

A Story by Brandon Johnson

                             The story continues with Part #2
                      Fiction Story that needs a name

On June 17, 2010, the US has an effort to uncover more oil the world despretely needs. The team was headed to the desert in the MEC, Middle Eastern Coalition, territory.
"Flight 109 bound for Istambul has now arrived"
As the team gathered, the team captain, Carden spoke of a long-lost city around the digsite.
"Where we are going, there is believed to be a lost city. It has been lost for over 1000 years now. I have no idea on if we will find it or not."
As they boarded, each of the members were talking about finding the city. How would it look? What would happen if they did find it? Some of the questions arose.
The plane takes off, and the flight starts. 10 hours later, they land in the great city of Istambul. Each member, waiting paitently for the EU members to arrive. As the members arrived and gathered, they took an american helicopter to the drillsite. 20 miles from the dig site, they spotted a roof of a building out in the distance.
"Look! A building! But out in the middle of nowhere?" Carden asked, as he finished, he asked Neo, the pilot "Can you land us over there so we can have a better view?"

"Sure, but make it quick, we have to get to the drillsite soon." said Neo, "We can't waste alot of time here, we have a deadline to start drilling in a few days." As Neo finished, he spoke on the intercom, "We are now heading to what looks like a building of some kind." He then radioed into the US air base nearby, "I have found a building of some kind 40N, 35E."
The radio tower gave a reply, "This is Earl, commander of US AIR 5, the cordinates you sent in are in the middle of nowhere, there is no buildings around for miles. And besides, its in the middle of a desert. Contiune on with your flight to the drillsite."
"Alright sir, but that might be an important building to uncover." Neo replied to Earl. Neo talked into the intercom again with a sad voice, "Alright people, we have to contiune on to the drillsite and not look at whatever that building is."
Later on, they landed at the drillsite. Each of the 12 team members, Hamon, Spencer, Smith, George, Greyson, Paul, Dexter, Austin, Kevyn, Goddard, Will, and Ayden, the team captain Carden, and Neo, the pilot, has only a day to build a camp.  Just as they finish unpacking camp, they hear a loud noise coming from the sky. When they look up, they hear at least 10 fighter jets escorting a fleet of 5 cargo planes; and 20 gunships with 10 additional Chinooks, a cargo helicopter. Neo runs into the helicopter and radio's to US AIR 5, "US AIR 5, we see a fleet of helicopters and planes heading northeast"
"This is US AIR 5, we sent them to 40N, 35E to look for a building." A radio controller said. Earl added, "Yes, we know, they came from NAVY CARRIER 28. They are heading to the area you said that there is a building. I sent word to the pentagon, and they ordered the entire area looked at, and needs to be in control of USA for us to do that, and its in MEC territory."
Neo then got out the helicopter and gathered the team together, as they were coming together he started to talk, "Soon, we will be in the middle of a war zone. So we need to arm ourselves. Does anyone have any weapons?"
The team members looked at each other and they all gave a reply "No, we don't, but cant you radio in that we need some?"
Neo replied, "I can try, but I don't think I can" after he finished, he walked back into the helicopter and radioed US AIR 5 once again, "We need some weapons, ammuntion, food, water, and armor if you want us to start drilling."

Earl replied, "Alright, we have them all here, but I can't send them without the pentagon's OK. I shall call up the pentagon and get their permission." As Earl finished, he called up the pentagon, "This is US AIR 5, and we need permission to send supplies to the joint-team out in MEC." He got the OK from the pentagon after a 10 minute wait. Then he talked into the intercom that spread all across the base, "Alright people, I need weapons, ammuntion, food, water, and armor packed up and ready to go in 1 hour!" After the order was given, the base which is usually quiet, went into working chaos. People were screaming and shouting out orders, but it slowly died down. The timetable was met, somehow. While they were packing, US Air Central Command in Europe sent 3 cargo planes to US AIR 5. In 2 hours, the supplies was being sent to the camp.
Later on, the team hears a loud noise again, it was the 3 cargo planes with supplies, as they airdropped the supplies, they all shouted, "Horray!" They all rushed to the supplies after it landed. A second noise came around, it was the units from US Army Division 310, they knew then that camp needs to be set up faster than what they were doing. There was 3 crates, and 12 people, so Hamon, Spencer, Smith, and George took the crate with the food and water. Greyson, Paul, Dexter, and Austin took the crate with ammuntion and armor. Kevyn, Goddard, Will, and Ayder took the crate with the weapons. When they got back to the camp, they unpacked everything, and Carden assigned 3 groups of 2 each to lookout, he assigned Neo to radio, Dexter and Austin to his own bodyguards, Kevyn and Goddard to Neo's bodyguards, Will to supplies manager, and Ayder to watchtower with the M249.
After the camp was in place and everyone knew what they were doing, units of the 82nd MEC Advance Force came into view.
"Here they come! I count 30 infantry units from here" Aydar shouted, "Carden, open fire on them?"
Carden replied, "Not yet, they might not be the enemy. Neo, get on the radio and figure out who they are."

