"You have a good memory."
She laughs then says,
"What are you doing here? How are you here? By any chance do you live next door?"
He answers,
"Yes I do. I'm your next door neighbor. Surprise?"
She smiles then says,
"Wow what a coincidence, it must be fate huh?"
He laughs then invites her,
"May I take you to school?"
She looks at the chauffer then back at him and replies,
"Oh no it's okay. I can take my bike."
Then he insists,
"Go with me just this once. Plus we havent even introduce ourselves and we can do it on the way since we're going to be late just standing here."
She agrees then walks to the car with him and gets inside. Everything felt awkward, so he introduces himself first,
"Well my name is Liam and it's a real pleasure to meet someone like you. I hope we can become good friends"
Smiling at him she also introduces herself,
"I'm Ariya and its also nice to meet you. And we will be great friends, I don't bite and i get along very well with others."
When they got to school Ariya gets out after Liam and see that everyone is staring at them. Walking up behind him Ariya asks,
"Why are they staring at us? Are you popular or something?"
He looks at her then laughs and grabs her hands and says,
"Let's just go to class."
Then drags her all the way to the door of the classroom, Ariya then stops him and says,
"You can let go of my hand, I don't want anybody to think wrong."
He laughs then grabs her shoulders and pushes her to the classroom where everyone stared at them. Liam takes her to his friend and introduce him to her,
"Ariya, this is my good buddie Leo. And Leo, this is Ariya."
Leo and Ariya both laugh then Leo says,
"It's nice to meet you again Ariya."
Ariya also replies,
"It's nice to meet you again also Leo."
Then Liam gets confuse and looks at both of them and says,
"Wait? You two know eachother already?"
Both Leo an Ariya nod their heads and laugh, and again he asks,
Leo replies,
"Yesterday on the the way home Ariya's bike chain broke and i helped her fix it."
Liam shaking his head in understanding he says,
"Well its good we all met each other already."
When the teacher arrives in class they all stand and greet their teacher then go sit at their seats. After class Liam, Leo and Ariya all ran together at P.E and having fun together. After P.E they went to lunch and sat together and ate, talked, and took pictures for fun. Some of her classmates which was the three baddest girls in school saw and was very jealous because Liam was a rich guy and Ariya was just a low income person. After lunch they went to the library to read and do homework, while Ariya was doing homework both Leo and Liam was just slacking off and looking at Ariya. Ariya sees that they were looking at her and asks,
"Why aren't you guys reading or doing homework?"
They both answer,
"We are. We're reading a book right now can't you see?"
Ariya laughs then says,
"Really? You guys can read upside down?"
They both look at their books then see that it was upside down then turn it right side up. Ariya knocks both of their head with a pencil then says,
"Let's go dummies since you guys aren't reading or doing homework."
Ariya gets up and leave while they followed behind her and out of the school, they say their goodbyes then Ariya leaves with Liam. When they got home it wasn't dark yet so they walked to the beach to play a little and came back home. When it was dinner time, Leo came over Liam's house to do homework got hungry. So they both went to go knock on Ariya's door, hearing someone knock on her door she opens and see both Liam and Leo standing there,
"What are you guys doing standing in front of my door so late?"
They both laugh then Liam says,
"We're hungry and there's nothing to eat at my place."
Confused, Ariya asks,
"So what is it that you guys are trying to say?"
Smiling Liam replies,
"Can we come over for dinner?"
Laughing she answers,
"Why not? I could use some company anyways, but you guys have to help me cook. Deal?"
They both nod then Ariya lets them inside and they start cooking, after eating dinner they both help Ariya clean up and goes home.
It was a friday the next day and Ariya was glad school was over with for now. Getting ready and going out to her bike she see's Liam sitting on another bike. She looks at him and asks,
"Is that your bike?"
He nods then answers,
"My new bike. I'm going to be riding to school with you from now on."
Ariya laughs then gets on her bike and rides to Liam and says,
"You can ride a bike too?"
Liam gets on his bike then replies,
"Of course i can."
They both laugh then ride out the gate. Half way to school they hear someone call them, they turn around and it was Leo. Leo was also riding his bike and waving to them. When Leo got to them he tells them,
"Haven't rode my bike for so long and it feels great to ride it again."
Then they all ride their bikes to school enjoying the time together. They got to school, locks their bikes then goes together to the class. The three girls stares and Ariya with hate and jealousy seeing how happy she was with Liam and Leo, but Ariya didn't care.
At P.E it was free time so they played basketball and ran together, the more they hanged out together the more they got closer. Only knowing each other for a couple of days they felt like they knew each other for a lifetime. At lunch and in the library they stayed together and had so much fun. When school was over it was almost dark, on the way home Leo asks,
"Since it's friday, let's do something fun together."
Liam and Ariya agrees but Liam replies,
"But what are we going to do?"
Then Ariya suggested.
"How about we watch scary movies?"
Agreeing Liam asks,
"Who's place should we watch movies at?"
Then Leo answers,
"My place. Let's go to place and watch."
Agreeing they all rode their bikes to Leo's house. Leo was also a rich guy with a big house and alot of space and house workers.
When they got their and put their bikes away Leo's mom comes and see them,
"Leo are those your friends?"
Leo walks to his mom and replies,
"Yes mom. This is Liam which you already know and the other is Ariya, she's new here and also my good friend."
Liam greets her then Ariya walks to Leo's mom and greets her,
"Hello it's nice to meet you, my name is Ariya."
Leo's mom smiles then says,
"It's nice to meet you too Ariya, you have such a beautiful name."
Ariya thanks her then they walk into the house and Leo takes them to a room where it's just for watching movie like a small theater. While Leo and Liam was preparing for the movie night Leo's mom asks Ariya to go with her to her room. Leo's mom was taking a bath and asked Ariya to help wash her back. Washing her back Ariya says to herself,
"So this is how it feels to wash a mom's back for her."
Hearing Ariya say that Leo's mom asks her,
"You never washed your mom's back?"
When Liam walks in and before he walked in he stops because of what Ariya says.
Nodding Ariya tells her,
"My parents passed away in a car accident and when  i had a mom i never got to wash her back. My parents were different from other parent's."
Turning around Leo's mom asks,
"What do you they were different from other parents?"
Carefully listening from the room Liam went closer to the door to listen. Tears were filling Ariya's eyes and it was too hard to tell so she says,
"They were just always stress because we didn't have alot of money so i was left alone to take care of myself."
Feeling bad Leo's mom touches Ariya's hands and says,
"Don't feel bad, It's not their fault. I'll be here for you like a mother, I'll take care of you and love you like you are mines. I don't have any daughters either, just two stubborn son, I always wanted a daughter and I'm lucky I have met you."
Wiping her tears from her eyes, she smiles and replies,
"Thank you. I feel a little better knowing that and I'm lucky i have met you also."
Both laughing, Ariya continues washing her back then she suggests,
"You can call me Mom since I'm like a mom to everyone."
Ariya asks,
"Is it okay to call you that?"
Smiling she replies,
"Of course. I'll more than happy to have you call me mom."
Agreeing, Ariya stops washing her back, then suddenly Liam here someone walking up the stairs and quickly knocks on the door and says,
"Ariya are you in there? The movie is starting."
Ariya turns around then answers,
"Okay coming."
Coming out from the bathroom they both walk out the room and meet Leo's dad. Liam greets Leo's dad then introduces Ariya to him. Ariya greets him then they both walk downstairs to the room theater. When the movie starts they watch closely and quietly and then when it comes to the scary stuff they would jump back and scream. Laughing at each other they had alot of fun. After the movie was done, they got up and stretched and moved around to relax their body. Then one of the house worker comes in and tells them it was dinner time. At the dinner table they wait for Leo'd parents and little brother to come before they eat. When they all were sitting at the table and eating, Leo's mom said to Leo's dad,
"Have you met my new daughter Ariya?"
Ariya looks up surprised then smiles then Leo's dad looks at Ariya and smiles and replies,
"I have already, but when did she become our daughter?"
Leo's mom answers,
"Just now."
Then they all laugh and ate. After dinner Ariya and Liam asks to go home, but Leo's mom wanted Ariya to stay and suggested,
"You guys should sleep over since it's late already and you guys don't have school tomorrow."
Ariya and Liam both looked at eachother then said,
"It's okay, we can go home we don't want to bother you guys to clean another two room."
Leo's mom kept suggesting and suggesting until they gave up and said yes. Leo's mom took Ariya to her room and told Leo to give some of his clothes for Ariya to change in for the night. Leo gives Ariya and Liam some clothes to change in and leave to his room. Liam looks at Ariys and asks,
"Are you okay being here for tonight?"
Ariya smiles and replies,
"Yes i will. Why? Your not?"
Liam nods his head and grabs Ariya's face and says,
"No, because I'll miss you."
Ariya laughs then looks up at Liam away and says,
"I'm just gona be next door and plus don't think like we're a couple becasue we're not."
Going closer to Ariya Liam playfully says,
"Do you want to be?"
Ariya laughs then pushes Liam away and walks into her room. After taking a shower and dressing up for bed, Liam walks into Ariya's room and sits on her bed,
"Are you sure you'll be okay for tonight?"
