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Center Stage

Center Stage

A Story by Brylee S. Hoffman

This is kind of the middle of a story I am thinking of writing.


                I was a freshman in high school.  I was also in the drama club, or Center Stage.  I guess it was part of the ritual to welcome you into the club, to make us feel more comfortable around each other.  But in my opinion it was stupid.  Nothing more than something the seniors had us do so they could laugh at us later and feel better about having fell for the same when they were puny freshmen.  They didn’t even give us preparation time.  The seniors just told us we were going to have a meeting after school and everyone had to go.  We didn’t even get to pick our own music.

                So when it was my turn I went up on stage, but I refused. I refused to make an idiot of myself. I refused to be up on that stage alone for one minute. I refused to dance. And I told them that.

                “I am not going to dance up here by myself!”

                “Yes, you are!” said Jena, the senior sworn to make my life a living hell.

                “Why don’t you guys get up off of your butts and dance?”

                “Why don’t you just dance?”

                She was really starting to irritate me.  I was not going to dance and that was that. “I am not going to dance for your own personal enjoyment and satisfaction that this stupid little trick worked on another freshman just like it worked on you!”

                “Wha- Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”

                Then I noticed him.  Everyone was silent; they were so intrigued by him wondering what he could possibly be doing.  He was walking down the aisle and towards the stairs to the stage.  In my opinion, he was the hottest, nicest and sweetest boy at school, he was my secret crush.  His name was Rob.  He was only a junior but he was ranked upon the seniors.  He walked up the stairs and stopped in front of me.

                “Dance with me,” he looked at me with those amazing brown eyes and that cute little smile and went weak in the knees.

                “Uh ok,” that was all I could manage.

He took a step closer, “Just follow my lead,” he grabbed my right hand with his left and placed his other hand on my waste.  That feeling, when he touched me I cannot describe.  All I can say is, I melted under it and it left me breathless.  I knew I was getting in way over my head.  I mean how can a junior and a hot one at that like me?  No mater, I played it cool.  At least I think I did.

The music began, it was a beautiful symphony, and he started dancing.  I followed his lead, just as he said.  I must admit I was a bit clumsy at first but once I got the feel of how he danced let’s just say I was on fire!  I was moving my waist, shaking my butt, and working my legs.  The only things that would have made it better was if I was wearing my heels instead of my beat up old converse wannabe’s and if I was wearing a skirt or dress, not my skinny jeans.  We floated across the stage.  We worked very well together for never having had an actual conversation.  We were practically strangers.  But none the less, we were unstoppable.  That had to mean something, right?  In just those couple of seconds I had completely forgotten about my irritation towards the seniors.  To me, no one was in that auditorium except for Rob and me.

I sensed that the song was coming to an end and snapped back into reality.  I knew this was almost over but I didn’t want it to be.  I wanted to stay on that stage with him forever.  I heard them coming, the last beats.  And I felt myself being lowered into a slow dip as the song was ending and he pulled me in close to his body to the point to where we were less than a centimeter apart.  He was looking down into my eyes and I was gazing up into his.  The song was over, people were clapping cheering even.  Some were giving us a standing ovation.  But we didn’t move.

His face inched closer to mine but it didn’t really register to me why.  But then I understood.  I understood perfectly well.  Our lips met.  And for a second I stopped breathing completely. His lips were so soft and perfect.  It was amazing. People in the background were wolf whistling and cheering.  I don’t want to sound corny but I guess the perfect way to describe it is like it’s described in the books and movies.  Fireworks went off in my head.  Bells were ringing. A hundred white doves were in flight.  However you want to describe it, it was amazing!

I didn’t know what to make of the kiss.  Was he acting, because he was a very good actor?  Does he even like me?  Was this part of a scam?  What?  So I decided on a plan and might I say a very good plan.  It would allow me to see if he liked me so after that split second it took me to come up with this plan, I slapped him.

“What the heck was that for?!” I interjected.

“I- I- I… uh… huh?” he stuttered.

“I said why did you kiss me?”

“W-well because I like you and I thought you liked me” Rob said a little confused.

“How do I know that you’re not acting right now and that this isn’t part of the whole thing to humiliate me even more?”

“Tell me, is this acting?” then out of nowhere he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss even more amazing and passion- filled than the first.  There was more wolf whistling and this time I heard someone yell “Get a room, jeeze!”  It took everything I had to not lose my head and get crazy.

