

A Poem by Wonderful Letdown

A girl contemplating her life's situation

Propped up in bed
staring out the window.
Wishing for things to change.
Too tired to do anything.
Nothing but music to keep her company.

Trapped inside her head,
cursing her fragile body.
Praying for a cure
to the illness robbing her of her life,
of all the dreams she has.
The only escape from this bleak reality
are the stories she conjures
to pass the time.

Shaking due to cold
she snuggles under the covers.
A wisp of longing passes through her.
What she wouldn't give
to know what it's like to be healthy,
for just a single day.
A day with no pain,
a day she could run and play

So much time has been stolen from her
because of her weak body.
So many things she can't do
or ever experience.
Even so,
a smile adorns her lips.

Though her body is weak and fragile,
her spirit is a roaring inferno.
Something that won't be easily snuffed out
especially by something like this.
Her stubbornness is legendary,
she won't let it bind her
or control her.
She will find a way around it,
this she knows.

But until she figures it out,
she will continue resting
and dreaming.
Quietly biding her time
'til she can kick her illness to the curb.

© 2012 Wonderful Letdown

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This almost brought me to tears. I have a serious medical condition and didn't think for the life of me that I'd click on a poem about a girl feeling exactly how I do. Thank you very much for posting this. It's beautiful and empowering

Posted 11 Years Ago

Wonderful Letdown

11 Years Ago

Thank-you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it, honestly I felt like I didn't do a good job on writing .. read more

11 Years Ago

Thanks and I'm rooting for you too. P.S the way I phrased it may have sounded like mine is life thre.. read more
Wonderful Letdown

11 Years Ago

That's hard, I have a chronic pain condition but it has many other symptoms than just pain. There's .. read more

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1 Review
Added on December 12, 2012
Last Updated on December 12, 2012
Tags: Sickness, Inspirational


Wonderful Letdown
Wonderful Letdown


Yo, I love writing though I suck at grammar/punctuation. It's the only way I can express myself. Don't expect weekly updates. I'm a really irregular kind of writer. Though I hope to improve (as a .. more..
