Screw it All

Screw it All

A Poem by Hidden Nightmares

Screw it all, what's the point when no one care?

They just pretend they do to get what they want.

They just toy with you emotions to get what they want because they don't realize that you're much more fragile than you seem.

And then they'll leave you.

And they take a little piece of you with them.

But they won't stop until there's nothing left.

THen they'll realize what they've done to you.

But it'll already be to late.

Because you'll already be gone.

All that will be left will be a shell.

A barely visible shadow,

Of who you used to be.

© 2011 Hidden Nightmares

Author's Note

Hidden Nightmares
Please review...
And I couldn't come up with a title. So if you have any ideas please let me know.

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Everyone has a similar feeling in their lives! I can relate strongly and I'm sure everyone who has read this also can. I enjoyed it C:

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 3, 2011
Last Updated on December 3, 2011


Hidden Nightmares
Hidden Nightmares

I'm not the strongest writer, but I still love to. I mostly write poems and I usually write about things relating to my life or things that are important to me. Please read my poems and review if you.. more..