Neo got on the radio "US AIR 5, we have 30 infantrymen coming out from the south, are they US troops?"

"This is US AIR 5, and we can confirm that if any US units would be seen, they'd be coming from the north or northeast."
When Neo heard that, he gave the news to Carden. "Carden, US AIR 5 confirmed that they are not friendly units, what do we do now?"
Carden replied, "Neo, get back on the radio and call for air support. Ayden, if you can, shoot the ones in front. Dexter, Austin, Kevyn, and Goddard, you four go towards te southern end of the base and spread out, maybe we can hold them off so air support can get here." As he ordered, everyone gets ready for the attack. Behruz, leader of the 30-man team, ordered the entire team to drop to the ground and open fire at the camp.
"Yaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" shouted the team, and opened fire. The defenders at the camp did the same.
"Carden" Neo stated "we have 3 fighter-bombers and 2 gunships on the way from US AIR 5. Also, units from the 101st paratrooper division will be here soon" after 10 minutes of continuing gun battle, the camp heard and saw the fighter-bombers unload their payload of 2 Laser Guided air-to-ground missles, causing Behruz to run, which in turn, sent the others running. Both the missles detonated casuing 10 casulities each. After the team was long gone, the 2 gunships arrived.

"Neo, we need a place to land. We cant do anything until we land" Blake, captain of the 2 gunship team, said into the radio.

"Will do, we will have a place up soon." replied Neo, "Carden, get 2 helipads up, they are waiting to land."

"Alright Neo," Carden said, "Men, get anything you can find and build a helipad!" Once the order was given, an A-25 dropped a signal on the base. Once it was there, everyone started to question what it was used for. Shortly after, 2 C-244s dropped 150  members of the 101st US Paratrooper division in. Now what was a drilling team camp, has become a forward operations base to capture the area around there. While the paratroopers was there, Carden had asked where the division leader was, "I'm over here, Mr. Carden" one of the paratroopers said, "Hello, I'm the division leader of this, my name is Ted."

"Nice to meet you, Ted" Carden said, "Mind if I ask you to assign some of your troops to patrol the area? We already exchanged gunfire with MEC troops."
"No problem, and we set up more to your camp, so its now a base" replied Ted, "We should have supplies landing soon, so we can start an attack"
"Hey everyone, US AIR 5 found a large group of armor heading toward us, they have already dispatched some fighters to hold them off" Neo said to everyone, "Also, Earl stated that the US Marines will be moving in soon."
After Neo finished, everyone was getting ready for an attack. Blake and Aden, the second gunship pilot, had finally landed shortly before US AIR 5 called in, So they took off again. 5 minutes later, the base heard the armor units coming. These armor units spread out all across the southern end of the base, when they came into view the paratroopers opened fire. Blake and Aden swung around to the side of the line in hope of taking out some of their units. As they got closer and closer, the paratroopers couldnt damage the hulls of the armor units with their FN SCAR-L / Mk.16 rifle's, although their grenade lauchers did a kinda good job.
Behruz had came back to lead the attack with command of the MEC 82nd Armor division, their tanks, mostly composed of T-105's, as they saw that they were under fire, they returned fire. Their 130mm guns easily killed some of the paratroopers. But after a few rounds fired, two A-21's, the very lastest close air support aircraft from the US, destroyed 4 of the tanks with their missles. After they flew over their targets, they came back around and used their 2 30mm machine guns to destroy 2 tanks. As the 2 A-21's were about to kill the last remaining tanks, 3 Mig-30's came over the horizon, and shot down both A-21s.

As they got shot down, Neo screamed into the radio, "Blake, are you there? Can you hear me?" Minutes passed by, and no one answered. Both gunships got shot down also. After 10 minutes, Neo radioed US AIR 5, "US AIR 5, we have 4 aircraft shot down or missing. 2 MEC fighters shot all 4 down, and has disappeared."

Earl replied, "MEC hasnt had an air force since 2008, when the EU invaded they took out all airfields and destroyed every aircraft. That is impossible to have all 4 shot down." After that, Earl called USF5, the US's fighter base, "USF5, we have 4 aircraft reportedly shot down, can you dispatch some fighters to protect us?"

"This is USF5 Commander Herman, and we will do that soon, refueling 20 fighters from escort duty right now."
Just after that, a radio message came in, "US Forward Base 210; coordinates 40N, 35E, has confirmed a building, what looks to be a tower of some sort. Area indicates that a large structure has been buried undernearth all the sand, we'll have to dig it up."

