From the ashes a new flame shall spring

From the ashes a new flame shall spring

A Story by BrandonTheEnigma

Sorry for anyone who was liking a New Beggining. I got bored with all the dialogue and I wanted to take a try at some more modern writing.


 It was as quiet as the town normally was ever since the outbreak. About three years ago there was an outbreak of a virus the world had never before seen. No it isn't exactly a "zombie virus" more like it makes those infected extremely aggressive and homicidal. It also triggers a primal sense within that person that causes them to crave flesh. More often then not they craved human flesh since that was most readily available. I had survived because I had planned out years and years ahead of time what I would do in the event of an apocalypse like this.
 I remained practically silent as I picked my way through the almost war torn streets of Bangor. Half eaten bodies everywhere, flipped over or crashed cars, scattered furniture. The town was desolate. To the best of my knowledge I was the only uninfected human in the city living among a horde of the infected. When my options were gone I would shoot my way out of a situation. But for the most part I used silent melee weapons. Swords,machetes, hammers, axes, staff's stuff like that. Currently I was going on a supply run to the abandoned stores which were still pretty much stocked.
Baseball bat in hand I crept from street to street until I was outside the Wal Mart which had been abandoned as soon as the virus hit down. I had been told by a friend who roamed the state (his name was Ron) that it was just Maine that had been hit but for some reason I didn't believe it. If that were true wouldn't the government have mobilised the army to clear the state of the infected? Anyways that's not important.
 As I walked into the Wal- Mart sure enough a small group of the infected (who I had so fondly nicknamed Dead Brains) came running at me snarling like dogs. The shortest one reached me first and a swing from my bat sent his head flying into the women's department. I got a double kill with the next two before I dropped the bat. Those last two heads hitting my bat at once dented it. I pulled a machete from the sheath on my back as I kicked a Dead Brain away and brought the machete down straight through it's skull. The final one came at me and I punched it in the forehead with my spiked brass knuckles cracking open it's forehead as the machete followed in an arc that severed the Dead Brain's head.
     I   dropped the machete and pulled a hatchet out of the sheath at my hip. I dashed over to sporting goods and grabbed more weapons ,bats, knives, machete, a new shotgun and I also grabbed a pack of climbing rope. I went over to the foods and filled my backpack with as much as I could fit. I went to the pharmacy,clothing and electronic departments for different odds and ends before loading my haul up into one of the carts (how original) and headed out.
New machete in hand I was ready for anything as I made my way back to the old police station that I had made my home. Well I say I was ready for anything. I was not expecting to see Ron sprinting towards me like his a** was on fire. His trench coat billowing behind him like bat wings. He was breathless when he finally caught up to me. "What are you doing here I thought you were down in Bar Harbor?" I asked him while he tried to catch his breath. " Virus.......left....Maine....spread.....New Hampshire.....Massachusets.....Dead Brains everywhere." He wheezed. I patted Ron on the back and he pushed me back. "Get off me this ain't Twillight!" He snapped. I laughed.
"Same old Ron" I thought to myself. I had him start pushing the cart since I was kind of tired and he followed me back to my home where he flopped down onto the couch I had brought down from the office upstairs. "This is eh a nice place ya got here" He chuckled. "Uh Ron that's kinda my bed..." I tried to point out. "Thanks for the offer I will take a nap thanks bro" He said cheerily as he really did fall asleep. "Why do I always let him do that?" I think to myself as I go over into one of the cells and huddle up on one of the bunks.
Ron woke me up sometime in the afternoon with a crazed look in his eyes. "Wake up wake up! Let's kill some flesh addicts!" He shouted. I crawled off the cot and strapped two machetes to my back, two hatches to my hips, Pistols to the holsters beside my hatchets and slipped on my spiked knuckles. I followed Ron out and closed the gate back up so the Dead Brain's couldn't get into my house. Ron started sprinting from street to street looking for what he called "flesh addicts" with his broadsword he had stolen from some comic con nerd in his hand. "That's it I want to kill something" He said before sheathing his sword. He pulled out his two duel wield pistols and started firing in every direction. "Ron you idiot do you know what you have just done?!" I yelled at him. He got that crazed look in his eyes as he put the handguns back and pulled out a sawed-off 12 gauge and a kopesh. "Game on" He cackled. I pulled one of my machete's off my back and back up to the wall of a nearby house and waited.
Sure enough the howls of a hoard could be heard and they came running from every direction as Ron laughed like a maniac and threw himself at the horde blades flashing in the sunlight.
  I always have to save him. I thought to myself as I drew my second machete and charged forward blades flashing as I cut through the horde. Ron started chanting as he essentially danced around killing Dead Brains. "Dead bodies make me happy, even when they try to kill me, Hack and slash and stab em' too, that's what I named Ron will do"

 Then Ron tripped and the horde though thinned out quite substantially still swarmed him. I drew out my handguns and started blasting away at the Dead Brains as I shot my way to Ron who was fighting with hidden blades from his knees. I ran out of ammo and dropped my guns as I drew my hatchets and jumped over a group of Dead Brains and landed on the one's attacking Ron. As soon as I landed I was hacking away at the Dead Brain's while Ron cackled with glee.

The horde began to number into the hundreds as Ron and I had our backs to the wall. "You have killed us you idiot!" I yelled at Ron while I hacked at Dead Brains.
    Ron merely shrugged as he impaled Dead Brains. "It's how we should go down. Fighting" He tried to assure me. I left my hatchets in the skulls of the Deadbrains and took out my spiked brass knuckles and started punching away at Dead Brains. I accepted that we were about to die but I was taking as many of these f***ers with me as I could. Then something happened. There was the roar of an engine and several black vans turned onto the road we were on and black clad figures burt out of the doors gun's blazing as they escorted us into the safety of the vehicles. Everyone loaded up the drivers burned out of the area and headed towards Brewer. Our rescuers quickly disarmed us and were running bio-chemical tests to assure themselves we were not infected.  "Stop pokin at me you freaks I ain't infected!" Ron snapped at the lab techs who were drawing his blood. "Ron shut up" I snapped back.

© 2013 BrandonTheEnigma

My Review

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It's very good and original like the part where Ron sings "Dead bodies make me happy, even when they try to kill me, Hack and slash and stab em' too, that's what I named Ron will do" but as a reader I didn't get much detail It was hard for me to visualize the characters and their actions, there was also many mistakes but I got feeling you were either tired or was in a rush, it was also very hard to separate Dialogue from the rest of the story other than that good job you have potential as a writer but with this story you have the potential to be a author. (Keep up the good work!)
And try adding the amount of effort you put into A New Beginning then I think instead of your stories feeling almost like you strained for them it will come naturally and it will be more fun DON'T GIVE UP!.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

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