In His Glorious Face

In His Glorious Face

A Story by Vesa Lee

Once upon a time I was a little girl.
Very little.
It was a Sunday night.
We were at Church.
That's were it usually happens.
At Church.
Even at a young age.

I don't remember much.
The sermon, the people, the songs.
All I remember is when we went to pray...
To talk, I knew, with God.
Every head bowed to pray.
Like always.
It's just what you do.
But I didn't.
Not that night.

I paused.
I thought for a bit.
I turned my head up towards the ceiling, my eyes opened wide and searching.
My mother looked over and said a hasty "bow your head".
I obeyed.
But still I five I puzzled...

Why do we look down?
Why do we close our eyes?
When I'm talking to God I want to look up, into His face.
I want to see if He's looking and listening back.
How can you talk to someone if you don't look them in the eye?
Does He like that when we turn our face away and close our eyes and murmur?

The prayer ended.
But still I thought.
Why don't we let God see our face?

Are we afraid?


© 2009 Vesa Lee

Author's Note

Vesa Lee
Actual thoughts I had at age five...

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beautiful write, wonderful question...when I pray I tilt my head up, toward the heavens to God but I do most often keep my eyes closed...when I bow my head it is in reverence to God to honor Him as I humbly pray to Him...lovely...just lovely

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

when i was child I remember wondering how God really looks like, and if he truly listen to our prayers.
But now I think I know the answer; He does listen to our prayers. But what I haven't figured out is how He looks like....

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I remember asking this exact question to my mom when I was younger. This story reminds me how awesomely innocent children are, and how we can learn a lot from them, question the traditions we've been raised with. Very good.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow I don't remember when I was five but that Is a very Interesting question. You got me thinking about It now because It makes so much sense. Why don't we look up at god when praying? I guess because bowing is a sign of homage, and It's a respectful way to show respect to god. Very well done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on April 18, 2009
Last Updated on May 30, 2009


Vesa Lee
Vesa Lee

I am a person. I am enthralled with reading/writing poetry and stories, as well as collecting quotes. I am captivated by beauty. I study it any chance I get. I want desperately to be loved by my S.. more..

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