Breaking Through Conceited Brick Walls

Breaking Through Conceited Brick Walls

A Poem by B-poet

The impact of my deeds

Will give me

The needed strength

To break through the conceited brick walls

Representing the adversity

That now challenges my purpose for being

For who I am as of today

In their own way

The mortar the masses use to solidify their conceited brick walls

Lies within their minds pertaining to their cherished misconceptions

In regards too what true success really is

As every individual tries to venture into

Their destined potential

Deception, jealousy, and deceit

Give color to the bricks within the conceited walls

The masses use to create as obstacles

For those who chose to rebuke against the status quo

Since conceited brick walls come in many different sizes, shapes, and forms

Most are disguised as two-faced people with deceiving charms

Who’d love to usher you down misleading paths

Of self depreciation

Enjoying to watch you fail and fall

While discrediting why you’ve chosen to stand tall

For your dignified cause to promote a grandeur lifestyle

Within a land of conceited know it alls

Who’d love to halt your progress towards progression

Because their still buying into what the lost status quo

Considers too be the norm for social class conditioning

To combat this cognitive poisoning

My renewed mindset is now my chosen sledge hammer

Used for shattering any conceited brick wall of hypocrisy that the masses

Have believed is firmly intact to demean

My life’s calling as an influential human being


© 2013 B-poet

My Review

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Very insightful and a nice journey into your thoughts. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

I rarely have any technical insights to offer on your work at this point, I only know that most everything you write is solid and substantially introspective, and readers such as myself always appreciate a poet who is willing to bear his soul unconditionally...that's the impression I gain from your poetry :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Another very intuitive and intelligent write, a finger on the pulse of the underlying vision of those who need to make themselves feel superior by making another feel inferior, always follow the path of your inner core, do not let anyone dissuade you from what you feel is the right thing to do, a true friend will do their best to support your progress as a productive member of society, either mentally or emotionally.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I like the way have illustrated your strong feelings.
"Two-faced people with deceiving charms" I really like that part.
Good work!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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wow, you describe emotions into very vivid imagery.. i really like this..
"My renewed mindset is now my chosen sledge hammer
Used for shattering any conceited brick wall of hypocrisy that the masses"
~i see your a very strong person, standing tall for what you believed in.."brave"
Great work!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on September 29, 2012
Last Updated on February 22, 2013



Indianapolis, IN

Freelance Writer/Poet (For those who truly love and treasure my art Check out my latest publication on the link under my profile name**) Thanks for stopping by and pen on. :) more..


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