I pushed him away from me, “We need to talk, in private,” and I walked away and headed for the bathroom behind the stage.  He turned to follow me.

“Don’t you dare take one more step!” Jena threatened.

“Watch me”



I hurried into the girls’ bathroom.  I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand.  I ran over to the counter and plopped my butt on it.  I just sat there trying to stay calm and playing with my fingers.  I had

 decided that I would wait for him for two minutes.  Just two.  I began to doubt that he would come.  I felt so stupid for even thinking he would.  Then I heard a knock on the door and it squeaked open a bit.  My heart skipped.

                “Am, are you in here?”

                “Ya, you can come in” I tried not to sound too excited that he came.

                I heard the door open the rest of the way open and his footsteps echo throughout the room as he made his way towards me.  Then I saw his feet and his hands reach out and take my hands.  I felt so dizzy just from him holding my hands.  This was the whole reason I had decided to keep my head down.  I didn’t want him clouding my judgment.  To me disdain he let goes of my right hand.  My disdain didn’t last for long however because I felt the tingling in a new spot, on my chin.  My head was beginning to tilt up slowly, I wasn’t doing it but I didn’t do anything to stop it.  I couldn’t breathe.  He was so hansom, beautiful, everything!

                “Am, what’s wrong?”

                “I- I- I just don’t know what to think,” my eyes burned with unshed tears.

                “About what?” he asked

                “Well everything!  You, me I mean what was that out there?  I don’t know I’m just so confused.”

                “Am, I can’t tell you what to think.  We shared an amazing dance and the best two kisses of my life.  I thought you enjoyed it and I thought you liked me but I could be wrong because that slap kind of threw my off.  What I can tell you though is I really like you, Am, a lot.”

                “It’s just that how do I know that this isn’t all a game and after you leave you’re going to go running to Jena to tell her all about it and laugh?  Huh? How do I know?”  I looked down; his hand was still caressing my cheek.

                “Uh!  Why do you have to make this so difficult?!  Am, look into my eyes.  You have to trust me.  You have to believe me.  This isn’t an act or a game!  Why is that so hard to believe?”

                “I want to believe you!  Trust me, I do!  But I don’t know!  You are an amazing ac-“

                Then he kissed me and I let my guard down a bit this time.  I let myself get a little lost in the kiss.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair.  I slid off of the counter so we would be closer to the same height.  I cornered him into the wall.  I could not get enough of him, but I didn’t want to get carried away and go too far so I stopped.

                I stood there with my arms around him and looked up into his eyes, “Ok, I believe you now,” I giggled.

                He gave me his breath taking smile.  He hugged me and we just stood there for a while holding each other.  Not wanting to let go.

© 2009 Brylee S. Hoffman

Author's Note

Brylee S. Hoffman
please don't be shy. give me your honest opinion and review...everything helps.

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Sorry I din't include spellings last time, but I think that was talking about the lack of commas or something, cos I've just read over it, and I can't spot any typos or anything! Blonde moment alert! = ]

Posted 14 Years Ago

Hmm...well,(1) the spelling really brings it down, so I'd advise you do a thorough spell-check immediately.
Then, well, it's a good story. I read it to the end, and I din't lose interest. But for one thing. (2)The first paragraph is very hard to understand. Did you write it in a hurry? Whatever-it needds to be explained out, urgently.
Also, (3) describe the setting with more enthusiasm. Go wild with descriptions of the old school hall, the day that it happened, the people there. Who went on before you? Who were the other seniors and what did they look like? Were you at all nervous? Describe your ascension onto the stage. Was the hall quiet? Was your heart pounding or were you calm?
(4) Also, the romance is a little unrealistic. I know it's only a story, but say you skip back a little and add in details from a few days before where they have a conversation, or bump into one another, or share a coffee, an opinion or even a maths class. Love is never a one second thing. You say he's popular, kind and cute, but what about his personality-what about yours? The audience to your story would be more intrigued if we felt we knew your characters.

Good luck with editting-I hope you take my advice- and well done on an excellent first draft. Great work!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 7, 2009


Brylee S. Hoffman
Brylee S. Hoffman

Santa Maria

I love to write!!! but i never let anyone read my stories. :) I tend to write more of the teenage romance stories. Please read and review them! I can use all the help i can get! Thank you and enjoy!.. more..
