Is This Why They Hate Blacks?

Is This Why They Hate Blacks?

A Story by CEOCaples

To correct the division in America maybe we should examine the root of the problem…. Racism- This perspective comes from what's more visible in the "Deep South" (Mississippi)


To correct the division in America maybe we should examine the root of the problem…. Racism.

Even now, when talking about slavery or racial injustices, many whites will either avoid the conversation or leave the room. For those who face the music, they go out of their way to point out that Africans owned slaves themselves (forgetting that it was a totally different form of American slavery). Though this is true, the slaves of Africa were not actually slaves but more like indentured servants. After the conclusion of their debt they could marry into the family, raise their own children and even own slaves themselves. Furthermore, after the term of servitude was complete… they were adopted into the family. If that argument falls short, Whites go out their way to mention that they fought in a war (American Civil War-1861"1865) that helped to end slavery. But upon questioning them about the basis of the war, they contradict their statement by saying that the Civil War wasn’t fought over slavery. If that justification falls short, they take a more subtle approach by saying that slavery was a long time ago and blacks should just get over it. There could be a multitude excuses used, but none are conducive in helping remedy the effects that slavery had on blacks. The stains of mental slavery still remains today; and although slaves eventually went free, they only stood a brief moment in the sun, and then they were moved back towards slavery once again. As the physical existence of slavery died out, racism lived on. Racism was even magnified by the impact of the Jim Crow Laws and the physiological ideas of Social Darwinism that separated whites from others. Many white people have persisted in their belief that they were superior to nonwhites and especially blacks throughout American history. Pseudoscientific evidence and academic scholarships have bolstered this conviction as whites use education and political clout to control a nation of people. Through White eyes, Black people were invariably ranked at the bottom in society and viewed as the most inferior. Furthermore, Blacks were viewed as capable, so the reasoning went, of no more than a subordinate role in a complex and advanced society, and if their position was already determined, why should society devote substantial resources to their education or for them as a whole?

Usually this is the result of their greatest motivator….fear. It is the fear of seeing black people equal to them in society; for they were a people who were supposed to be conditioned to be slaves all their lives. It’s the fear of massive black unity, for they know that their unity would lead to massive black power. It’s the fear that comes with losing their so called “greatness” which came from enslaving others and preventing them from competing on an even playing field. A playing field that preserves white privileges, to include: positive relationships with the police, learning all about their race in school, and the privilege of having media bias that comes with escaping violent stereotypes associated with their race, therefore Ignoring White on White crime in favor of highlighting a false narrative that criminalizes Black people. This historical practice is still prevalent today even though slavery is abolished. There is also the increasing fear that today’s generation is becoming more aware of how blacks were treated which is causing them to become more awakened, which now is leading to more and more civil disobedience. In-addition-to, a fear that blacks may demand reparations, which comes with the fear of uplifting black economics which in turn could lead to more black owned businesses; for black businesses take away white power. Moreover, the hidden layer of fear that actually repairing the problems would lead to blacks having access to better resources that would, in turn, speed up their process of getting on equal grounds with whites. This, of course would lead to blacks being more competitive on all levels. If fear is the wrong word, one thing that is constant; whites do not go out of their way to include blacks for job opportunities, media representation, good housing, fair policing, nor the basic living conditions that people expect America to stand for. And although this doesn’t include all Whites, but more so White Supremacy, we should remember the golden rule, because the rhetoric and sometimes hatred that White people hate to witness, is the hatred that they produced themselves.

Thanks for reading,
Historian Derrick (CEO) Caples

© 2016 CEOCaples

Author's Note

I'm from Mississippi, so this writing is fitting for my area but not exclusively to the South

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This article will not make sense to someone who is not of color and talked to a white person about racism and slavery. Just because hatred is not displayed in shouting racial slurs or lynching someone does not mean racism and hatred does not exist. The subtle ways white people try to brush racism/slavery under the rug IS racist. Every time I talk to white person about black issues, I get someone telling me how whites have it worse and immediately try to one up me racially about who has it worse when that's not the correct response. Why not just nod your head and accept what we say instead of trying to justify it? I find white people often try to either one up or talk about how their experience is superior to a black man's/woman's experience. White people want to also say that they feel guilty and hate their white privilege. I say no, embrace it and use it to help minorities climb out of the ghettos dug for them by the government. For people who do not know racism is found in the white washing of education, media, and information. It's prevalent in the fact the KKK still exists. I don't understand how people can use their experience to not see that. People don't understand that less than 50 years ago, blacks were graduating college but not getting jobs because of their skin color. Just recently, Trayvon Martin was questionably shot and a woman was unjustly killed by police. Just recently, there was a racist school policy passed and revoked.

"Through White eyes, Black people were invariably ranked at the bottom in society and viewed as the most inferior. " Ehh, I think Native Americans are a bit equal with blacks.