Nodding her head she replies,
"Yes, I'll be fine. What about you?"
Also nodding his head looking nervous he says,
"Of course, why wouldnt i be."
Seeing that Liam is bring weird she walks up to him and asks,
"Are you scared to be by yourself after watching the scay movie?"
Liam looks at Ariya then quickly gets up and replies,
"I'm not. I'm going to bed, Goodnight."
Watching Liam go out of her room, she laughs and says to herself,
"He's probably scared, Hmmmm....... should i scare him a little more before i go to sleep?"
Going in his room all lights were on and he was taking a shower. She turns off all the light and goes and sits on his bed in the dark with her hair covering her face. Sitting there and waiting for him she sits there quiet. After taking a shower and dressing he opens the bathroom and see that all lights were off. He think out loud,
"Didn't i turn on all the lights?"
Turning off the bathrrom light it was ptch black and didn't see Ariya sitting on his bed. Walking to turn on the lights, when he turns around and see someone in white with long black hair covering the face he gets scared and scream. Ariya laughs then moves her hair and says,
"It's only me."
Seeing that it was only Ariya and trying to calm himself from the scared, he says,
"You scared the living soul out of me."
Laughing Ariya gets out of Liams bed and walks to him and asks,
"I thought you weren't scared. I guess you were scared after all,"
Finally calming himself, he tells Ariya,
"It's not funny. And since you scared me like that, you're getting punished."
Ariya smiles and says,
"I was just playing around, don't be mad, but it was kind of funny."
Not saying anything, Liam walks closer and closer to Ariya making her walk backwards towards the bed. Then Ariya asks,
"What are you doing?"
He looks at her then replies,
"Punishing you for scaring me."
Being stuck Ariya studders,
"I I was just playing around, but sorry if i really scared you. What what are you going to do?"
Bumping into the bed and falling back on the bed, Liam leans down close to Ariya and holds her wrist down. Turning away Ariya says,
"Please stop. I I didn't mean to do it."
"Still holding her down he replies,
"You dummy, you think I'm really going to do something?"
Turning back and facing up at Liam, Ariya answers,
Then not knowing Liam leans down and kissed her, Ariya was stuck and shock, her body frozen and her eyes were open big. Still stuck in her world, they were still lips to lips and her eyes were still open big. Her heart was pounding and her tummy felt like buterflies flying in it and her mind was seeing fireworks. It was the very first time she felt that way and she didn't know what to, but then suddenly the door opens, Leo asks,
"Liam i heard............"
Seeing Liam and Ariya both on the bed lips to lips Leo froze looking at them. Seeing that Leo was standing there, Ariya quickly pushes Liam off and gets up like nothing happen. She was embarrased so she just walked pass Leo and into her room. Closing the door she leans on the door breathless, putting her hands on her heart and for the first time she felt her heart beat so fast. Thinking of the kiss her face turns red and her cheeks was burning. She touched her cheeks and walks to sit in the bed speechless and thoughtless. Then leaning back to lay on her bed, she smiles because she felt happy and loved. Smiling and laying in bed she wonders what Liam felt, hoping he felt the same way.
Meanwhile back in Liam's room, Leo who saw everything runs to Liam in surprise and asks him,
"Were you guys just kissing? Tell me I didn't see you guys kissing?"
Liam laughs then pushes Leo and replies,
"I was punishing her for scaring me. It was just a joke."
Hitting Liam in the arm Leo says,
"Only a joke? I don't think that was a joke, I know you guys felt something between each other. What is it?"
Smiling at Leo, Liam forces Leo out of the room and locked the doors so Leo couldn't get in. Walking to his bed and laying down staring at the ceiling, Liam thinks of the kiss and how happy he felt. He smiles and laughs, but his heart was also pounding and beating fast. That night they both went to sleep thinking of the kiss. 
The next morning came and it was Saturday, waking up Ariya thinks to herself,
"Did he really kiss me lastnight?"
Touching her lips she smiles and goes wash her face, meanwhile Liam wakes up already thinking about lastnight. He tries not to show such a happy face, but couldn't help it. When both Ariya and Liam walks out of their rooms and see each other they both stop and stares at each other. Both looking away and smiling, they felt a little awkward towards each other, but both walked downstairs together to eat breakfast with Leo and his family. Sitting next to eachother at the table they both kept looking at each other and smiling and thinking of the kiss then looks away. Seeing how awkward it was Leo laughs and asks them,
"So what happened last night? Why is it so awkward between you two now? "
They both look up at Leo in shock then both answering,
"Nothing happened!"
They look at each other then looks away. After breakfast, Leo took ask them to get ready and to go somewhere with him. When they got ready they went into the car with Leo sitting between them. Staring at them, left to right Leo nods his head while smiling knowing what is going on in their hearts. When they got there, Leo pushed them out without going with them. He closes the door then locks it and says,
"Have fun together. Don't be too awkward, I know how you guys feel about each other so don't worry and have fun."
Driving off, Leo waves to them, then Liam and Ariya looks at eachother then looks at where they were at and it was the Amusement Park. Taking a deep breath Liam smiles then reaches out his hand to Ariya. She looks at him then at his hands, staring at it she smiles then takes his hands and together they both walk in. Enjoying time together on rides and games, they forgot about the kiss they had and just had fun. Laughing and spending the time together, they were getting closer and closer forgetting about everything except for themselves.
It was dark and it was late, the Amusement Park closed and since they left their bikes at Leo's house, they decided to walk home together instead. They wanted to spend more time together to get to know eachother more. Walking home and holding hands they stoppped and sit to stare at the stars. The stars were shining brightly in the dark night sky just like their hearts for eachother. Looking up at the stars, Liam says,
"You will always be my star light in my heart no matter where you are?"
Hearing such words, her heart flutter and she turns to look at Liam. Staring at him whiles he is looking up at the stars she felt something special in her heart from him. Just looking at him silently she asks herself,
"Who he is to me? Why do he mean so much to me right now? What is this that I'm feeling? Can he tell me or is the answer already with him?"
Seeing her stare at him from the corner he turns to look at Ariya and their eyes meet seeing that spark in each others eyes. They stare at each other silently and just looking at each other talking within their owns hearts and sharing that love to eachother quietly. Leaning in closer and closer to eachother, they felt a connection bringing them and attaching them together. Before they touched eachothers lips, Liam's phone rings, they stop and both backed away from eachother. Liam answers his phone and it was only Leo. Leo was only telling them to get home safe and will bring their bikes tomorrow. Saying goodbye, Liam gets up and reaches out his hand and smiles, Ariya smiles back and takes his hands. Walking back home holding hands, they were quiet, not saying a word to each other. When they got home, Liam walks with Ariya to her door and waits for her to unlock her doors. Before going in, Liam grabs Airya's hand and leans in to kiss her cheeks and then says,
Smiling Ariya replies,
"Goodnight to you too."
Then he watches her walk in and closed the door, then he goes into his house and closes the door. Sitting on their beds, they sit there and thinking about the time they had with each other. Not knowing they already fell in love with each other, they fall asleep and dreamed. The next morning, Ariya woke up to her phone ringing, as she tiredly answers it,
Hearing her brothers voice, she sits up and asks,
"Yes. Ariya I sended you some money in your account for you to use. You can go pick it up today." 
Sighing she tells him,
"Why are you sending me money. I told you i dont need it. I can survive on my own."
Her brother then replies,
"I know you told me many times, but you are my little sister and I'm worried so just go pick it up today. It's for you to use on things you need. I'll give you a call later to see if you picked it up."
Saying goodbye to her brother and clicking, she walks to the bathroom to wash up and comes out ot get ready. Locking her door on the way out she wanted to tell Liam before he left, but it was still early in the morning so she wanted to wake him up so she wrote him a note and stuck it under his door. Walking down the stairs, she looks up at the sky and it was cloudy, she asks out loud ot herself,
"Is it gona rain? Should i take my umbrella?"
Thinking that she didn't need it, she walks out and walks to the bank. After getting the money and putting it away in her bag, she walks out and it starts to rain. Sighing and saying to herself,
"I should of brought my umbrella. Stupid rain."
They she see's a bus stop station and runs to it to get out of the rain. Standing there she gets a phone call and it was her brother again,
"Yes Oppa, I got the money already."
Answering he says,
"It's raining over there, be careful and did you bring an umbrella?"
Nodding her head she replies,
"I did."
Then her brother says his goodbye and hangs up. Standing there she sees the bus and walks closer to the edge for the bus. Right before the bus got to her, someone runs in front of her and covers her with an umbrella and water from the street splashes on him and the umbrella. When the bus stop, she looks up and see a guy holding her close. He looks at her and asks,
"Are you okay?"
Being surprised as she already is she moves and and answers,
"Oh, I'm okay. Thank you so much."
He lets go of her and says,
"Are you a dummy? Didn't you see that puddle? You want to take a shower, dont do it here."
Looking at the puddle on the street she tells him,
"I didn't see that puddle and if i saw that i wouldnt even be standing here, but thanks anyways for protecting me. I'm really thankful towards you."
The bus left and they were both standing there, then Ariya looks down and see that his pants were all wet and says,
"What should we do? Your pants are all wet from the water."
