Didn't you...?

Didn't you...?

A Story by Bella-Marie


Didn't you love me?
Even when I cared for you
Even when I loved you
Even when I adored you
You still leave me
And let me suffer

The tears are running faster than I can wipe them away. I give up drying the tears and keep writing as the short, gasping sobs rip through me.

Didn't you care?
Even when I fed you
Even when I looked after you
Even when I worried about you
You still leave me
And let me suffer

There is the sound of a car in the driveway, but I am too lost in grief to notice it. I hear the door banging, but I don't care who is coming inside. I write another stanza.

Didn't you think?
Even when I tried to teach you
Even when I tirelessly coached you
Even when I lovingly tended to you
You still leave me
And let me suffer

"Amiee! Oh, Aimee, we found her!"

The half-finished stanza is abandoned as I realize my baby kitten is home, after three days of worry and anxiety. I snatch her from my father's hands and cradle her gently. She snuggles into me, purring and wriggling into a comfortable position, both of us overflowing love.

Didn't you love me?
Didn't you care?
Didn't you think?

© 2010 Bella-Marie

Author's Note

I hope you get the ending

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Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! I love tnis

Posted 9 Years Ago

thats a MI-WOW!
thanks for sharing! ^^

Posted 10 Years Ago

No I didn't. Please would you explain it?

Posted 11 Years Ago

Awww, that's sweet. I'd worry too if my kitties left me. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

lol I got it. It was adorable. The only thing is after the second stanza I knew it was a cat lol. Maybe take out the line about feeding him and change the picture. It wont give it away as quickly. But i liked it. Good job

Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 3, 2010
Last Updated on January 3, 2010
Tags: didn't, you, cat, kitten, lost, love, care, think, Aimee, poem



Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand

See that picture? Yeah, the profile picture of me. Yeah, yeah, that one! Well, that's my cat, I know! She's so cute, eh! I love my cat, she's the bomb. No, you're cat can't me as good as mine... maybe.. more..
