To the Stars through Difficulties

To the Stars through Difficulties

A Poem by Laura Lynn


Auspicious days ahead, the Lord brought them

Babyish tenets for planets, hidden


Bachelors in the wings of the hotel

Anchor down for the night. She spies the heron.


Segments of an ancient pattern haunt her.

Sedatives lull her to sleep.  The heavens,


Austere and lonely, show her the child.

Running water is a gift for the huntsman,


Etching a plan of attack with his pocket knife;

Ancient trails cross each other at a junction.


Butterflies alight upon the cornflower.

Buttercups taste fine to the rabbits. Plankton


Austere and visionless, appears in the pond.

Symmetry in the wings, now clipped pinions.


Sedentary for what seem like ages,

Ancillary, knitting a weave raglan,


Reopening old history books that

Symbolize politically charged bee pollen,


Intuition grips us. We feel scared, scarred.

Aries screeches at us like a poison,


Bankrupting its possessor of faculties.

Bank statements are the thing for a ploughman,


Admittedly he saw investments as

Sermons, and his isolation a rotten,


Terraced house. Truths result in alliances.

Admonished, I become a sullen raven.


Nonfiction pulls at a sleeve. They need a quest.

Terracotta roofs and stucco walls minion


Stampeding house pets, poodles, parrots. The doorman

Apologizes.  The bakers summon.

© 2014 Laura Lynn

My Review

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This is amazing, I like it. Its somewhat mistifying and enchanting. :)
Love how you strucured it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

it is difficult to get to the stars the way this life is today...too much confusion, too many politicians out for themselves, truth a lost art.

i like how you weave nature with reality...and how even the animals are stampeding...they don't understand...

isolation is never fun...and it does make us like a sullen raven.

lots of feeling in this...a pull in different directions.


Posted 9 Years Ago

Laura Lynn

9 Years Ago

thanks, Jacob, once so accomplished as yourself in the reviewing sense particularly makes one feel g.. read more
Really nice poem, and i really like this part:
''Bankrupting its possessor of faculties.
Bank statements are the thing for a ploughman,''
that line is wonderful.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Laura Lynn

9 Years Ago

Thanks, that makes me feel better, it seems more worth it to keep writing when people are reading so.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on December 11, 2014
Last Updated on December 11, 2014


Laura Lynn
Laura Lynn

Fairfax, VA

I like writing. I don't know what else to say. This has been a great website to share works in progress, some which I have abandoned some which I loose to myself and enjoy writing most of all. It'.. more..

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