There is this place that I know

There is this place that I know

A Poem by Atosa

Darkness and a beam of light 

Falling over me where I sit

In the midst of jackets and boots

With fur coats hanging above me

My hand distantly stroking

The fur that I’m sitting on

Listening to the outside voices

The faint murmur of the adult world

A bottle against the table

The squeaking of a chair 

Dishes being put into water

Someone walking up the stairs 

Their voices are calm and soothing

Almost rocking me to sleep

But I’ve been here too many times

To be fooled by such a silly thing

My eyes are heavy and tired

But my body is staring to shake

That’s when the screaming starts

It is his voice mixed with hers

I try to scream to Mama

Mama please don’t be afraid!

But my voice is barely an echo

Dancing soundlessly away

Closing my eyes and dreaming

Of a world far far away

A world where Mama is smiling

Daddy isn’t even there

My eyes finally open

The calm after the storm

Sneaking out to the empty hallway

Saying ‘See ya’ to my fur coat

© 2011 Atosa

My Review

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You have brought tears to my eyes. You have spoken for so many unheard children.
Brilliant, theankyou.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 9, 2011
Last Updated on February 21, 2011
Tags: childhood



Stockholm, Sweden


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