Story 1

Story 1

A Story by BrittBoaz

Random story I wrote when I couldn't sleep one night.


It starts again and my head is spinning. That agonizingly, fierce
ringing is back. I know that I am lying down because I can feel the firm,
unleveled ground under my face and beneath the rest of my body.  I can’t
move. There is this numbness throughout my whole body causing me to be
paralyzed. I want to get up. I want to open my eyes.  
Where am I? Why can’t I move?

Why is this happening to me?!

           The numbness starts to die down, but that ringing. It never fades away or grows softer. It constantly rings, like a tiny fairy ringing the highest pitched bells it could find, inside of my head. On top of the ringing I can’t see. At first all I see is darkness. After blinking a few thousand times my vision slowly comes back and everything is now only slightly blurred. I pull myself off of the ground and into a sitting position. I moved to fast and I feel really painful pressure across my forehead and have to shut my eyes tight.

I reopen my eyes as the pain fades away and finally take note of my surroundings. I am alone. Alone in a some field with tall grass, surrounding on both sides is woods. I can hear the sound of water running in the distance somewhere and the sound of birds singing their normal songs. The air is warm and sticky. The sun is almost blinding and there are no clouds in the sky. In fact, it is a rather beautiful day. The type of day that I would usually waste away in the park, daydreaming of something incredible.

With my head pounding, the horrendous ringing, and still not the best vision I attempt to stand all the way up on my two feet. I struggle to keep my balance and almost fall. I end up taking two steps to my right, toward the edge of the woods. I’m struggling to take a breathe and my whole surrounding is spinning.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, there is a loud boom. Like an explosion. An explosion. Everything comes rushing back into my head. The smoke filling my lungs, choking me, the dogs loud bark as another explosion happens in the distance, my mom pushing me out the front door yelling at me to run. My mom! Is she okay?! The last look I took at her she was looking back into the house from the doorway and one of those things in all black was in front of her and it just wrapped itself around her and she was gone.

As if it was planned there was another loud boom followed by a crash. I’m starting to panic. Where do I go?! They are coming! I can hear them behind me. That dreadful moaning and the cold gust of wind in the middle of July. The hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up and I can feel goosebumps all over my body.

I panic, starting to run. My head still pounding and everything a little blurry now that I’m really moving, I stumble a lot as I try to escape whatever is coming after me. I just keep running and running as green leaves and trees pass me. I have the feeling that someone is following me so I turn my head to look behind me as I run. While looking back I didn’t notice the fallen tree beneath me and I fall over it, landing on a rock. As I hit the ground the breath is knocked out of me and I sit up trying to catch my breath and regain my sanity back.

But that doesn't happen. As I lift my head up, about to stand, the moaning grows even louder and the ringing, that never died, faded away for a split second. I see it. A creature in all black. Its face hidden from the world as it silently gets closer and closer. I rush to get on my feet and run.

I just keep running. I have to push off of trees and trip a few times. The ringing and moaning just keep getting louder and louder until it feels like my head is going to explode from the noise and pressure. But I still continue to run.

As I am running the creatures just keep appearing. They are on every side of me and as much as I want to, I can’t get away from them. Every turn they are there. Every time I take a chance and look behind me they are. What do they want?!?!?! I want so bad to scream but nothing comes out of my mouth. Not even a whisper.

No. It’s getting even louder. The ringing. It won’t stop. My head is pounding and my ears are sore. I can’t take much more of this. My heart is racing and I feel like I am about to fall apart from the inside out. I need to stop. But I can’t. I can’t let them catch me. I can’t. I can’t run anymore. I drop to my knees on the floor of the woods in so much pain I feel like I am going to faint. I cover my face with my hands and start to sob. The moaning is surrounding me but I can’t see the things. I don’t look up but I know they are right there. Less than a foot away from where I am kneeling.

I feel them there. I feel ones cold touch on my back and it sends a wave of cold, revolting pain though my whole body and the ground from under me drops and I begin falling. I am being swallowed by darkness. There is nothing around me as I fall deeper and deeper. Nothing to grab on to to stop myself. I close my eyes and except what is happening. I am just falling. Falling down a hole just like Alice in Alice in Wonderland.  

The feeling of falling stops and I open my eyes. I am sitting up against a wall in an empty white room. I can’t move my arms or legs. There is a man in a white robe and clipboard on the other side of the room. But behind him. Behind him is one of those faceless creatures. I can’t scream and I can’t move because I am strapped in a straight jacket like a crazy person should be. Am I crazy? No. No I’m not.

© 2013 BrittBoaz

My Review

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I like this story, really grabs you from the start. I like how you twisted the end and made the whole thing seem like a dream, if this was what you were aiming for :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 28, 2013
Last Updated on October 28, 2013



Milford, OH