Loyalty behind graveA Story by ~Sarah~ Idríel The Fair
Look one autumn eve a man
was looking at his way towards the guarded lines. As quiet as a silent night he went and with him there was a dear friend, a trusty traveller, a precisous dog of his. He was on a secret mission, to creep behind the borders of enemy. Every step could be misleading. But his course was guide by his dear dog as a black as night and brown eyes with full of love. Look one autumn as the night turned towards the morning, a pale light was seen shivering on the sky and our man - he was caught by the enemy! Now he was sentenced to die, as a spy, and he asked no forgiveness for himself expect to his dear dog, and to have his dog to be with him on his last night on this earth. But he was not granted what he asked nor they listened his plead and one of them, a hard - headed man, ordered that the dog had to get rid of it! A shot in the silent night, echoing there till this very day, haunted that place. Look as dawn came and he was walking towards the men and what then happend, a smile rose on his face as he greeted his precisous dog as he came to him! For he did not known then that his dog was dead. But no one else did not saw anything except he who had ordered the spy's dog to be shot! For now that hard - hearted man were shivering with agony and fear. He tried to speak, three times, and three times his words died on his trembling lips. The dog, a black as night with his brown eyes turned now towards those men who were at his deathplace and his barking was like a echo of their guilty souls! The next day they all were attacked by his comrades and all fled and all were dead. Some said they saw a little black dog walking ahead of them and after that - no one saw him anymore. But the sound of his echoed there ever after, always on a moonless nights. Our man, sentenced to death, released that day, always believed that loyalty of his dear dog behind grave, had saved his life. © 2021 ~Sarah~ Idríel The FairAuthor's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on May 18, 2021 Last Updated on May 18, 2021 Tags: short stories, supernatural, ghost dog, ghosts, ghost Author~Sarah~ Idríel The FairTeleri of Aman ~ Middle-Earth ~ FinlandAbout' I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind. ' ~Emily .. more..Writing