He looks down at his pants and says,
"It's okay, my ride is here anyways, I was waiting for my ride until i saw that you were going to get splash on and i felt bad so thats why i help you. Go home and take a hot shower so you don't get sick."
Ariya smiles and replies,
"You too. And I'm really sorry for what happened, but I am really thankful because of you."
He smiles then walks to his car, then Ariya turns around and walk because the bus already left and it will be awhile for another bus. But then suddenly he runs back to her and stops in front of her. Looking at him she asks,
"Did you forget something?"
He looks at her then grabs her hands and gives her the umbrella and replies,
"Don't get sick because of me. Be careful on your way home."
Then he runs back into his car and drives off, while watching him go away she smiles and softly says to herself,
"Thanks whoever you are. I'm really thankful."
Then she looks up at the umbrella and smiles then walks. Half way home Liam calls her and she stops to pick it up,
"Ariya where are you? It's raining so hard why didn't you tell me?"
Apologizing she replies,
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up in the early morning so i just left you a note."
"Where are you right now?"
Looking around she answers,
"I am down the street by our school."
Already being there from looking for Ariya he turns around and sees her. He smiles and says,
"Stay right there I'll come to you." 
Ariya not getting to answer Liam hangs up and she looks at the phone and it already ended. She puts away the phone in her pocket and asks herself,
"What did he mean by that?"
Then she takes a step forward and Liam runs and stops when he was under the umbrella with Ariya. Being surprised by Liam she looks up and him and see him smiling at her. She hits him on the chest and says,
"You scared me. Why did you do that?"
He laughs then tells her,
"I wanted to surprise you and i was worried all morning looking for you in the rain."
She smiles while her heart flutter and she hits him again and said,
"It's raining so hard dummy. Don't ever do that again."
He smiles but then looks up and asks,
"Is this your umbrella?"
Nodding she replies,
"No. Someone gave it to me."
Looking confused he asks,
"Who? Guy or girl? And why?"
Ariya laughs then replies,
"Don't worry, he's not a bad guy, he protected me from getting spash on by the puddle on the street and felt bad i had to walk so he gave me his umbrella."
Sighing and holding her shoulders he tells her,
"Don't ever talk to a stranger again. He could of been dangerous and you would of been hurt."
Smiling and grabbing his cheeks she replies,
"Okay I won't. Don't worry let's go home."
He let's go of her shoulders and turns around then bend down and says,
"Get on. I'll carry you."
Getting on she tells him,
"I'll hold the umbrella for us."
On the way home he was quiet and Ariya was starting to wonder why so she asked him,
"Are you okay Liam? Why are you so quiet?"
He nods his head then answers,
"I'm okay. It's just i was worried something might happen to you."
Leaning in and holding him with one arm she apologizes,
"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you so worried. I won't do it again. Forgive me okay?"
He fixes her on him comfortably then reaches out a pinky and says,
"Promise you won't do this again and talk to strangers."
Smiling Ariya puts her pinky with his and says,
"I promise."
Then he fixes her again on him then walks all the way home and up the stairs to the door. He puts her down then touches her face softly and says,
"Take a warm shower and don't get sick."
Ariya nods her head then walks inside. After taking a long bath, she gets dress and call Liam,
"Come over for dinner tonight."
After they hung up she starts cooking, after hours she finally got done and call him over. While they ate, Leo comes knocking on her door and asked for Liam and that he brought their bikes back, but seeing that Liam was already over she invite him in for dinner with them. Later on that night while laying in bed Liam calls her,
"Tomorrow I can't go to school with you. I have something i have to do tomorrow and it is important that i go and i have to leave early so i can't see you off to school either. I'll see you for dinner."
Nodding her head she replies,
"I'll be fine. Go do what you have to do and hurry back. I'll be waiting."
They hung up and went to sleep.
Next morning came after Ariya got done dressing for school and walked out she stops to look at Liams door for awhile then walks down to her bike and rides off. On the way there she felt lonely because Liam wasn't with her and Leo didn't ride his bike either. When she got to school and locks up her bike she walks by herself to class and sat down. Leo see that Liam wasn't with Ariya so he walks to Ariya and asks,
"Where's Liam? He's not coming to school today?"
Ariya nods her head then Leo walks back to his seat. The teacher walks and announce that there is a new student coming in today. Before he walks in Ariya's pencil fell and rolls away. Ariya leans down reaching for her pencil not knowing who the new student is. The new student introduces himself and walks to his seat. When she finally grabs her pencil and looks up she didn't see anyone and looks to the side to look for the new student but only saw his back. So then the teacher started the lesson for the day, while writing she kept staring at Liam's seat missing him quietly in her heart. After the teacher left she was putting away her stuff and the three girls who hate Ariya walks pass her and knocks down her stuff. She looks up and see's that it was them so she gets and says,
"Which one of you knock down my stuff?"
None of them answer so Ariya got angry and yelled,
"I said who knock down my stuff!"
One of the girl gets up and says,
"I did and and i'm not in the mood to pick it up.What are you going to do about it."
She walks to that girl and face her and said,
"I'm not in the mood either, but who told you to touch my stuff. Suck it up and pick it up my stuff to where they belong or else."
"Or else what?"
She leans in forward and Ariya pushes her to the wall and use her arms to hold that girl back and says
"I'll make you and you won't like it. You think just because your family is rich you can whatever you want to the low and poor people. No your wrong because us poor people know how to stand up for ourselves and fight back. We're all humans and when we die either poor or rich we all go down the same gorund.  Everyone will be watching so if you don't want to embarass yourself, pick up my stuff right now."
Ariya lets go of her and she acted tough but picked it up anyways and says,
"Are you happy now?"
Looking at her Ariya tells her,
"You and your little friends better hurry and get out of here if you don't want to be even more embarassed."
They look around and everyone was looking at them so they threw a tantrum and walked out. Sighing and calming herself she puts her stuff in her backpack and walks out with Leo. Walking next to Ariya Leo asks her,
"Are you okay? You did good. Not everyone stands up to them like you. I guess all they needed was a little scare."
Ariya nods her head and said,
"No. I don't ususally do stuff like this, but i just wasnt really in the mood to play around with them today. I'm just a little tired."
Leo smiles then puts his arms around her shoulders and says,
"Your tough after all and you really did great standing up for yourself. I'm proud of you."
Hearing that Ariya smiles then walks in the locker room to change for P.E. While running Leo was doing something else so she ran alone. Then a girl runs up next to her and says,
"You were amazing what you did in class today. I would never have the guts to do that."
Smiling at her Ariya replies,
"I'm not amazing, I'm not a hero or I'm not someone special, I'm just someone who stands up for myself and others who can't help themselves. And plus i wasn't in the mood today to tolerate them today so i kind of just let out my anger."
She laughs then says,
"But still your were amazing I just wish i was as tough as you. I'm Sue by the way it's nice to meet you."
Ariya thanks her then says,
"I'm Ariya and it's nice to meet you too. Let's be good friends."
Agreeing with Ariya both Sue and Ariya runs together. When Sue got tired she went to rest and Ariya wanted to run another round. Leo was running but far away from her so she just kept running. When she was half way two girls ran in front of her while the other was behond her. Together they plan and one pushed Ariya from behind and the other in front stuck out their foot to trip Ariya. Ariya fell hurting her left ankle, she looks up at them and they laughed at her and ran off. She tries to get up and falls but tries the second time and was able to stand up. She tried walking and when she walked on her left foot and when she fell someone help catch her. She turns to look and it someone she knew. It was the guy who ran in front of her to block her from getting splash on and gave her an umbrella. Helping her stand up she says,
"It's you."
He looks at feet and asks,
"Are you okay? Did you hurt your feet?"
Ariya looks at her feet and pretends she's okay and lets go of him and tries to walk off, but it hurted and she fell again getting catch from him again. Then Sue runs to her and asks,
"Ariya Are you okay"
She nods but he sighs then says,
"Your not okay. I have to take a look at it."
He pick her up and brings her to the bench and sit her down then kneels down to take off her shoes and socks. He holds her feet and moves it then she grasp for pain, he looks up and asks,
"Does it hurt really bad?"
She nods then replies,
"Just a little."
Leo heard what happened and runs to Ariya and asks,
"Ariya what happened? Are you okay?"
Ariya didn't want him to worry so she smiles nad replies,
"I'm okay. Just a little sprain. I will be fine."
Then Leo suggested,
"Let me take you to see the nurse."
Then the guy who help her demands,
"I'll take her to the nurse. Don't worry about it."
Then he turns around and leans down then grabs Ariya's hand to put her on his back. Leo looks at Ariya and she nods for a "It's okay" and left. On the way to the nurse office Ariya turns to look at him and asks,
"I forgot to ask for my saviors name last time we met so I'm going to ask now, what is your name?"
He turns and replies,
She smiles then says,
"Well Jack I'm Ariya and i want to thank you for helping me today and yesterday. I am really thankful for you."
He laughs then answers,
"Have you always been this clumsy?"
Ariya laughs then replies,
"You can say sometimes."
