The Gloaming

The Gloaming

A Poem by Carson Kramer

In the moments of the gloaming,
Light slithers upon shards of broken glass
Dances on warm waters
And calls to darkness in tones of relief.
In the dying moments
Light leaves hues meant only for this time
Beiges and taupes
Ochres and filligrees
In fading warmth
cicadas drone and dragonflies dart
the dance before slumber.
Dulcet tones of crickets and bullfrogs.
Hares and squirrels forage for the day's
last nibbles.
A gentle breeze washes over
emerald lawns punctuated by dandelions
and bracken fern
Chickadees and wrens warble lilting
etudes to the impending night.
The gloaming is time for restful remembrance
and soothing nostalgia.

© 2018 Carson Kramer

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I have always loved your title word & what it stands for. You've captured it exactly as I always imagine it, except with even more details & dynamic characters as part of your lively scene. I love that you pick unusual colors & creatures to feature in your menagerie, with plenty of dynamic verbs. So much of this wild activity is missed by those who live in noisy populated places. I love the quiet & stillness of my surrounding wilderness becuz it reveals just how active these peaceful scenes really are, on the micro level, as you show so vividly (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 5 Years Ago

Thanks for taking us roaming in the gloaming, Carson! Very pretty pictures, and peaceful feelings, in this piece.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Carson Kramer

5 Years Ago

Thank you, so much!
It's such a lovely time of day, which you've reflected in tones of absolute wonder. I wrote a poem myself about it years back, for I was so taken by the word, "gloaming", itself. I love how you encompassed so much to define its magic!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Carson Kramer

5 Years Ago

How very kind of you, Kelly. I appreciate it.

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3 Reviews
Added on October 26, 2018
Last Updated on October 26, 2018


Carson Kramer
Carson Kramer

St. Louis, MO

You have come to the Nom de Plume, of the writer known as, Nipplegrinder. It was suggested that I would receive a more welcoming response, if I hadn't such a repulsive screen name. (Thank you, Lyn.) .. more..


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