

A Story by Su' Nacnetaf

Candle light illuminated our path through the endless darkness, which held us prisoners to the unknown as we tried to escape from this labyrinth. I hold your hand firmly and I won't let go of you, I'm afraid too, but I will protect you. The clouds summoned a storm, hiding the moon behind them, and our last light vanished as fast as our breathing as we ran. We met each other two years ago, and as far as I know, it was love at first sight, I wanted to be with you. Circumstances lead to this awful moment in which we desperately try to save our lives. I love you.

It all began on a winter day at the plaza, oh, I'll never forget your smile when your brother introduced us, you looked beautiful, and you still are. We fell in love, but I knew we couldn't be together, I'm a burglar with a ship, a pirate if you will, and you're the heir to half of the duke's fortune, you didn't knew, neither your brother, but our love was forbidden since the very beginning. I convinced myself I could be your friend, I would speak to you kindly and give advice when needed, nothing more, but it was never enough. I even became a friend to your father, pretending to be a foreign merchant from the east, what a fool. Life became perfect when your father suggested me to take you as my wife, you? my wife? The idea itself was insane, but love is made up of insanity, and I took you as mine, and I became yours. Our wedding was perfect, you had a beautiful white dress, your hair shined and your beauty could be noticed a mile away. I wore a black suit, and you said I looked handsome, more then anyone else. Our friends were there, a banquette with the most exquisite food, roses decorated the whole place as well as lillies, everything was perfect. I bought a house for us, and you never asked me about my job, you just waited patiently until my arrival. You were a good wife.

Things turned the other way around the day I decided to trust you, I told you who I were. You quickly betrayed my trust and told your father and brother, they prepared my arrest with haste. But I was smarter. I didn't arrived home, it was a set up, instead, I found your hiding spot, I took you by force and tied you with a rope, I made sure you couldn't scream for help. The front door was blocked, and guards were everywhere, we'll have to leave through the backyard's garden, a large labyrinth of flowers appropiate for a damsel.
Only candle light illuminated our path through the endless darkness, which held us prisoners to the unknown as we tried to escape from this labyrinth. I hold your hand firmly and I won't let go of you, I'm afraid too, but I will protect you. The clouds summoned a storm, hiding the moon behind them, and our last light vanished as fast as our breathing as we ran. We met each other two years ago, and as far as I know, it was love at first sight, I wanted to be with you. Circumstances lead to this awful moment in which we desperately try to save our lives. I love you. And you'll learn to love me back again. The end of this maze is at sight, we managed our way out. Just look at the sacrifice I make for you, I hope someday you'll appreciate it too.

Pieces from a wrecked ship found their way to the shore, no bodies were found near, only one piece of jewelry, which the duke's daughter held dear.

© 2009 Su' Nacnetaf

Author's Note

Su' Nacnetaf
Ignore bad grammar

My Review

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I loved it. Fast-paced, romantic, exquisite. I only feel that there is a small gap between the tying with rope and the return to the labyrinth scene. Excellent job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 17, 2009
Last Updated on July 17, 2009


Su' Nacnetaf
Su' Nacnetaf

You Are Romanticism You are likely to see the world as it should be, not as it is. You prefer to celebrate the great things people do... not the horrors they're capable of. For you,.. more..

Someday Someday

A Poem by Su' Nacnetaf