They both laugh then talked all the way to the nurse office, when they got there he put her down on the bed and the nurse came. She checked Ariya's ankle then says,
"It's just a little sprain, you are very lucky."
Then she started moving her feet to fix the sprain and rubbed some medicine on there and wrapped it. She gave Ariya some pain reliever and told Ariya,
"You will be fine by tomorrow just take the pain relievers when you feel any pains, but you have to stay in here until until later in case you show any symptoms from the medication."
Ariya didn't want to stay, but she had to so she just thank the nurse and the nurse left. Ariya looks at Jack and says,
"You don't have stay with me here go and get something to eat. I'll be fine."
Jack sits down next her and replies,
"It's okay I'm not that hungry. I'll stay here so you won't be bored."
Ariya felt bad so she told Jack,
"You can't stay here. Go and get something to eat. I feel bad making you stay here. So go."
Jack didn't want to go but he had an idea and answered,
"Okay. I'll be right back. Wait here for me."
Ariya nods her head then Jack leaves out the room. A couple minutes later he comes back with a tray of food and sits next to her. He smiles and says,
"Since you can't go and get something to eat and I can't just leave you here to starve I brought enough food for us to share."
Ariya laughs then said,
"You are really something aren't you?"
Jack smiles then tells Ariya,
"Well let's eat before the food gets cold."
Eating and sharing food between two people who barely knows each other should feel awkward, but not Ariya. She felt happy because she loves food and she enjoys a good friendship. They laugh and talked while they ate and just like that they become friends. When they finished eating Ariya thanks Jack for sharing food with her and then Sue and Leo walks in. Sue goes to Ariya and asks,
"Are you feeling better? Does it still hurt?"
Ariya smiles and nods then Leo says,
"Call Liam later and let him know so he won't worry."
Hearing Liam's name Ariya suddenly missed him so much, then Jack tells Ariya,
"I'll take this out and be right back."
Ariya looks at Jack and says okay then Leo stops Jack and says,
"Thanks for taking care of Ariya, but I can do the rest from now on."
Jack looks up at Leo and replies,
"No need. I'm responsible for her because i took her here and took care of her."
Leo looks at her Ariya seeing her looking at them so he just move to the side and let Jack go out. Walking to Ariya Leo asks,
"Do you know him? Why does he act like he's your boyfriend?"
Ariya laughs then says,
"He's a friend. I met him yesterday and don't worry he's a good person he's just not good at expressing."
Leo looks at Ariya weird and replies,
"Well I think he's pretty stuck up and act too arrogant."
Ariya hits him and says,
"Don't say that. He's my friend and i don't like hearing things like."
Leo nods his head and says,
"Okay okay, just let Liam know what happened so I know you will be fine."
Ariya nods then replies,
"I will. Don't worry and you and Sue can go home and I'll call you guys later when i get home."
Both Sue and Leo say goodbye to Ariya then leave, but on their way out they meet with Jack and Leo stops Jack and says,
"Take good care of her, if anything happens to her I won't let you off."
Jack just looks at Leo then walks away going into the room where Ariya was.
Jack sits next to Ariya looking at her then the nurse come and says,
"You can go home now. Just make sure to take your medication and get alot of rest."
Ariya and Jack thank the nurse then Jack helps Ariya walk to her bike. Snce she wasn't able to ride her bike he helps her on the bike then help take her home. When they got to her house he helps carry her backpack and walk up the stairs. She unlocks the door and invites Jack in for a drink, but he denies it and hands her backpack to her and says,
"Get alot of rest and I'll see you tomorrow."
Ariya smiles and nods then Jack turns and walks downstairs and Liam drives and see that another guy was with her. It was dark so he couldn't see who it was and when he got out he had so many thought. He was kind of upset that Ariya didn't call or tell him. He went upstairs and straight into his house, when Ariya heard Liam's door she looks out the window but see no one. Laying in bed Ariya waits for Liam to call her, but he never did. Liam called Leo and asked him,
"Where were you today? Did you see who was with Ariya at school?"
Leo replies,
"She fell and hurted her ankle and this guy helped her to the nurse office."
"Who was it?"
Replying Leo says,
"I'm not sure, but he's a new guy in school and his name is Jack. He can really act stuck up and arrogant, but him and Ariya seems close."
Hearing that Liam felt angry, upset and jealous so he just said,
"Okay then. See you tomorrow."
He hung up and thought where he heard the name Jack. Then he said to himself,
"If I'm not wrong the Jack their talking about is the Jack I use to know. I can't be a coincidence."
Then he called Ariya and quickly she answered,
trying not to sound upset he replies,
"Yes, it's me. I just got back and was wondering if you were still sleeping?"
Smiling she answers,
"I'm not sleeping yet, I was waiting for you to call. Are you tired?"
Answering he says,
"Yeah i think i'm gona go to bed early. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
Ariya agrees then they hung up, but Ariya felt something was wrong but just ingored it and went to sleep. 
The next morning Ariya wakes up, gets dress then walks out and see Liam. She was happy to see Liam again, but Liam didn't look the same, the joyful Liam. Liam looks at Ariya then walks downstairs, Ariya stops Liam and asks,
"Are you okay? You seem different today? Is anything wrong?"
He turns around and look at Ariya then smiles and replies,
"Nothings wrong, want me to take you to today?"
Ariya nods and he helps her get on the bike and rides off. On the way there Liam was quiet then he suddenly asks,
"Who's Jack?"
Ariya looks at Liam and says,
"You know him?"
Liam nods then Ariya says,
"He's was the one i told you who helped me from not getting splash on by water and gave me the umbrella remember? And yesterday he helped carry me to the nurse office because i hurted my ankle and took me home too."
Liam said nothing then Ariya tells him,
"If your not talking to me because of that then I'm sorry. I'm sorry i didn't call to tell you."
Liam sighs then replies,
"Didn't you promise me not to talk to strangers dummy?"
Ariya answers,
"He's not a stranger but even if he is you should be thankful because he helped me or i won't sitting here with you. If you are still mad than go ahead, but he is a good person and a good friend to me and i should do the same."
Liam felt bad then replied,
"Who says i'm mad? I was just worried when i saw you yesterday with him. I'm sorry i won't be mad and talk to you."
Ariya didn't say anything, but put her arms around Liam and leaned on his back. When they got to school Ariya gets off and waits for Liam to lock the bike. Liam got up, grabbed her hand then slowly walked with her. Then Liam stops and looks at Ariya then leans down and ties Ariya's loose shoelace. Ariya smiles then softly says,
After he got done tying her shoelace he smiles and holds her hand and walks where they Jack walking towards them. When Jack gets in front of them he stops and looks at Ariya and smiles evilly then looks at Liam and says,
"Hello old friend."
Liam didn't say anything and just kept looking at Jack then Ariya looks at both of them and said,
"You two know each other?"
Liam replies,
"I don't know him. Let's go."
Pulling Ariya away Jack grabs Ariya's other hand and says,
"Where are you going friend? It's not time for class yet, stay a little while and let's catch up."
Turning back around Liam grabs Ariya's hands away from Jack and replies,
"No one is your friend around here and I have nothing to talk to you about so just leave us alone."
Pulling Ariya away,  she turns around to look at Jack and then turns back around to look at Liam and say to herself,
"What is this? Do they really know each other? What exactly happened between them?"
Dragging Ariya all the way to the roof top balcony, Liam lets go of her hand and walks to the edge and stands there looking at the horizon silently. Looking at him Ariya walks behind Liam and reaches out her arms, then slowly she holds his waist then leans on his back listening to his silent words. Then Liam softly touches Ariy's hands, turning around slowly they stare at each other without saying anything. As the sun shines to them, their heart speaks to each other trying to help ease the pains then slowly Liam leans in. The closer he was to her the more her heart felt like flying, she didn't hesitate to move then, he kisses her and their lips meet. As they softly and slowly embraces each other, their eyes are close and they can feel each others hearts connecting as one.
Then suddenly the bells rings for class, Ariya opens her eyes and moves away then tells him,
"It's time for class, we should get going."
Then walking away she leaves Liam behind, quickly walking downstairs she stops and touches her lips. Smiling she continue down the stairs and into the class where she see's Leo, Sue and Jack looking at her. Walking to her seat Leo asks,
"Where's Liam? Wasn't he with you?"
Looking at Leo not saying anything then Liam walks in and seeing him she thinks about the kiss earlier then looks away. Liam sits down and the teacher comes in and start the class. While the teacher is teaching, Ariya is in her own world, just thinking and thinking about their first kiss at Leo's house then the kiss from the balcony. Thinking about it, she touches her lips and tries not to smile too much. After class Liam was call to talk to the Principle so Ariya was with Leo and Sue at P.E. Ariya didn't run this time, but she walked around the track by herself just in her own world not paying attention. Suddenly Jack trips her and almost falling Jack catches her, looking up Ariya was surprise but moved away and tells him,
"Is this what you do just to get to hold a girl?"
Laughing Jack replies,
"Yes but only to you."
She laughs then hits him playfully and asks,
"What's up between you and Liam? Do you guys really know eachother?"
Jack stops smiling then says,
"Your questions are not fun anymore. I'm gona go run."
