Thumb's Down

Thumb's Down

A Poem by Antonionioni

I won't be hitch-hiking just yet, due to a sore thumb, which I extend into a premonition of the final thumbs down from the Emperor of the Universe...!


My thumb’s been sore for more than two weeks. Why

I am not sure but it’s sure come to be

A stumbling block, fumbling whenever I

Use hands, mumbling, grumbling in agony

This sum total of thumping misery

Should be a rule of thumb, a digital

Denominator of numbness. Come, see

How glum I am without my thumb. It’s all

Just like Tom Thumb’s blues, losing it. Hassle

Is endless, fingers friendless, thundery sky

I wonder as I wander, somebody

Crawl underneath this rumbling tumbril

Pull me undone, unbecoming to die

Not done with strumming strings and swinging free

© 2008 Antonionioni

Author's Note

This is true. My thumb's nearly better so i might risk a strum of the guitar tonight, but I don't think I could go as far as some swinging free!

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Have you tried a pick?
Use hands, mumbling, grumbling in agony...........( I have been here!)
Also, the premonition was a weird, and obscure, transition.
Fun, interesting read. Como Siempre!

Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi Tony, glad you are on the mend (or at least your thumb is)
I'm still trying to get back in the swing of things since I returned from my trip to Colorado. I posted some pictures on myspace.

Attempting to get back in the rhythm of reading, writing and posting. I have poems germinating but have not given birth to them as yet. Soon I hope.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 25, 2008



Manchester, United Kingdom

I'm Antonionioni. I also answer to Tony. I try not to be phoney and I try not to be moany. I write a daily sonnet but not only. My writings often get lonely. Please read them and you won't disown me. .. more..
