the Silent Symphony

the Silent Symphony

A Poem by Immortal

When silence abounds and no one else is around,
and there is nothing left to say,
Listen close my dear and don't say a word,
The Silent Symphony comes to play.

Let go of your noise and hold your poise,
and hear the wood, the brass, the strings!
The silence bounds off the walls,
and Oblivion with it, they bring. 

The silence engulfs you and theres no where to run to,
for the Silent Symphony is too much to bear.
It blinds you, chokes you,
But too beautiful for you to care.

When silence abounds and no one else is around,
and there is nothing left to say,
Listen close my dear and don't say a word,
The Silent Symphony comes to play.

© 2011 Immortal

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Wow! I love it, it just...Calls out, and it has a sort of rhythm to it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great love for what your putting into your words here. There are a few little things you could think about changing up though. There's a lot of use of the word "and". In some places I think it would flow a lot better without it. Also would love to see more to this one. I think you have a good thing going here so why keep it so short? :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

i listen to the song in my heart when im outside surrounded by nature

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my goodness, gracious! I really just love this one. Very much. It calls out to me strongly begging me for to read it. As I read it, my entire body was motionless and my eyes did not move from the screen. Just reading it gave me pleasure. Two favorite lines, "But too beautiful for you to care" and "The Silence bounds off the walls, and Oblivion with it, they bring" Just magneficient. Amazing. I really, really, really just love this poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on March 13, 2011
Last Updated on March 13, 2011



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