Running off Ariya runs after him yelling,
"Hey you didn't answer my question, why are you avoiding it?"
Covering his ears he repeats over and over again,
"I can't you, I can't hear you. I can't hear you."
Smacking him on the back she stops and stares at him with no expressions, then he turns back and see it. He walks to her and outs his hands on her shoulders and says,
"If you really want to know then go on a date with me then I'll tell you."
Getting mad and hitting on the arm she answers,
"Stop playing around with me. I'm not going on a date with anybody. Just tell me."
Laughing then walking away he waves and says,
"Then think about and tell me whenever your ready to go on a date with me then i will answer your question then."
Taking a deep and then letting it out Ariya walks away to Sue and sits next to her. Getting lunch and sitting down, Sue and Leo comes and sits next to Ariya then Liam comes back and gets his lunch and sits in front of Ariya. Seeing him she asks,
"So what did the Principle want from you?"
Nodding his head he replies,
"It's nothing."
Nodding her head and smiling they continue eating then Jack comes and sits next to Liam. Liam stops eating then asks Jack,
"Why are you here? You don't belong here."
Jack laughs then replies,
"Why not? Your my friend and Ariya is my friend also."
Liam looks at Jack then says,
"No one here is your friend especially me. So you can get lost."
Feeling bad Ariya inturrpts,
"Liam don't say that."
Smiling Jack replies,
"It's okay. Liam have always been like this since he was little."
Wondering Ariya, Leo and Sue all say,
Liam looks at them then looks at Jack and tells him,
"Don't even think about it. Don't even continue your words."
Jacks laughs then answers,
"Ariya wants to know how we know eachother, but i told her i won't tell her, unless she goes out on a date with me."
In shock of hearing that Ariya was eating and started coughing, Leo and Sue looked at eachother and Liam was upset so he grabs Jacks shirt and says,
"What did you just say?"
Seeing that Liam was very upset Ariya gets up tries to stop them,
"Please stop you guys, all we seen from you guys today was only fighting." Tugging Liam's shirt she whispers to him,
"Stop and come with me. I need to talk to you."
Liam lets go of Jacks shirt then left with Ariya. Walking to the rooftop balcony she angerily asks,
"What is it exactly that is between you two? I know for a fact you guys know each other, but there's a reason you guys are acting this way towards eachother? Tell me what happen?"
Not saying a word Liam ignors her and just turns away then Ariya tells him,
"Or do you want me to really go on a date with Jack just to get an answer?"
Turning around and angry as he already is he replies,
"You really want to know that bad making you go on a date with him?"
Ariya walks to him and grabs his arms and answers,
"Then tell me, I want you to tell me."
Moving Ariya's hands away he asks,
"If i tell you are you willing to go on a date with me?"
Hearing that made Ariya angry so she replies,
"What? Is that all I am to you and Jack? Just someone to play with?"
Liam turns away not answering Ariya so she even more upset and leaves. Watching her go Liam screams then punches the wall next to him and it starts bleeding.  He didn't know what to do so he just sat down and Ariya cries and runs out of school, running and running as far as she could she felt hurt and broken. She was speechless and didint know what to think anymore. When she got tired of running she stops and looks to where she was at. Where she was at she was in the middle of no where. She walks to where she a tree, just there by itself. She walks to it and sits next to it leaning on there she sits there crying. Feeling sad and hurt she didn't know what to think anymore, sitting there, she cried until she got tired and fell asleep. While Liam came to his senses and got up and ran out of school to look for Ariya. Searching everywhere he kept calling out her name hoping she would answer. Walking home and seeing Liam calling for Ariya Jack runs to Liam and asks,
"Whats wrong? What happen to your hands, there bleeding? Where's Ariya and why are you looking for her while its dark already?"
Liam pushes Jack away and continues calling and looking for Ariya, then Jack stops Liam and tells him,
"I'll help you look for her, don't work yourself out too much."
Liam looks at Jack and screams,
"It's none of your business! I can look her myself!"
Not caring what Liam says Jack also starts to call for Ariya and look for her also. Searching and searching they weren't able to find her. Meanwhile Ariya wakes up to the sound of s dog barking, where she was it was dark and there were no houses, no cars and no one around. She starts to get scare and gets up and starts walking, hearing like someone was following her she starts running. The more she ran the more the foot steps got closer, then running into a wood log on the ground, she trips. When she turns around and look there was nothing but kept hearing footsteps and noises around. She was scared so she blocked her ears and was yelling,
"Go away, go away. Stop!"
They she gets up and runs then suddenly, Liam grabs her in his arms and she screams thinking its someone else then Liam says,
"It's me Ariya. It's Liam. Your okay. I'm here."
Looking up and seeing Liam she was relieved but hugged Liam really hard and cried saying,
"I was so scared. I'm sorry i ran away. I'm sorry."
Smiling in relieve Liam holds her even tighter breathless from running. Then he takes off his jacket and puts around her the helps her up and walk. Half way down the road Jack saw Ariya and Liam and ran to them. Sighing and trying to catch his breath Jack says,
"Thank goodness your okay. What happened? Where did you go? We were so worried."
Ariya looks up at Jack and apologized,
"I'm sorry if i made you guys worried. I didn't mean to do it. I'm really sorry."
Then Ariya starts crying, Jack walks to her and puts his hands on shoulder and says,
"It's okay. Just don't run off alone like that anymore. Its dangerous especially at night. Okay?"
Nodding she wipes her tears and thanks Jack then him and Liam walks with her home. Dropping Liam and Ariya off he tell them,
"I'll see you guys tomorrow at school. Ariya get alot of rest and Liam don't worry too much, she's safe now."
Ariya thanks Jack then he leaves and Liam walks her to her door. Wiping the dirt from her face he kisses her forehead and says,
"Go get a good bath and rest. You must be tired from everything today. I'll see you in the morning."
Walking away Ariya stops him and asks,
"Can you stay here with me tonight? I don't want to be alone."
Liam hesitates and thinks about it, then Ariya says,
"It's okay if you don't want to. Goodnight."
Before she closed the door he stops her and looks up at her and says,
"Will it be alright for me to stay by your side for tonight?"
Ariya smiles then lets him in, walking into her room she turns around and tells him,
"If you get bored you can turn on the tv and if your hungry food is in the fridge."
Liam smiles and nods then she goes into the bathroom and takes a bath. Sitting in there she thinks about her parents and her brother. Remembering everything about them, the good and the bad. Remembering when she was loved by her parents then when she was beaten all the time and always cried alone by herself. Thinking about tears run down her face and she starts to cry silently. Then she lays back and sink herself in the tub full of water. Closing her eyes in the water memoies was running in her head then suddenly she sits back up. After washing herself, she gets dress and walks out seeing Liam sleeping on her couch. She goes into her room and grabs a blanket then walks to Liam and puts it over him. 
Staring at him sleep she was faling more and more for him. The more she stayed with him and the more she knew about him she was falling for him. She asks herself,
"Is this love? Do I really love him? Is this why evertime i see him my heart would flutter and i become speechless? It's probably is, but i wonder if he feel the same."
Sitting on the ground next to him and holding his hands, she falls alseepp without knowing. In the middle of night Liam wakes up and see Ariya sleeping next to him holding his hands. He smiles and gets up slowly trying not to wake her up. Then he carrys her to her room and lies her down. He puts her blanket over her then looks at her for awhile then says,
"You dummy, why am i falling for you so hard?"
He kisses her on the cheeks then her forehead then walks out of the room and falls back alseep on the couch. The next morning as Ariya wakes up, she opens her eyes and see's that she was in her room and not in the living room. She gets up and looks for Liam. She walks into the kitchen and see's him cooking, she smiles and stares at him for awhile then clears her throat. He hears her and turns around and smiles then says,
"Goodmorning sunshine did you have a good sleep?"
Ariya smiles then walks to Liam and hugs him, she was happy, so happy she couldn't help it but wanting to hug him. He laughs then hugs her back and kisses her on the head and tells her,
"Go wash up and get ready for breakfast then school."
Ariya nods then walks to the bathroom and washes her face, gets dress then comes out and sits down to eat with Liam. When they got done eating Liam took Ariya on his bike to school. On the way there they talked and enjoyed the morning sunlight and the cold winter breeze. Holding him with one hand and the other hand out feeling the cold breeze touch her hands she tells Liam about the first snow fall and wanting to go somewhere far and beautiful. Then after a long ride they finally get school, locking up the bike and walking next to eachother they see Jack walking towards them.
Stopping in front of them Jack asks,
"How are you doing Ariya? Feeling better?"
Smiling she nods and replies,
"Yeah I'm sorry about yesterday."
Nodding his head he looks at Liam and asks,
"Why is it that everytime i see you, you're always so serious?"
Liam looks away then Ariya looks at Liam and says,
"Really? He was fine this morning."
Jack laughs then tells her,
"He's always been like this from little to now."
Remembering that they never told her how they met Ariya then asks them,
"Speaking of little, you guys never told me how you guys know each other."
Jack leans down to face her and says,
"Do you really want to know?"
Nodding her head Liam then inturrupts,
"Don't even try."
Then Liam drags her away and Jack calls out,
"You! Liam! Let's talk at lunch."