As soon as the message came in, another radio signal came in, "US Marines have landed, the beachead is secure. We are now pushing in from the east. US Navy Carrier 28 has sent out 4 NAVY SEAL teams in front of us a few hours ago, they should be south of here." At the beachead, it was eerily quiet, very unusal for a warzone. While the US marines was getting set up, a loud BANG sound was heard.
"Artillery! Here they come! Defensive positions everyone!" Radio messages were being sent all across the radio, causing utter chaos, so no one heard any orders. After a few minutes of artillery shelling, the beach had become quiet again. Everyone didn't know what to do, so they just waited. More minutes passed, and the radio had gotten quiet also, so what the marines did was called for the second wave to be sent. The order was heard, and second wave was heading in. The MEC forces sprang the trap, units of the 110th armor, 21st infantry, and 2 Mi-30's, MEC's main attack helicopter, only used in special operations, as there is only very few, started their attack. The marines was about to be pushed back into the water, and killed off, but the second wave has landed. Air support came in also, the battle then turned back into the marines hands. After three hours of fighting, MEC forces withdrew. Having avoided a very costly loss, the marines set up a base and waited for the light vehicles to arrive.

"Carden, the US marines have landed, we will be able to pack up and leave when the marines arrive." Neo said. "Also, 1st Cavalry division will be heading here too, from the west. And, Navy Carrier 28 plus USF5 have sent fighters to patrol the area around here."

Carden replied "Wow, we got a base in the north, their is 2 armies heading in from the east and west, all we need is a souther...."
"Carden, watchtower spots infantry heading in from the south" Neo said.
"The enemy? Who are they?" Carden replied, "We repelled two attacks already, why waste the time attacking again?"
Neo then got the answer from the watchtower, "It's american! Navy Carrier 28 confirmed that they sent 4 teams of Navy SEAL's in before the main attack. And the watchtower sees an american flag.
"Alright! More people in this base! We are invincible!" After he finished, US F-35B's, and F-21's came over the base. Everyone was happy to see them!
Shortly after the arrival of the fighters, the first wave of US Marines were spotted, with them was 1st Cavalry division, with 8 M1A2's, they wasnt going to be attacked any longer.
As MEC finally relised that they were going to lose the war, Omid, the leader of MEC, asked his cabnit members on what to do. Delshad, MEC's minister of war, had suggested to use nuclear weapons. MEC had secretly built nuclear weapons underground for quite a while. Gulzar, minister of state, suggested to ask for a surrender. Omid, liking the idea of total nuclear war, had decided to go with Delshad's idea.
A message on the radio came, "US Forward Base 210 reporting in, we have uncovered an entire city, looks like a city that was built 1,000 years ago. Bones all are scattered about, a site of a huge battle."

"Carden, wasnt there a city that was lost for 1,000 years?" asked Neo

"Why yes there was, a huge battle took place in it, everyone died. It has mostly been forgotten in history. Very few people know about it. I think it belonged to Basteg, the name has been lost in time." Carden replied

"Well, Carden, radio into US Forward Base 210 about that, they found an entire city." Neo said

Carden then ran to the radio, "Carden calling US Forward Base 210, did you all really find an entire city? One that is about 1,000 years old? And has bones all scattered about?"

"Yes sir we do, Carden." US Forward Base replied.

"NEO! They found the lost city of Basteg!" Screamed Carden, in great joy. As he screamed, the second wave of marines have arrived. The base was packed up, and ready to leave in 5 hours after the second wave got there. The fighters, seeing as the base was being packed up, headed back to their base. The drive to US Forward Base 210 was 3 days long, several skrimishes have been fought while on the way. The tribes around proved no match to the US forces, almost invincible. 3 days passed, and the convoy from the packed up base entered Basteg, the lost city from long ago.

Carden and his team gathered around, "Neo, Hamon, Spencer, Smith, George, Greyson, Paul, Dexter, Austin, Kevyn, Goddard, Will, and Ayder, right here was the site of the largest siege ever to take place. Both sides lost, the city was abandoned, and the city once glorious of power and wealth, lost for 1,000 years. Now, we have first spotted it, the US forward base dug it up, and an entire war started all to dig this place up. This is a very historic place after all its been through."

While the US military was going into the city, Omid found out about the uncovered city, "Delshad, lauch the nuclear weapons at that city, I want it destroyed! Everyone, get ready for a nuclear war." Delshad has taken the order and lauched the nukes. "Now, they will all die inside that city!"
The US military, unaware at was happening, got a radio message, "NORAD has detected a nuclear launch from deep inside MEC territory. Projected path has ground zero at 40N, 35E. Countermeasures arent aviliable inside MEC territory. The detontation is in 5 minutes." Everyone then froze, nobody knew what to do or what to say. 2 minutes passed until someone said "We're all dead!"
"Yes, thats right, we found the long lost captial of Basteg, and it will be wiped off the map with us." Carden spoke.
3 minutes then passed, the nuclear missile exploded. Wiping out all of the long lost city. As news spread across the globe, WWIII has started, all because of the US finding a lost city.

© 2008 Brandon Johnson

Author's Note

Brandon Johnson
Ignore any grammar/spelling. I know they are there. There isnt revised or edited. SO.

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Added on June 24, 2008