Drown Down

Drown Down

A Poem by Pen The Willows

I am not drowning

I have broken the surface

I am bobbing along

Breaching but not rising


I have broken the surface

Others float in the distance

Breaching but not rising

I cannot hear their words


Others float in the distance

Yelling and laughing

I cannot hear their words

Only the tones come


Yelling and laughing

A wave crashes over my head

Only the tones come

Falling and swallowing me


A wave crashes over my head

Shoving me down

Falling and swallowing me

I am alone


Shoving me down

I am no longer bobbing along

I am alone

I am drowning

© 2015 Pen The Willows

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Added on December 1, 2015
Last Updated on December 1, 2015


Pen The Willows
Pen The Willows


I'm 18 years old and I'm in my sophomore year of college. Most of the writings archived on here are from when I was in middle school and high school, and they aren't really very good. I wasn't going t.. more..