Ignoring Jack Liam continue walking and pulling Ariya with him.
After class as Ariya is putting her stuff away Sue and Leo comes to her with a smile on theirs faces, Ariya looks at them confuse and asks,
"Why are you guys so happy? Whats going on?"
Hugging eachother Sue replies,
"We're dating."
Laughing in surprise Ariya says,
"Oh my gosh how did this happen? I mean you two didn't seem that close before and now your dating?"
Grabbing Ariya's arms Sue pulls her away and walk then says,
"We didnt want to make it obvious but we did hang out together a couple times and talk while you and Liam were solving your own problems. We exchanged numbers then called each other a few times and then fell in love and knew it right then."
Nodding Ariya pinches Sue's cheek and says,
"Ooh is that why you two haven't been hanging out with us."
Both laughing they walk to P.E with Leo and Liam following behind them. While running together Ariya laughs then says,
"I still can't beleive you two are dating. I really mean it, it was a good surprise."
Laughing back Sue replies,
"I know everything happen so fast, but here we are now."
Ariya playfully pushes Sue and runs ahead, then Sue runs after her. Meanwhile with Leo and Liam they jogs next to each other and looking at Liam Leo asks,
"Are you okay? You seem a little quiet and annoyed."
Liam looks at Leo, smiles and nods his head trying not to show his irritation and then says,
"I'm okay, don't worry."
Leo smiles back then they continue jogging. When it was lunch Liam, Ariya, Sue and Leo  all walk together to lunch and stood in line. Jack comes up to Liam and looks at him without saying a word. Liam looks back and even though they said nothing, their eyes spoke to each other. After staring at each other for some time, Liam looks at Ariya and says,
"I'll be back, but dont wait up for me and go ahead and eat."
Ariya smiles looks at Liam and Jack then replies,
"Sure but no fighting you two."
Then both Liam and Jack walks off while Ariya sighs and watches them leave. Walking up to the balcony rooftop Jack follows after Liam. Turning his back to Jack he asks,
"What is it that you want to say? I don't have time to play around with you."
Walking up to the side of Liam, Jack looks at him and replies,
"Why did you leave? Is that all your good at? Running away?"
Liam looks up at Jack and and says,
"What did you just say?"
Going closer to Liam, Jack replies,
"Are you that scared to face reality? To face me and what you did?"
Liam gets upsets, grabs Jacks shirt and says feircely,
"What are you trying to say?"
Jack replies,
"Have you forgotten i grew up with you and know everything about your past?"
Liam talks louder and says,
"So what is it that you want from me? I'm trying to forget everything about my past and why are you bringing it up now!"
Pushing Liam away and fixing his shirt, Jack replies,
"I want you to stop running away like a scaredy cat and face the reality. What you did to me in the past didn't matter at all. What hurted me most was you running away and left me behind."
Tears started to fill Liams eyes and he yells,
"So what was i supposed to do? I ruined your life, your hopes and dreams of becoming a famous soccer player. When you told me you were going to the states i was afraid. Afraid that i won't have no one else because you were the only one i had. When i ruined your leg i realized then that I've done something i shoulsn't have. I was afraid you'd hate me thats why i left."
Tears ran down both of Liam and Jacks face as they stare at each other then Jack wipes his tears and replies,
"You idiot, you also didn't know that i only had you too? You could of just stayed because i needed you most then. If you just had stayed i wouldn't hated you this much. Didn't you miss me at all? Didn't you at least said it hurts when you were leaving?"
Liam also wipes his tears and then says,
"I'm sorry. I was afraid and I'm sorry. There's no way i can make it up to you now so it's better if we go our separate ways and act like strangers. Our past i will look at it like it was all a lesson for both of us."
Staring at Liam without saying a word tears run down Jacks face as he silently turns around and walks away. Liam watches him as he gets blurry and more blurry then disappears. Liam leans on the wall then sits down covering the back of his head with his hands. As Jack walk downstairs he wipes his tears, stops and stares up and out the door where he came from. He turns back around then walks and sees Ariya, Leo and Sue. Ariya sees Jack and runs up to him and stares at him, staring at him she can see that he was crying because his eyes were red and swollen. Softly touching his arms Ariya asks,
"Are you okay? What happened?"
He looks at her, looks away then walks off without saying a word. Ariya turns around to look at him walk away and turns back and to look up the stairs for Liam, but doesn't see him. Leo and Sue walks to Ariya and asks,
"Is Jack okay? He doesn't look so good."
She replies,
"I don't know, but stay here I'm going to go look for Liam upstairs."
Running up the stairs, she runs out the door and turns to her right and see Liam sitting down covering his head. She slowly walks to him, kneels to face him and softly touches his hands. He uncovers his head and look up and sees Ariya, she could see that he was also crying. She said nothing for she understood everything just by looking into his eyes. She sits next to him and taps her shoulders, Liam looks at her and she looks back and him and smiles, then Liam leans down onto her shoulders. They both said nothing and just closed theirs eyes. After a couple of minutes the bell rang for lunch to be over. They both opened theirs eyes and Liam gets up and reaches out his hands, Ariya sees it and looks up and smiles. She takes his hands and they both walk downstairs. When she sees Leo and Sue she lets go of his hands and they walk up to them and Leo asks,
"You alright Liam?"
He smiles and nods his head then Ariya says,
"Let go out and eat I'm hungry."
They all agree then when they walk out of school, Ariya sees Jack walking by himself. She tells Liam, Leo and Sue,
"I'll be right back. Go ahead without me i forgot something."
So they all walked off and Ariya runs to Jack and stops him,
"Wait for me Jack."
He turns around and then asks,
"Why did you follow me? Aren't you eating out with your friends."
She smiles then replies,
"Come over my place tonight for dinner. You have to come no matter what. I'm making alot of food and you have come okay? No buts. If you don't come then i"ll be sad forever and won't talk to you."
"He laughs then playfully hits her head and says,
"You really are annoying."
Ariya laughs then said,
"So i'm taking that as a yes. I'll see you later," running off she yells, "Don't be late!"
He laughs then walks off and she runs to where Liam, Leo and Sue were at. When she got there she told them,
"Change of plans, dinner at my place. Let's go."
They all sighed and whine then got up and walks to Ariya's place. Laughing and telling jokes on the way, when they got there Sue stops Ariya and asks,
"Who's that? Do you guys know him?"
As Ariya turns with a smile on her face, when she saw who it was her smile went away. She looks at her friends and tells them,
"You guys go on ahead into the house, i'll be in a little."
Looking at that person Leo and Sue says,
"Are you sure?"
Ariya smiles and nods then Liam stops her and asks,
"Will you really be okay?"
Ariya nods then pushes him to walk and watches them go farther before she talks to him. When they got the house Ariya turns and look then says,
"Follow me over here."
He follows her and when they stop Jack walks up and see them but hides. He takes a second look and recognize Ariya's brother. He hides again then asks himself,
"Wasn't he the guy from the hospital that was the brother of that girl?"
Then he listens and hear Ariya say,
"Oppa what are you doing here? You didn't even call to let me know that you were coming."
He gasp in surprise and whispers,
"Oppa? Brother? That means that girl i saved from the street was, Ariya?"
Then he listened some more, Ariya's brother replies to Ariya,
"I did call you, but you never pick up my call."
Ariya looks at her phone and sees a miss call from him then looks up at him and says,
"Sorry, my phone was on vibrate and didn't feel it."
He smiles then asks,
"Are you really okay here all by yourself?"
She replies,
"I'm not alone."
Nods then says,
"I see you made good friends. Im glad but I'm still worried. Remember what mom and dad told us."
Just hearing that reminds her of bad things so she looks away and says,
"I don't remember at all and i won't remember. You can go home and not worried because i can take care of myself now."
Feeling bad he tells her,
"I'm sorry Ariya i didn't mean to bring them up. I forgot. I'm really sorry but i just came here to see how you were doing."
She looks at him and replies,
"I'm okay, don't worry about me. Just go home anf take care of your family. When i can, I will come visit you."
He smiles, touches her arms then said,
"Okay. Oh and i have something for you."
He walks to the car, opens the trunks then takes out the stuff and walks to Ariya and hands it to her and says,
"It's from sister in law, she made these cookies all day for you when i told her i was coming to visit you."
Ariya smiles then replies,
"Tell sister in law thanks and sorry if i can't visit her right now."
He nods then walks to his car and drives off while she watches him go. When he was gone she turns to walk into the gate but hears a noise. She walks back and asks,
"Who's there? I know your there already so come out."
Jack walks out and turns then smiles nervously and scratches his head, then she smiles and says,
"Were you eavesdropping on our conversation? How long were you there?"
Jack nods his head and replies,
"I just got here, i didn't hear much."
She laughs then says,
"Since your already here then lets go together inside."
