

A Poem by Captivating Ink

Sometimes the real bravery is being able to stop on your own call.




No one notices the girl with the broken smile

The one who is simply tired of living in a world so vile

She valiantly fought for what she believed in

Ignoring the uproars of the thunderous din.

But we all have that moment when we just break

And well, when help arrived, it was just too late.

Good bye, my sweet, we wish you had stayed

They whisper to the girl who really was so brave.

© 2012 Captivating Ink

Author's Note

Captivating Ink
For the 9 lives we lost last night due to incompetent person.

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'She valiantly fought for what she believed in
Ignoring the uproars of the thunderous din.'

Despite our strongest truth, lies can overpower us. Lots of brave souls have been lost because of the noise that stalks beauty. It jealousy and rage are so hard to keep away. Those with the spark must share and spread that truth like a forest fire, then the glow shall protect those with truth, honesty and humanity in their souls. Thank you for sharing this piece, I greatly enjoyed reading your words

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


'She valiantly fought for what she believed in
Ignoring the uproars of the thunderous din.'

Despite our strongest truth, lies can overpower us. Lots of brave souls have been lost because of the noise that stalks beauty. It jealousy and rage are so hard to keep away. Those with the spark must share and spread that truth like a forest fire, then the glow shall protect those with truth, honesty and humanity in their souls. Thank you for sharing this piece, I greatly enjoyed reading your words

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Captivating Ink

11 Years Ago

Truly amazing!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Captivating Ink

11 Years Ago

Thanks! :)
Nice rhyme scheme, doesn't sound forced :)

Keep it up!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Just know you're not alone, It truely a really not needed comment. I hope that those people realize it, take it back. Now they are in a better place, or so we'd all like to hope. R.I.P i feel as though the people they were acting to be, go against them, why? it will cause LESS suicides. it will bring happiness to the know what actually i hope they are living now on the stars. after all it is much beautiful up there.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Captivating Ink

11 Years Ago

Thank You

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6 Reviews
Added on September 18, 2012
Last Updated on September 18, 2012
Tags: death, suicide, listen, watch, remember, bravery


Captivating Ink
Captivating Ink


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