To Teach A Beast A Lesson

To Teach A Beast A Lesson

A Poem by Arrinae

Another 'Beauty and the Beast' tale, hopefully not quite like all the others.


Gather 'round and hear a tale,

Not like you've heard before!

Listen well with open mind,

This one I doubt will bore!

One usual day, I think in Spring,

A man rode into town.

He boasted of adventures grand,

Asked all to gather 'round.

"A king I be," He says to me,

"From a kingdom far away.

Here to lead this town of ours,

To the victories of yesterday."

Word spread of a hairy beast dwelling in the wood,

Gathered the men, he did, and sent us off to war.

As we moved our guts kicked in, something was amiss.

Frightened we were to hear a scream before we gone to far.

Quite a sight we did see when we got back to town,

A crowd of women 'round the house, in which my bride and I do live.

Out the door, my wife did drag him, with a proud grin upon her lips.

A most beautiful sight it was, the look her eyes did give.

That a beauty beat back the beast with naught but a pan,

And saved the other women folk from the likes of him,

Was a most joyous turn of luck.

Never again will we follow a stranger's whim.

Tied him to a tree, we did,

And shortly thereafter he did wake.

"It should be the adulterous wench tied here!"

He roared out in his hate.

I gave a laugh, in his face might I add,

"My bride did nail you good, for that she decides your fate."

White as wool he paled and shook,

Behind me stood my lady, in hand a knife and plate.

"Cut off that which makes you beast,

Then feed you, we will," She told him with a grin.

A putrid smell did fill the air as his eyes rolled inside his head.

After this scare, we knew then, he would not return to sin.



© 2014 Arrinae

Author's Note

I am having difficulty naming this piece, if anyone has any ideas please feel free to give them.

My Review

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There's so much art in this world that we haven't seen. This counts as one of them, I'm glad to have seen It. I don't care much for poetry, but a few pieces tend to stand out from the others!
Good job, very well written, thank you for posting this.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I really apprecaite your words.
Thank you for entering my little contest.
Hope you will appreciate that I cannot comment now as this would be unfair to other entries.
I shall return after the contest is over.
Very best regards.
P.S. I like this. Don't tell anyone.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it, I will not tell anyone lol. and I do appreciate it.
This is a good poem/ story. Creative, imaginative and it kept me reading. Thanks for the write :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

A splendid tale to read and cherish for all ages...Bravo..............

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

I'm glad you like it. I had fun writing this one, as I just started singing the words at work and co.. read more
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

Wow. Good to know...You are welcome...:)......................

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4 Reviews
Added on February 9, 2014
Last Updated on April 9, 2014
Tags: Beauty, Beast



So a little bit about me... I am a big supporter of the U.S. Military. I sm happily married and have a child. I have odd, weird, and interesting dreams that often inspire my writing in unique, .. more..