Jack follows her to the house then Ariya invites him into the house where he sees Leo, Sue and Liam. Jack stares at Liam then hesitated to go in until Ariya pulls Jakcs arms inside and closed the door. They all help cooked and brought food to the table and all sat down to eat. After they ate and cleaned and rested, Ariya brings the cookies her brother gave her and shared to everyone. They played a game and stayed up late. When it was midnight everyone got tired and Ariya made all the boys go sleep at Liams place and only her and Sue stayed at Ariya's place. Fixing the bed, Sue fell straight to sleep while Ariya was still up and couldn't fall asleep. So Ariya gets up to go use the bathroom, when she comes out she see that Sue was still alseep so she closes the bedroom door, walks to the kitchen, grabs a beer and goes to the balcony. As she is standing there looking at the moon and the stars she thinks of her parents.
Remembering everything about her past and her parents tears fills her eyes, look up she says outloud to herself,
"Mom? Dad? Are you guys okay up there? Are you guys happy? As for me, I'm very happy. Really. I have friends who love me and care for me. I have Oppa, and myself. I'm really happy so don't you guys worry about a thing. I'll be fine without you guys. I'm a survivor and i will survive until the then. I promise you."
She wipes her tears and drinks her beer, then she hears someone. She turns and look and it was Liam standing there on his balcony looking at her. She walks towards him and asks,
"Were you eavesdropping?"
He nods then replies,
"Sorry. I just happened to come out to get some fresh air and heard everything. I'm really sorry."
Ariya laughs then says,
"It's okay. It wasn't personal i was just talking to myself."
Liam smiles then asks,
"Can i come over there?"
Ariya nods and says,
"It's late and i dont want to open the door to wake Sue up. We can talk to each other here."
Laughing Liam replies,
"Who says anything about opening the door?"
Looking confuse Ariya asks,
"What do you mean?"
Using his head to show her he hops over his balcony to stand on the edge. Ariya was surprised and said,
"Are you crazy? You can fall and plus Sue will hear you."
Liam just laughs then jumps over to Ariya's balcony and hop over to where she was. They both laugh then Ariya hits him on the arm and says,
"You're a crazy person Liam."
He smiles then grabs her and replies,
"Crazy and will do anything to be with you."
Ariya just laughs and punches him in the stomach softly. Ariya offered him a beer and they both stood on the balcony looking at the stars. Then Ariya says,
"You're like that bright star sitting in the sky."
Liam looks at Ariya then looks back up and asks,
Smiling up at the stars she replies,
"You seem so close but you're actually so far away."
Liam turns and look at Ariya then asks,
"What do you mean by that? I'm right here."
Ariya looks at Liam and smiles then says,
"Are you a dummy?"
Liam laughs then says,
Ariya hugs him and replies,
"It's late, go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow morning dummy."
Ariya steps back then points for Liam to go. He smiles then kisses her on the forehead. Ariya's heart was racing it was beating fast and she could feel it. She closes her eyes to embrace it then Liam looks at her and says,
She opens her eyes and stares him, speechless. He smiles then hops back to his balcony, waves goodbye then closed the door. Ariya stood there with mix feelings, but her heart was still racing and she felt happy. She shakes her head then walks in, closes the door then goes to bed.
The next morning came and as Ariya woke up Sue was still sleeping. So Ariya washes up opens the curtains and balcony door for fresh air. She makes herself coffee then cooks breakfast. Her cooking filled the whole house waking up Sue. Sue wakes up and stretches by the door and see Ariya. She yawns then says,
"Goodmorning Ariya, what smells so good."
Ariya turns around and smiles then replies,
"You're finally up, did you sleep well?"
Sue nods her head then Ariya says,
"Well go wash up and come have breakfast with me."
Sue walks to the bathroom and washes up while Ariya finishes up cooking. When Sue came out of the bathroom breakfast was already at the table, so Sue goes up to it and says,
"Wow you made all this? You're good. And it smells good too."
Ariya laughs then replies,
"I've always took care of myself. It's not hard to do this at all."
Then they both sat down and started eating. Meanwhile back at Liams place Liam, Leo and Jack all woke up and looked in the fridge but nothing was in there. All of their stomach growled then they looked at each other then smelled food from Ariya's place through the balcony door. They looked at each other then smiles and rushes to her door. They rang the bell many times scaring both Ariya and Sue. Ariya walks to the door and opens it and see's all three of the guys by her door. They gave her the puppy eyes then she looks at them and sighs and lets them him. They run the kitchen and see food, closes the door and see them sitting at the table so she walks to get more plates and sits down with them. She looks at the guys and says,
"Let me guess, there was no food at Liam's place."
They all nod their heads, Ariya shakes her head then says,
"Guys will be guys. Let's eat."
They all ate and laugh together having a good time then suddenly there were bangs at the the door. They were surprised to hear that and wondered who would come. Ariya tells them,
"I'll go check it out, keep eating im pretty sure its nothing."
She gets up and opens the door but see's no one. She looks out and see a girl banging at Liams door. She walks out and asks,
"Excuse me, but who are you looking for?"
That girl looks at Ariya then walks to her and replies,
"You live here?"
Ariya nods her head then that girl asks,
"Do you know Liam then?"
Ariya replies,
"Yes, but who are you?"
She gives Ariya a mean look then says,
"You don't need to know who I am. Just tell me where did Liam go."
Ariya looks inside her house then looks back at that girl and points,
"He's in here."
She gives Ariya another mean look, pushes Ariya to the side then walks into her house without asking. Ariya closes the door then follows after her, that girl stops then see Liam and yells out,
Ariya, Leo, Sue and Leo were surprise then all said,
Liam looks at Ariya and Ariya looks back and in her face Liam was able to see that Ariya was hurt. He looks at that girl and says,
"Don't call me that I'm not your sweetheart."
Then he walks to Ariya and says,
"Don't get me wrong, I can explain."
That girl grabs Liams arm and pulls him away then Ariya smiles even though she was hurt and says,
"We can talk later, Leo, Sue and Jack let's give them some privacy."
They all got up and Liam grabs Ariya's arms and says,
"Ariya listen to me."
Pushing his hands away she smiles, looks at that girl and replies,
"No need to explain it's okay we can talk later."
Turning away Liam grabs her heands, Ariya was stuck and didn't know what to do then Jack grabs her hands away from Liam and says,
"Talk later. You have other business to take care of."
Ariya smiles and nods her head then Jack takes Ariya out of the house. Going outside Sue asks,
"Where do we go. This is Ariya's place."
Ariya smiles then says,
"It's okay. Let's go to the beach then its just right in the back."
Then they all agree and walked to the beach. Sue and Leo ran and played by the water, but Ariya sat there with Jack and stares out to the horizon. Jack looks at her then asks,
"Are you okay?"
Ariya looks at him and smiles and nod then replies,
"I'm okay."
He looks at her looking into her eyes and seeing how hurt she was because he knows that she likes Liam. He didn't say anything then turns away. They both stare at Sue and Leo playing with each other then Sue and Leo runs to Ariya and pulls her hands and drags her to the water with Jack following them. They played and splashed water at each other. Having so much Ariya forgot about Liam and that girl for the moment. She just enjoyed the time with her only friends she has. After a long play they were all wet and cold. Jack puts his jacket over Ariya because she was cold and they all walk to the house. Ariya see some scratches on his arms and asks,
"What happened to your arms?"
He looks at them then hides it and replies,
"I fell awhile back just scratched it."
Ariya nods her head then Ariya's brother calls Ariya and walks to them. Seeing that it was Ariya's brother and he will recognize him Jack turns away. Ariya's brother walk to Ariya and says,
"I forgot to give you this lastnight when i came. It's an invitation to your neice graduation. She's been wanting to see you. Please come."
Ariya takes the invitation and stares at it then Ariya's brother looks at Jack recogizing him. He then says,
"It's you. Don't you remember me? I remember you."
Ariya looks up and looks at Jack then says,
"Oppa how do you know Jack?"
Ariya's brother replies,
"At the hospital, when you fainted on the road he was the one who saved you and brought you to the hospital."
Ariya was surprised and looks at Jack and then says,
"It was you who saved me?"
He looks at Ariya and then replies,
"I just helped a girl who wasn't paying attention to the road."
Ariya then asks,
"Then how come you didn't tell me? You didn't recognize me or you just didn't tell me?"
He scratches his head then said,
I didn't know until last night when i saw you with your brother and you guys were talking. I'm sorry i didn't tell you Ariya. I didn't mean to not tell you, I was surprise myself."
Ariya looks at Jack suspiciously then says,
"Is that why you got those scars on your arms because of me?" 
Then her brother says,
"Don't blame him, he probably didn't recognize you then. But i have to go back now. I''ll see you later."
He leaves then when they walk to the house and saw Liam and that girl coming out of the house Ariya looks at Liam then looks away. Walking closer to them that girl looks at Ariya for awhile without saying a word then said,
"I'm going, it was nice meeting you guys."
They said goodbye to her then she walks to her car and drives off. Liam and Ariya stares at each other with Jack next to her then Liam grabs Ariya's hands and drags her upstairs. Jack follows grabbing Ariya's hands away from then sais,
"If you want to talk to her, do it nicely. There's no need to use force."
Ariya looks at Jack and smiles and thanks him then Liam takes Ariya to his house and closes the door. Jack, Sue and Leo walks into Ariya's house and waited. Ariya pulls her hands away from Liams force then said,
"If you want to talk then say it you don't have to grab my hands this hard."
