The Eyes of Icarus

The Eyes of Icarus

A Book by Ray J. Lonsdale

The Universe, on Wings of Fire.


© 2012 Ray J. Lonsdale

Author's Note

Ray J. Lonsdale
I started writing this story to publish on the internet, using a website that was supposed to be 1 part novel and 1 part interactive "experience." Like much of my writing, time has pushed the project to the preverbal "back burner." Rather than allow it to fade from memory I decided to put what I have up here in the hope that I might get some constructive feedback. A word of warning, The Eyes of Icarus continues to be a work in progress so I hope you won't be too disappointed when you hit the point at which the words stopped flowing. With your help, maybe I can get this tale off the launch pad after all.

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Added on May 8, 2012
Last Updated on May 8, 2012


Ray J. Lonsdale
Ray J. Lonsdale

Orlando, FL

I'm the founder and Creative Director of Flyby Studios in Orlando Florida. Writing has always been a passion of mine as far back as 6 or 7 years old! more..
