A Fear

A Fear

A Poem by Anti Phalanx

Blissed out against the sun of day too bright to acknowledge the shade,
The heat does this thing about a mirror,
Reflecting what it's like to draw breath and wade,
And so on and on and on and on until that glimmer in your eye becomes more and more clearer.

Then it disappears,
And I wait,
Listening for my peers building the courage to be volunteers,
To do to me which would spark an urgent hate,
To affirm my fears.

She's gone,
They whispered.
She's gone,
I replied.

She's gone.
She's gone?
She's gone.

© 2015 Anti Phalanx

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Added on June 26, 2015
Last Updated on June 26, 2015
Tags: Maybe, Dead, Not, It's, Probably, She's, I'd, say, a, dream, or, something


Anti Phalanx
Anti Phalanx

Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Professional Hobbyist. I live in a box. It is my box. I like my box. I like to peak out of it once in a while & feel glad about not peaking out of it so often. It's a rather nice box. more..

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A Poem by Anti Phalanx

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A Poem by Anti Phalanx