Liam looks at Ariya then says,
"Do you want to know who she is?"
Looks at him then looks away not saying anything then he says,
"She's my fiance that my father engaged me to."
Ariya looks up at Liam not saying a word then he says again,
"She my fiance but i never agreed to get engaged with her. My father engaged us without me there. I told her i'm breaking off this engagement."
Ariya finally replies,
"It's your father's wishes, you shouldn't break it."
Liam looked confused and then said,
"What? I don't want it and so do you. Ariya i'm doing this because of you."
Ariya then replies,
"We can't do aynthing because it's your father."
"He grabs her arms then says,
"I can break it off. Just trust me on this."
Ariya then asks,
"Why should you break it off? Why?"
He turns around then turns back at Aryia then says,
"Because......... because I'm in love with you Ariya. I don't know how but you made me see the better side of me, you made me look more into the world. You gave me a reason to love the world and to stay alive. You're the reason i go to school everyday, your the reason i'm this happy. I'm able to laugh more and see how beautiful it is to love someone. After I lost my mother because of my father i had no one. i wanted to leave this world with my mom. I hated my father and hated the world for it. But ever since you came into my life, i believed there was a reason for me to meet someone life you. You're like my world Ariya, please believe me and trust me. Please."
Staring at him, Ariya was speechless, her heart beated steadily and tears ran down her cheeks. She wanted to believe him, she wanted to trust him, she wanted to love him and she wanted to cry silently in his arms. As he is saying those words, it repeated in her heart and there was no words she could explain to him. As she stared into his eyes, it shined from the bright moon just like the the bright star. Then she slowly reach out her hands and softly touches his face then says,
"You're my star light and always will be in my heart. Can i trust this heart of mines to believe, to trust and to forever have this star."
Tears fill his eyes as he smiles the he soflty touches her face, leans in and kisses her. With their lips to each other, tears ran down Ariya's eyes and she says to herself,
"This star that always been shining in my heart, the star that i kept deep inside is right front of me now. Dear god, please help me go through this world with him because now I'm forever one with him."
Liam slowly moves away from kissing her and stares at her while she opens her eyes and stares at him. Then slowly he says,
"I love you Ariya. I always will."
Ariya smiles then replies,
"I love you too."
He hugs her in his arms and they held eachother tightly and close. She held him embracing him in her heart and he closes his eyes praying he won't lose her. 
After they realized that their friends were waiting for them they both walked out and to Ariya's place where Leo, Sue and Jack waited for them. Seeing them walked to the door they rush to them and asks,
"Are you guys okay?"
Ariya and Liam both smile then nod then Jack asks,
"So what are you going to so with that girl?"
Liam looks at Jack then says,
"I'm breaking it off."
Then Jack replies,
"Let's hope it goes well. Epecially with your father."
Liam nods and says,
"Me too."
The next morning they all went to school together and stayed together. At lunch they all planned to go to Liams house and help Liam. After school, Liam's chauffer took all of them to Liam's house. Liam talked to his father in private while they all waited in the guest room. 
Standing in front of his father Liam asks,
"Father, I want to break off the engagment. Please let me go."
His father looks at him and says,
"Is it because of another girl?"
He looks at his father then replies,
"Yes and i love her father, I really love her. Please let me go."
His father smiled but then put his angery look back on and says,
"Why should i let you go? And why should i help you? Ever since your mother died you just never came back home."
Liam didn't know what to say, we was speeachless was it came to his mother. Then Liam got down on his knees and says,
"Father please. This is all i can do, i have never loved anyone else ever since mom died, but Ariya made me see the better side of the world and she made me know what love is."
His father smiled and said,
"So this girl that you completely fell for is Ariya huh?"
Liam nods his head then his father says,
"Let me ask you a question. Why do you blame me for your mothers death? All I ever did was love your mother. The day your mother was at the hospital i was there and the doctor told me she have been fighting cancer and there was nothing we can do. My heart was broken thats why i went out drinking, and when you asked me about your mother there was no way i could tell you. It hurted me to tell you and you were having a hard time with school i didn't want to bother you. I'm sorry Liam that i didn't let you know, but perhapes i was just unlucky. Please stop hating me and come home, i already lost your mother, i don't want to lose you either."
Liam cried with guilt but also with sadness because he had blame his father all these years not knowing anything. As Liam cries his father comes to him and hugs him, Liam finally says,
"Father, I'm so sorry. I didn't know anything and blamed you for mothers death. You suffered as much as i did and i made you feel even worse when i left home. I'm so sorry."
His father also cried hugging him, but he he tells Liam,
"It's okay, I don't blame you for hating me. I wasn't a good father and husband to you and your mother before. It's okay. I still have you."
Liam held his father even tighter and said,
"I love you father. I always have."
Tapping his back his father replies,
"I know Liam. I know. It's okay now. So come home back to me."
Liam nods his head still hugging his father. Then Liam's father helps Liam up and says,
"Now, lets break off that engagment and let you go free to Ariya."
Liam smiles and wipes his tears then they both walk out of the room to where everyone was at. Ariya see's Liam and his father walking to them and gets up to greet him. Then Liam's father looks around and asks,
"So which one of you is Ariya?"
Ariya was surprise but replies,
"It's me sir."
He looks at Ariya and smiles the hugs her, Ariya was speechless and everyone was shocked. Then Liams father says,
"Thank you so much Ariya. I'm so thankful for you."
Confused Ariya looks at Liam seeing him smile then she replies,
"Your welcome?"
He looks at her then she says,
"But what did i do to be thanked?"
He laughs then says,
"For loving my son and showing him to a whole new world."
Ariya was surprise by what he said, but she felt happy so she smiles and looks at Liam. Liam smiles back and everybody cheers and hugs each other for the success. They stayed for dinner and stayed over Liam's place. Liam's father asked to see Ariya alone so she left with him to his office. Jack also wanted to talk to Liam alone so they left outside leaving Leo and Sue together. Back in the office, Ariya was asked by Liam's father,
"Do you love Liam?"
Surprise she replies,
"Excuse me?"
He smiles then says,
"Liam can be stubborn and hardheaded sometimes, but when he loves someone he will go to the end of the world for them. Please take good care of him for me."
Ariya smiles then replies,
"I will sir. Liam is like my world, he's like the brightest star that shines in my heart and he makes me happy no matter what. I promise to take care and love him."
Liam's father smiles then says,
"I know you will and I'm happy for guys, please love each other not with your eyes but with your heart and trust each other with loyalty. Oh and don't call me sir, call me father from now on."
Ariya nods and replies,
"Yes father."
He nods and hugs her telling her,
"He lost his mother when he was young, his mother was the only women he loved, but now he's found you. I will also love you like my very own daughter."
Ariya smile went away because it reminded her of her father when he loved her and took care of her. She looks down and tears fills her eyes. Liam's father see that she is crying so he sits her down and asks her,
"Did something happened with your father?"
She looks at him and nods, he gives her a tissue and replies,
"Did you want to talk about it? Remember, I am here for you no matter what just like your father would be. You can talk to me."
Tears ran down her face while he held her hands, then slowly she talked,
"My father was my hero and my mother was my heart, they both loved me alot, so did my brother. But one day, my brother ran away from home, my father was upset and started drinking and my mother was always stressed out. One day they both just changed. My father, he became an alcoholic and started gambling losing money and oweing money to the loan sharks. They always came after my mom for the money, one day my mom locked herself in the room and just never came out. When i went to school, my father would show up drunk and kids would laugh and make fun of me. One day i got tired of everything and fought back and got in trouble. I was sent home and my father beated me and my mother would just go in her room and lock the doors. Ever since then my father would beat me continuisly whenever he was drunk and i let him because after beating me he would feel better. I took care of myself for months going to school and working to pay off debts and to pay for my school stuff. Then one day i came home from school i got a call from the hospital saying that my parents were in a car crash and passed away. My body froze and my heart felt like it just stopped, i walked to the hospital not paying attention to anything and almost got killed. My friend Jack was the one who saved me and i didn't even know until a couple days ago. Then my brother wanted me to move out with him, but instead i moved here where i met Liam. He also showed me to a whole new world and loved me. I am also very thankful for him if not then i wouldn't here like this."
Liam's father was surprise but just held her hands with a smile and says,
"You still have me to run to as a father. Don't worry."
Ariya smiles and says,
"Thank you father, for everything."
While back with Jack and Liam Jack gives Liam a beer and then says,
"You're a lucky man. Take good care of Ariya i'm leaving her under your protection. Dont make any mistakes or hurt her or next time i will take her off your hands."
Liam laughs and replies,
"Then i guess you will never get that chance because i will love and protect her with everything i have and for the rest of my life."
They both laugh and continued drinking staring out into the night sky.
A year later after Liam, Ariya, Jack, Leo and Sue graduated from high school, Liam and Ariya got married and went back to live with Liam's father and went to college. Sue and Leo got engage amd moved out to live together and as for Jack he went to the states and join the soccer league and became famous. Though everyone went their own ways, they never once forgot about each other because thats what friends is all about.
The End.

© 2014 Amiiee

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Added on June 18, 2014
Last Updated on August 11, 2014



Sacramento, CA

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