Perpetual Maze

Perpetual Maze

A Poem by B-poet

Where’s the next turn

I can take

When caution has deflated my reasoning

Within the perpetual maze

The haze

Clouds my vision

I’m tired of seeing and existing

Among lost souls

Who never favor the cause

I chose to pursue

The locked corridors leave no clue

For acquiring the flame

Needed to solidify my place as a torch bearer

Who’s viewing the exit door

With nothing left to explore

Sends me into a sanity craze

I now know I’m destined


To find the strength to refine my way

Through the Perpetual Maze

© 2019 B-poet

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When caution has deflated my reasoning

As if dying to search for something more, but too afraid, too cautious to explore the possibilities, instead losing himself in this perpetual maze.
Awesome, awesome write BP I really enjoyed it and was attracted to every word.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Another touchingly deep spiritual writing. I feel a sense of judgment toward others that isolates this person from ultimately reaching his/her goal of finding like minded, spiritually seeking individuals. Just my take on the read... we're all human so looking past the flaws must happen to find common ground. Even those that preach and we, as society, hold to a higher standard are "only human". To remember that and try to find the good in each other - practicing that brings us out of solitude and into a more spiritual experience here on earth. We must practice finding good, finding God's presence in each individual - rather than focusing on the flaws and evil that can creep in and distort the vision of God's love for us all. It is a tough maze to navigate!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

The title Perpetual Maze reflects well what is going on through your head, or rather your thoughts.... There is confusion, but not to the reader, it's as if the writer is confused in the path in which to take. The sadness and feelings of being trapped, are clearly defined and a sense of loss, giving up. This is a defining piece. The comparisons to your thoughts and the maze is clever and the idea's expressed come forth vividly to me. Excellent write! Thank you for sharing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I think this has a message for all, intelligently expressed.

Posted 11 Years Ago

very deep ....i like it ...well done

Posted 11 Years Ago

Really awesome poem!! Good job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is really has a fast flow and an urgent feel to it, which is the perfect backdrop for the words and imagery you've laid out...awesome^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Added on September 5, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2019



Indianapolis, IN

Freelance Writer/Poet (For those who truly love and treasure my art Check out my latest publication on the link under my profile name**) Thanks for stopping by and pen on. :) more..