"It’s the fear of massive black unity, for they know that their unity would lead to massive black power..." I think this would do to have some historical facts. Every time black people unified and tried to establish black power, it was dismantled by the government and white supremacists.

Systemic racism is hard to prove because of the institutions that give false information. I would have liked to see how other minorities compare with blacks and relationships between minorities. White supremacy encompasses dominance over all cultures nonwhite.

I felt like this should have ended with an appeal to white people to not hate their privilege and feel discriminated against because of their color. White people should understand that when a black person' talks about their issues as a race to understand and not brush it away. If a friend came to you and every time you talked to them or vent to them, they one uped you, wouldn't you shut them out also?

I think this article could use more historical facts and people should read the New Jim Crow. It does a really good job at explaining the systemic racism you are talking about.

Anyways, thought provoking write again.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted 7 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

What reparations did Native Americans receive?

7 Years Ago

Three forms- cash payments through the operation of the Indian Claims Commission and U.S. Courts of .. read more

7 Years Ago

yet the reservations are stricken with poverty and alcoholism?


This is a great work you wrote. I agree with everything you have said. You should post this to a wider audience.

Posted 7 Years Ago

T.S. Sky

7 Years Ago

It won't let me add you as a friend but I'm following you on facebook now.
T.S. Sky

7 Years Ago

You don't have a add friend button on your page. Thank you for letting me share.

7 Years Ago

No problem, I'm truly appreciative
I completely understand the ideas you are attempting to get across and their very important, especially in light of the last couple of years. I'm white, but I'm not racist at all. I despise Neo-Nazi's, White Nationalists and Supremacists. But I agree that most white people are not particularly comfortable talking frankly about racism, likely because many hate that racism has been such a problem in our history as The United States of America. It's screwed up, but every country has racism in it. I believe Racism will forever be a part of our lives, no matter what happens. Humanity has always been xenophobic about different peoples.

You make some great points concerning race and race relations in U.S. history though.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thanks, I appreciate your honesty...
I always enjoy reading your works. I've made it pretty obvious that I think racism is bull s**t, that skin color doesn't matter and everyone deserves to be treated equal. Everyone deserves respect and love. What happened to the African slaves was horrible and unforgivable. If that happened to my people I would sure as hell still be pissed too. Keep up the good work. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you, will do
This article will not make sense to someone who is not of color and talked to a white person about racism and slavery. Just because hatred is not displayed in shouting racial slurs or lynching someone does not mean racism and hatred does not exist. The subtle ways white people try to brush racism/slavery under the rug IS racist. Every time I talk to white person about black issues, I get someone telling me how whites have it worse and immediately try to one up me racially about who has it worse when that's not the correct response. Why not just nod your head and accept what we say instead of trying to justify it? I find white people often try to either one up or talk about how their experience is superior to a black man's/woman's experience. White people want to also say that they feel guilty and hate their white privilege. I say no, embrace it and use it to help minorities climb out of the ghettos dug for them by the government. For people who do not know racism is found in the white washing of education, media, and information. It's prevalent in the fact the KKK still exists. I don't understand how people can use their experience to not see that. People don't understand that less than 50 years ago, blacks were graduating college but not getting jobs because of their skin color. Just recently, Trayvon Martin was questionably shot and a woman was unjustly killed by police. Just recently, there was a racist school policy passed and revoked.

"Through White eyes, Black people were invariably ranked at the bottom in society and viewed as the most inferior. " Ehh, I think Native Americans are a bit equal with blacks.

"It’s the fear of massive black unity, for they know that their unity would lead to massive black power..." I think this would do to have some historical facts. Every time black people unified and tried to establish black power, it was dismantled by the government and white supremacists.

Systemic racism is hard to prove because of the institutions that give false information. I would have liked to see how other minorities compare with blacks and relationships between minorities. White supremacy encompasses dominance over all cultures nonwhite.

I felt like this should have ended with an appeal to white people to not hate their privilege and feel discriminated against because of their color. White people should understand that when a black person' talks about their issues as a race to understand and not brush it away. If a friend came to you and every time you talked to them or vent to them, they one uped you, wouldn't you shut them out also?

I think this article could use more historical facts and people should read the New Jim Crow. It does a really good job at explaining the systemic racism you are talking about.

Anyways, thought provoking write again.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted 7 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

What reparations did Native Americans receive?

7 Years Ago

Three forms- cash payments through the operation of the Indian Claims Commission and U.S. Courts of .. read more

7 Years Ago

yet the reservations are stricken with poverty and alcoholism?
Perhaps some adopt their parents attitude, others may of had bad personal encounters. Me, I was taught that all colors are equal in God's eyes. Being of half Jewish heritage my family saw some of this after the Second World War. In working with blacks for years etc. I have never seem the hatred you are writing about. Sorry. Valentine

Posted 7 Years Ago

2 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on December 24, 2016
Last Updated on December 27, 2016
Tags: blacklivesmatter, racism, African-Americans, history, America



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