The Last Rain

The Last Rain

A Story by Callisto

An excerpt from a larger story I'm working on, example of love gone wrong


The moment slipped like wind through his fingers.


"Please forgive me" he whined softly through the blood dripping muzzle. Thomas lay at his feet, dislocated jaws clinging to his face by a string of flesh. Brilliant patches of red splattered his coat screaming his guilt like sirens. Her fleeing footfalls faded as he fell to the floor, ears flat and splayed out as his muzzle hid between his paws, mournful howl echoing off the mocking walls. Sorrowful eyes looked up through blood stained fur, seeing she had gone though her scent still hang in the air, its warm fingers teasing his nose. He took a drunken stumble out of the chamber, leaving a crimson streaked paw print on the wall as he balanced himself.


"Callisto? What th-" The guard managed a surprised gasp before his face was crudely eviscerated. He fell slumped forward, Callisto supporting his weight for the moment before allowing him to fall to the floor.


"Anna?!" Callisto cried out above the steady hum of fluorescent lighting as he followed her scent.


Outside, the rain was heavy, cold, trails of vermillion water dripping down his guilty claws. "Anna!?" he cried again, answered only by cocking rifles and spotlights flooding his vision. The compound speakers sighed an order to fire, bullets digging into his fleshy shoulder and legs; he lurched snarling at the pain, though no rifle was deterred by the threat display, pelting him mercilessly until he hit the ground. Chunks of asphalt danced about him like flies ready to claim the kill.


Then it stopped, he whimpered pitifully, claws digging against the ground, beholding his own reflection in the collecting water, watching his own eyes going dim as it became harder to breathe, the shadows gathering around him ready to take him away from the rain.


"Anna" he whimpered softly, his voice barely speaking above the rain.


The puddle quaked as someone approached him, muscles growing stiff as he shut his eyes, he wouldn’t giving his executioner the pleasure of seeing him fade. It had her scent and a stroke across his head, the familiar warmth speaking so clearly through the wet matted fur.




The warmth faded, lifeless metal pressing between his ears.

© 2009 Callisto

My Review

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this was excellent, extremely vivid descriptions, you could put yourself in the story as you read it, its just very, very good.

Posted 8 Years Ago

i really like this - you say it's a bigger story? will you be putting it up on here to read?

Posted 11 Years Ago

That is quite sad, with great discriptive language that paints a very sad picture indeed, setting the mood nicley.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dam it I can't stop crying, thank you I enjoyed this. I love this story, I think you should put it in a conest or two it would win for sure. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is so sad. I love this and i this you should definitely write more of this.

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is so beautiful. You should write more of it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Awww that is so sad. Again, I love love love your descriptions, your voice, your tone, just everything! Your imagery is incredible and you are talented, my friend. Talent at its best.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on December 22, 2009
Last Updated on December 22, 2009
Tags: wolf, rain, callisto, love, gone, wrong, woof




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